What's Worse? Christians, Help Me Please!

Adstar said:
G'Day PsychoticEpisode :)


"1. A non-baptized baby or a baptized baby? (Babies less than 1 year old)"

No difference. Both babies have eternity with Jesus. They have not come to the knowledge of Good and evil yet. baptizing babies comes from the traditions of men true baptism comes when a person makes their own decision to accept Jesus as Messiah. I was baptized when i was a baby. i count it as worthless...

You heard the man! The greatest good deed we can do is to kill babies, to save them from hell for SURE! Nevermind inneficiently trying to convert people, might lose some souls like that. The trick is to send them to god's kingdom before they get in trouble!

I am eternally thankful for your guidance, Adstar. I now know what I have to do with my life.

Off to save some babies! Thank you Adstar, you can be proud in the kowledge that all the good I do from now on is based on your enlightening words. Thank You.
PsychoticEpisode said:
Being an atheist I wish to understand my religious friends even more. Half of them want to save my soul and the other half think there's no hope for a hell-bound heathen. ...
Any ideas on who's going where or what's going to happen to them when they die? Can the ultimate judgement be changed if one asks for God's forgiveness?

We are all born perfect spiritual beings, and then family, society and religions not only beats all the spirituality out of us but turns it into a disease, so we can live in the material cesspool which makes us bellyache with all your worries.
So Throw everything important you have ever learned out the window and you will not have to worry about all this BS stuff about god and his religions because you will be just as Awake as was Jesus or Buddha.
-- it works
Being an atheist I wish to understand my religious friends even more. Half of them want to save my soul and the other half think there's no hope for a hell-bound heathen. Since The Big Guy up in Heaven sees fit to put my deeds under the microscope and pass judgement on me, I thought I would rustle up a sampling of different life accomplishments. With the help of my friends I'm hoping I'll gain a greater insight into how God makes judgements for lives lived. I'll give examples of behavior and if its possible I would like to get some sense on how God would handle it or of there are certain guaranteed punishments for certain sins. So what's worse in God's or the religion's eyes .......... Remember all these people have died

1. A non-baptized baby or a baptized baby? (Babies less than 1 year old)
2. An law abiding atheist or a church going wife beater?
3. A pedophile priest or a Satanist?
4. Incestual Sunday School teacher or gay parishioner?

Any ideas on who's going where or what's going to happen to them when they die? Can the ultimate judgement be changed if one asks for God's forgiveness?

1. You don't have to be baptized. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. I'm assuming if those not like children go to hell, then children go to heaven. Also, when Jesus says "be like the children" He does not mean act childish. Jesus means that you should love always, even though it may be hard.

2. Just because he goes to church doesn't mean he is a Christian. He may call himself one though. I'd probably take the atheist

3. Nether should be allowed
4. Again, Nether should be allowed
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1. Better: Baptized baby. Worse: Non-baptized baby.
2. Better: A law abiding athiest. Worse: A church-going wife beater.
3. Better: A Satanist. Worse: A pedophilic priest.
4. Better: Gay parishioner. Worse: Incestual sunday school teacher.

This would be a Catholic perspective.


1. Baptized infant would be promised heaven, non-baptized baby is guaranteed at least (but possibly more) limbo.

2. The law abiding athiest is honest, the church-going wife beater is dishonest and hypocritical.

3. Though both of these are terrible, the priest has much more responsibility placed on his shoulders. One of the most reproachable sins is the scandalization of children. How much worse is the violation. As terrible as pedophilia is in itself, it is made tenfold worse by being done by a priest, since he is placed in a position of authority and trust over children.

4. Being homosexual doesn't mean anything unless active in that. Being incestual necessarily means activity. Furthermore, being a sunday school teacher, the incestual person is living contrarily to what he/she teaches.

So how is having a satanist as your priest best at a Christian or Catholic church?
You do realize this thread is nearly 3 years old, right?

I only mention it to point out that many of the participants you might chose to respond to will likely never read it having long ago departed Sciforums.
im not sure if im athiest or christian no more kinda like not even interested really in religeon no more cause so many arguments and its like cat and mouse game
to see whos better or best at this and best at that
its so boring now