What's The Difference Between Religion & Myth/Superstition

Psychotic episode
Thank you Leo. You keep right on studying. Please continue the Religious Apartheid platform that both you and LG promote.
Its not apartheid
Imagine how bogged down scientific disciplines would be if they were forbidden to pursue issues further than what your average taxi driver can manage

This religious caste system is a product of the minds of the deeply devouted (the so-called Professors of Ideology). Are they incapable of a thought of their own as they continue to deluge us with the wit and witticisms of ancient texts?
Religiousity is primarily owned by those who practice it - its the same for any field of knowledge. Certainly explains why geologists generally don't find their way onto board discussions of issues pertinent to astronomy

This is what the atheist is up against. Arrogant, ignorant, biased & prejudicial proclaimers of the truth in the guise of Comparative Religion degree holders.:D
Try reading some criticisms by academic atheists - generally you will see that they don't try and confound the premises of theism (ie they don't begin from the premise that "god doesn't exist. this is a fact" .... of course they might wholeheartedly accept that, by they wouldn't include it as a integral premise for their argument)
It hasn't been drummed into me.

Ideology of one kind or another is drummed into everyone. The difference is whether you are in the winning group or in the losers group.

If you are born into a family that ideologically complies with those in rule and as such, you have a privileged social and economical position, you probably won't feel that the ideology has been drummed into you; instead, the ideology will seem to you as something perfectly normal, natural and desirable.

If, however, you are born into a family of dissidents or misfits of one kind or another, then the ideology of those in rule will still be drummed into you, except that you will see it as something imposed on you, something negative - but not that you would be free from its influence.
Again, someone deciding what will be known after getting a degree in Comparative Religious Studies.

If only it were that easy.

However, stupid first assumptions are often just that... stupid first assumptions.

Think about the possibility that Comparative Religious Studies might actually find that many of the World's Religions come to a consensus? But ignorant and uninformed people probably would never arrive to that insight, would they? Ergo, the need to enroll in schools... or at least do a little bit of homework... instead of just assuming and guessing through life.

Comparative religions would suggest multiple religions with multiple messages, somewhat making the ideal of one god, moot.

And, since scriptures can be interpreted to mean a great many things, one would be unable to "study" them without some form of consistency, considering many scriptures contradict themselves.
Wow you sure are into the degree in Comparative Religious Studies thing.
M*W: I went to a Baptist University, because of its close proximity to my home. I took a bunch of religious sudies and comparative religous courses, because they were required. I can tell you those who were getting degrees in comparative religions were biased in favor of christianity as the only true religion. A degree in comparative religions means absolutely nothing. Where one goes to school has a lot more to do with it.
Its not apartheid
Imagine how bogged down scientific disciplines would be if they were forbidden to pursue issues further than what your average taxi driver can manage

Funny, the last time I was picked up at the airport the taxi driver had a pharmaecology degree. His biggest problem was going to a foreign school not recognized by his peers in my country. Same for religion. Would a Southern Baptist church allow a Muslim to preach to its congregation? Would they let an atheist stand before them and lecture his tenets to the faithful? Why are the churches not mixed if its all the same god?

Religiousity is primarily owned by those who practice it - its the same for any field of knowledge. Certainly explains why geologists generally don't find their way onto board discussions of issues pertinent to astronomy
Get your head out of the sand my friend. A lot of collaborative science is going on. Religion seems to be falling behind in that regard. Let's send people to Mars and only consult rocket scientists:D
However, stupid first assumptions are often just that... stupid first assumptions.

So, when claims of gods are offered, we are to leap to the assumption they do in fact exist, especially when observational evidence of their existence is not available?

Think about the possibility that Comparative Religious Studies might actually find that many of the World's Religions come to a consensus?

One can simply read the great variety of scriptures purporting the absoluteness of their doctrines and their gods existence, and that whomsoever should worship other gods, eternal damnation will be your destiny. Could you first decipher these comparisons, please?

But ignorant and uninformed people probably would never arrive to that insight, would they? Ergo, the need to enroll in schools... or at least do a little bit of homework... instead of just assuming and guessing through life.

Leo, you know as well as I, those members here who are skeptical of religions go to far more lengths and breadths to do their homework then the theists they question.
Ideology of one kind or another is drummed into everyone. The difference is whether you are in the winning group or in the losers group.

If you are born into a family that ideologically complies with those in rule and as such, you have a privileged social and economical position, you probably won't feel that the ideology has been drummed into you; instead, the ideology will seem to you as something perfectly normal, natural and desirable.

If, however, you are born into a family of dissidents or misfits of one kind or another, then the ideology of those in rule will still be drummed into you, except that you will see it as something imposed on you, something negative - but not that you would be free from its influence.

You are so freaking full of it. Don't tell me something's been drummed into me.
Psychotic episode

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Its not apartheid
Imagine how bogged down scientific disciplines would be if they were forbidden to pursue issues further than what your average taxi driver can manage

Funny, the last time I was picked up at the airport the taxi driver had a pharmaecology degree.
... kind of makes you wonder why aspiring pharmacists as a whole don't take the fast track to the field via taxi driving .....

His biggest problem was going to a foreign school not recognized by his peers in my country. Same for religion. Would a Southern Baptist church allow a Muslim to preach to its congregation?
there's only one religion - devotion to god

Would they let an atheist stand before them and lecture his tenets to the faithful?
probably not

Why are the churches not mixed if its all the same god?
differences in approach to god reflects different conditioning- much like differences to approach to a tree as subject matter reflects different conditioning.

For instance, do you seriously think these following images are depicting absolutely different subjects?



Religiousity is primarily owned by those who practice it - its the same for any field of knowledge. Certainly explains why geologists generally don't find their way onto board discussions of issues pertinent to astronomy

Get your head out of the sand my friend. A lot of collaborative science is going on.
yet some how suggest a dearth of information that surrounds inter-faith dialogue
Religion seems to be falling behind in that regard. Let's send people to Mars and only consult rocket scientists
be my guest
but don't expect that to actually uplift society or provide any long lasting satisfaction to anyone