What's Worse? Christians, Help Me Please!

Marlin said:
Jenyar, I'm tired of arguing the same things over and over again with you. It suffices me to say that Joseph Smith restored the true gospel of Jesus Christ to the earth, which had been taken from the earth due to widespread apostasy in the early church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true.

If Joseph Smith restored anything, that which has been restored would have been mentioned in earlier scriptures. He did not restore, he added and this is what Jenyar has bee trying to tell you.
LightEagle said:
If Joseph Smith restored anything, that which has been restored would have been mentioned in earlier scriptures. He did not restore, he added and this is what Jenyar has bee trying to tell you.

He restored the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood, the power and authority to act in God's name on earth. Those had been lost sometime after the deaths of the apostles and after the Great Apostasy took place.
Mystech said:
Then why is the prison population (at least in the US) so overwhelmingly religious? I don't have links on hand, but I'm sure someone else 'round here does - but studies have been done which show that atheists account for a much lower percentage of prison populations than they do in the general population.

Maybe atheists just don’t get caught?

Did i say there was a law abiding Christian? When i talk of the law i am talking of Gods laws ok. No one succeeds in living their lives without breaking Gods Laws.

It is a common experience that when people enter prison many of them Get Religion. When ones liberty is taken away then often they will seek solace in religion. Same thing happens a lot in war. Many atheists when they experience bullets flying around their heads start to think religion that’s why they get religious during war time.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Marlin said:
He restored the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood, the power and authority to act in God's name on earth. Those had been lost sometime after the deaths of the apostles and after the Great Apostasy took place.
If these are the same two priesthoods that date from before Christ, what was the change in the priesthood spoken of in Hebrews 7:12? What is different between the Jewish priesthoods before Christ and after Christ?
Jenyar, here is a website on the Priesthood. I don't feel like you are genuinely interested in learning about Mormonism, but only in trying to prove it wrong, so I'm not going to spend the time researching this issue. If you're truly interested, I'm sure you will find what you are looking for at this website:

Priesthood Organization

and more specifically,

The Priesthood
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"Mormonism" is not either right or wrong, since it contains much of what ordinary Christians can easily recognize as truth. Where it agrees with scripture and the gospel that has been taught since Christ, it is obviously true.

That is not the problem. The problem is the added material that has supposedly been restored but cannot be found anywhere else. Burdens that Mormons wish to place on people to convict them of more sin and disobedience than Jesus could atone for, as if that were even possible (Gal. 3). (If placing ourselves under Mormon authority isn't compulsory, it can't be called God's law, and disobeying it can't be sin; and if it is a sin, then all who belong to the Church of the Lamb have been cleansed of it by His blood, and are free and able to lead a holy life before God (2 Tim. 1:9) without the mediation of any other priest but Christ (Heb. 7:26)).

The websites you give contain information that is readily available in the Bible, although its emphasis could have been derived specifically from the dissertation James Gray published, On the Coincidence Between the Priesthoods of Jesus Christ & Melchisedec, in 1810. The only difference seems to be that the LDS church proclaims their own authority (albeit in the name of God), not the authority of God (see the last two paragraphs on Page 2).

Keep in mind that the keys were, supposedly, delivered by the apostles - not by Jesus himself. Mormons are putting their faith in the same apostles who are said to have failed Jesus with their appointments. Not to mention that these apostles could have restored any lost authority at any moment before 1820.

So my interest is in how "authority" can be said to have been lost, if none of the information pertaining to it had been lost. Because if it had to do solely with the character of people (rather than the information they carried, which we call the "gospel"), it's impossible to see why Joseph Smith et al should be thought to have had greater fortitude and resilience than the apostles chosen by Jesus himself (and the subsequent recipients of the apostles' trust). And Jesus knew when not to entrust himself to people (John 2:24).

Relevant scriptures:
Acts 14:23
Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust.

1 Peter 2:6
For in Scripture it says: "See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame."​
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Jenyar said:
"Mormonism" is not either right or wrong, since it contains much of what ordinary Christians can easily recognize as truth. Where it agrees with scripture and the gospel that has been taught since Christ, it is obviously true.

Mormonism = Truth. Truth = Mormonism.

That is not the problem. The problem is the added material that has supposedly been restored but cannot be found anywhere else.

Um, perhaps that's why they had to be restored... :rolleyes:

Burdens that Mormons wish to place on people to convict them of more sin and disobedience than Jesus could atone for, as if that were even possible (Gal. 3).

What "burdens" do Mormons want to place on others? Be more specific.

The Bible does mention sins that are beyond the pale of the Atonement, such as the unforgivable sin against the Holy Spirit.

(If placing ourselves under Mormon authority isn't compulsory, it can't be called God's law, and disobeying it can't be sin; and if it is a sin, then all who belong to the Church of the Lamb have been cleansed of it by His blood, and are free and able to lead a holy life before God (2 Tim. 1:9) without the mediation of any other priest but Christ (Heb. 7:26)).

Eventually, as the issues become clearer, people will have to decide whether they will accept a higher Celestial Law and get baptized, endowed and married for eternity, if they wish to be exalted and permanent members of the Church of the Firstborn. Until people fully understand all the issues, they are not condemned for being in a state of ignorance of the Celestial law.

The websites you give contain information that is readily available in the Bible, although its emphasis could have been derived specifically from the dissertation James Gray published, On the Coincidence Between the Priesthoods of Jesus Christ & Melchisedec, in 1810. The only difference seems to be that the LDS church proclaims their own authority (albeit in the name of God), not the authority of God (see the last two paragraphs on Page 2).

Thanks for the interesting web site. The LDS Church most certainly does proclaim God's authority, as God is the one who restored it.

Keep in mind that the keys were, supposedly, delivered by the apostles - not by Jesus himself. Mormons are putting their faith in the same apostles who are said to have failed Jesus with their appointments.

They did not "fail Jesus." The Lord simply didn't permit them to pass on their Priesthood authority to the Church, in which widespread apostasy was rampant. God took the priesthood keys away from the apostatizing Church due to unworthiness of its members.

Not to mention that these apostles could have restored any lost authority at any moment before 1820.

I believe that the truth couldn't have been restored to mankind any sooner than it was. Before the Reformers, the Catholic Church exercised so much political power that it forbade any new religions to arise. Once this great land of America declared religious liberty for all, the time was ripe for the centuries of darkness to be enlightened once again. Joseph Smith was the Lord's chosen servant for this task.

So my interest is in how "authority" can be said to have been lost, if none of the information pertaining to it had been lost. Because if it had to do solely with the character of people (rather than the information they carried, which we call the "gospel"), it's impossible to see why Joseph Smith et al should be thought to have had greater fortitude and resilience than the apostles chosen by Jesus himself (and the subsequent recipients of the apostles' trust). And Jesus knew when not to entrust himself to people (John 2:24).

The Lord is the one you must ask this question to. He took the Priesthood keys from the earth, I would assume due to wickedness, apostasy and unworthiness among all the early saints. It didn't happen all at once, but by the time the apostles were martyred, the Apostasy was well underway. God allows people to have their free agency, and they chose to reject the truth.

Why don't you just ask God to reveal to you whether the LDS Church is true or not? You seem to be saying that you agree with much Mormon doctrine; why not find out for yourself through personal revelation? The Priesthood issue seems to be a stumbling block for you, but if you ask the Lord to tell you, He will open the door and come and sup with you. He stands at the door, knocking patiently. Will you let Him in?
Marlin : Are people who have accepted Christ but rejected Joseph Smith saved or not?


c20H25N3o said:
Marlin : Are people who have accepted Christ but rejected Joseph Smith saved or not?



That depends on what you mean by "saved." If they accept and follow Christ, enduring in faithfulness to the end, they will be saved in one of the three kingdoms of God. Joseph Smith is not the person whom we look to for salvation, but the ordinances and commandments of the gospel he restored are necessary if you want to make it to the highest (Celestial) Kingdom of God.

Everyone is judged according to their own works.
Marlin said:
That depends on what you mean by "saved." If they accept and follow Christ, enduring in faithfulness to the end, they will be saved in one of the three kingdoms of God. Joseph Smith is not the person whom we look to for salvation, but the ordinances and commandments of the gospel he restored are necessary if you want to make it to the highest (Celestial) Kingdom of God.

Everyone is judged according to their own works.

Why would God want to rule three Kingdoms? Are we to cut the body of Christ into three parts, one part for each Kingdom? Please explain.


Doesn't that kind of contradict Jesus though? Jesus said that if you believed in Him you would not perish. That text seems to state that only those who have rejected the Holy Spirit after receiving it will be cut off from glory. Again there is the parable about the guy who was in hell and wanted to let his brothers know that they must believe so they didnt share the same fate as he. In that parable the guy wasn't given the chance to warn his brothers because they had their entire lives to seek the truth which would have been revelaed to them if only they had sought it.
LDS scripture leaves me very very confused about the message of Jesus and therefore I naturally reject it. Am I in trouble with God for rejecting it?


c20H25N3o said:
Doesn't that kind of contradict Jesus though? Jesus said that if you believed in Him you would not perish. That text seems to state that only those who have rejected the Holy Spirit after receiving it will be cut off from glory. Again there is the parable about the guy who was in hell and wanted to let his brothers know that they must believe so they didnt share the same fate as he. In that parable the guy wasn't given the chance to warn his brothers because they had their entire lives to seek the truth which would have been revelaed to them if only they had sought it.

Yes, that's correct--his brothers will have to accept a lesser glory because they lived a lesser law while in mortality. They will have to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ to gain entrance into any of the three kingdoms, and repent of their sins as well. If not, they remain in hell.

LDS scripture leaves me very very confused about the message of Jesus and therefore I naturally reject it. Am I in trouble with God for rejecting it?



You should be careful not to call darkness light, and light darkness. Also, don't call good evil and evil good. Rejecting the truth has grave consequences, so don't be quick to reject any doctrine until you have fully thought and prayed about it.
Marlin said:
Yes, that's correct--his brothers will have to accept a lesser glory because they lived a lesser law while in mortality. They will have to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ to gain entrance into any of the three kingdoms, and repent of their sins as well. If not, they remain in hell.

Why did Jesus never mention this (three kingdoms) in conventional scripture? It seems like a pretty fundamental piece of knowledge to dissapear out of however many books appear in conventional scripture don't you think?

You should be careful not to call darkness light, and light darkness. Also, don't call good evil and evil good. Rejecting the truth has grave consequences, so don't be quick to reject any doctrine until you have fully thought and prayed about it.

Oooh yes. You are right of course. But if the Joseph Smith stuff is hocus pocus then havn't you just called something good which is in fact deceptive? I am more inclined to believe the Joseph Smith stuff is wrong because the messages in it do not concur with the books of the bible nor Jesus' own words. I am safer with the Holy Spirit anyway. The Spirit tells me that God inspired scripture will lead me to the Son of God and that that is the most important thing that I need to be restored. The Spirit tells me not to concern myself further but rather trust as a child that everything that needed to be done has been done.


c20H25N3o said:
Why did Jesus never mention this (three kingdoms) in conventional scripture? It seems like a pretty fundamental piece of knowledge to dissapear out of however many books appear in conventional scripture don't you think?

The Book of Mormon tells us that many "plain and precious things" were removed from the Bible. Yet even in the Bible we learn that there are different types of bodies in the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:40-42), the glory of the sun, the moon, and the stars. (These correspond to the Celestial, the Terrestrial, and the Telestial Kingdoms).

Oooh yes. You are right of course. But if the Joseph Smith stuff is hocus pocus then havn't you just called something good which is in fact deceptive?

It's not hocus pocus. Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God, and this is verifiable through personal revelation (see Moroni 10:3-5 in the Book of Mormon).

I am more inclined to believe the Joseph Smith stuff is wrong because the messages in it do not concur with the books of the bible nor Jesus' own words.

Have you ever actually read it? If not, how can you pass judgment on it?

I am safer with the Holy Spirit anyway. The Spirit tells me that God inspired scripture will lead me to the Son of God and that that is the most important thing that I need to be restored. The Spirit tells me not to concern myself further but rather trust as a child that everything that needed to be done has been done.



The Spirit will tell you that the Book of Mormon is true, but this only after much study and prayer. I hope you will consider taking what we Mormons call "Moroni's Promise" (Moroni 10:4). It's very important that you do.
Marlin said:
The Spirit will tell you that the Book of Mormon is true, but this only after much study and prayer. I hope you will consider taking what we Mormons call "Moroni's Promise" (Moroni 10:4). It's very important that you do.

And if I don't am I damned? Which was kind of my original question. Given that I am filled with the Spirit, I am at a loss as to what else may be important in the search for truth, given that the truth resides in me.


c20H25N3o said:
And if I don't am I damned? Which was kind of my original question. Given that I am filled with the Spirit, I am at a loss as to what else may be important in the search for truth, given that the truth resides in me.



I'm not the one to be saying whether you will be damned or not. That's between you and God. I certainly recommend that you take Moroni's Promise to heart, though. It will open doors for you.
Marlin said:
I'm not the one to be saying whether you will be damned or not. That's between you and God. I certainly recommend that you take Moroni's Promise to heart, though. It will open doors for you.

I am happy as I am.



EDIT: I just realised I went through the whole LDS doorstep challenge thing :D