Whats the worst that can happen if I do not believe in god?

New Atheist

Registered Member
Let me pose this hypothetical. Assuming I was born into a certain religion and now thinking of apostacy, and my last consideration is this: If i made the leap would I be punished - and if so what would that punishment be (if any.. think ''Prodigal Son") Or if I stayed I am limited to reach my true potential due to ridiculous laws, commandments, parables, teachings aimed at keeping me 'loyal' by guilt. From a purely cerebral perspective (please no old wives tales) what should my considerations be.....
Hi Signal, would you be implicitly suggesting then that if I were muslim, God would treat me differently than if I were Mormon? I was born catholic btw.
Leaving a religious sect or abandoning your actual Faith in the creator?. if you turn your back on god then expect him to turn his back on you until you humble yoursef and return to him.

If you die as a non believer and reject god's promise then you shall not be given heaven.

Hi Empty, So if he turns his back on me that would mean - I am left to fend for myself? In other words my considerations would be that not believing in a god would at worse leave me to my own devices and if it gets too tough, I can come back in full humility and everything is cool?
Chi, so you're saying it's better to believe in the wrong god than to not believe in any gods?

Does a god like that honor blind worship over honesty? I mean if you truly believe in your god, fine, but wouldn't it be wrong to try and believe in something just to save your own self?

And for that matter, how do you make yourself believe? you either do or don't.
Hi Empty, So if he turns his back on me that would mean - I am left to fend for myself? In other words my considerations would be that not believing in a god would at worse leave me to my own devices and if it gets too tough, I can come back in full humility and everything is cool?

Hi ^^,

Yeah pretty much, your on your own now and he won't ease your mind-state and you will be left wandering as a man with a blind heart looking for answers that you won't find.

Until, you come back and submit yourself to him in prostration, then yes everything is cool he is most merciful.

Hi ^^,

Yeah pretty much, your on your own now and he won't ease your mind-state and you will be left wandering as a man with a blind heart looking for answers that you won't find.

Until, you come back and submit yourself to him in prostration, then yes everything is cool he is most merciful.


Your god is a domineering dick.
Hi Signal, would you be implicitly suggesting then that if I were muslim, God would treat me differently than if I were Mormon? I was born catholic btw.

You asked -
"From a purely cerebral perspective (please no old wives tales) what should my considerations be..... "
- and the answer to this depends on the religion/philosophy/worldview you subscribe to.

If you don't subscribe to any theistic religion, why should you worry about leaving it?
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Chi, so you're saying it's better to believe in the wrong god than to not believe in any gods?

Does a god like that honor blind worship over honesty? I mean if you truly believe in your god, fine, but wouldn't it be wrong to try and believe in something just to save your own self?

And for that matter, how do you make yourself believe? you either do or don't.

I don't know what you mean by "God's" Blind worship isn't something I wubscribe too so I don't know.

Just believing in God wont get you to heaven (if your asking that?) Your good deeds and your bad deeds are taken into account.
You don't make yourself believe Faith is a gift and a mercy.
You don't make yourself believe Faith is a gift and a mercy.

Okay, so if you lack faith, it's because it wasn't given to you? Then how can a non-believer be blamed?

And back to my original question, does it matter which god the OP was believing beforehand? you're okay with him going back to his catholic roots, given that you subscribe to islamic faith?
Okay, so if you lack faith, it's because it wasn't given to you? Then how can a non-believer be blamed?

And back to my original question, does it matter which god the OP was believing beforehand? you're okay with him going back to his catholic roots, given that you subscribe to islamic faith?

Heh ok I will answer your latter point with my real personal Opinion so I hope you don't ask for proofs on that please, but first¬.

If you lose your faith it's because it was taken away from you, a 'Disbeliever has lost his state of bliss because his faith was removed.

Now, I am not ok with him going back to his catholic roots if those roots included false beliefs or any idol worship or polythesitic trinity.

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This also depends on the particular religion. Some concentrate on deeds, some on belief, some on both.

I am not aware of a religion that says you can do whatever you like regardless of how evil and still leap into heavenly rewards upon faith in the afterlife.
Could you give me an example of these types of religions.?.
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Let me pose this hypothetical. Assuming I was born into a certain religion and now thinking of apostacy, and my last consideration is this: If i made the leap would I be punished - and if so what would that punishment be (if any.. think ''Prodigal Son") Or if I stayed I am limited to reach my true potential due to ridiculous laws, commandments, parables, teachings aimed at keeping me 'loyal' by guilt. From a purely cerebral perspective (please no old wives tales) what should my considerations be.....
First... do you believe in God or not?
If yes, then whichever religion or God you follow should probably give you guidance. But I'm assuming that you no longer hold belief in God...

So, the issue then is: if it turns out you are right, then the worst that can happen is... nothing.

If it turns out you are wrong, and that God does exist, then it rather depends on how this God thinks of and treats people who didn't believe in him. And the question then is how you could find out, given that this God presumably hasn't given enough evidence to convince you that He exists, let alone tell you how he will treat you should you not believe in him.

Pascal's Wager would have you believe in God purely on the gamble that if you do and you're wrong then you lose very little, but if you're right then your reward is eternal life in heaven etc.
But then the question is whether a God would reward someone for believing purely to hedge bets.

My own advice, for what it is worth, is that one should not come to belief or non-belief on what you can potentially gain or lose, but on whether you do truly believe or not.
I do not have a belief in God, and no matter what rewards I am offered or what the risk of non-belief is, I could not force myself to believe... I could at best offer lip-service.
If I am wrong, and God does exist, I guess I can only hope he judges me on aspects other than belief. ;)
First... do you believe in God or not?
If yes, then whichever religion or God you follow should probably give you guidance. But I'm assuming that you no longer hold belief in God...

So, the issue then is: if it turns out you are right, then the worst that can happen is... nothing.

If it turns out you are wrong, and that God does exist, then it rather depends on how this God thinks of and treats people who didn't believe in him. And the question then is how you could find out, given that this God presumably hasn't given enough evidence to convince you that He exists, let alone tell you how he will treat you should you not believe in him.

Pascal's Wager would have you believe in God purely on the gamble that if you do and you're wrong then you lose very little, but if you're right then your reward is eternal life in heaven etc.
But then the question is whether a God would reward someone for believing purely to hedge bets.

My own advice, for what it is worth, is that one should not come to belief or non-belief on what you can potentially gain or lose, but on whether you do truly believe or not.
I do not have a belief in God, and no matter what rewards I am offered or what the risk of non-belief is, I could not force myself to believe... I could at best offer lip-service.
If I am wrong, and God does exist, I guess I can only hope he judges me on aspects other than belief. ;)

Atheist Indoctrination 101, with priest Sarkus.
You might want to check yourself before you convict your intentions and words.

Okay, I checked myself. And I'm still of the conviction that the god you believe in is petty and vengeful, and completely unworthy of worship. Thankfully, said deity is only the product of the fevered imaginations of humans.