What's The Difference Between Religion & Myth/Superstition

Why do people believe 1 fiction but not others?
How can they mock what they call superstition while believing things which make no sense & have no evidence?
Basically one is accepted as being connected to a transcendent personality called god and the other is not.

Kind of like heliocentric models were accepted as science for as long as they were connected to an empirical world view.

In that sense, what may be accepted as religion (or science) in one sense can later turn out to be false. Indicating that because one person got it wrong, everyone gets it wrong is not sufficient however.

If it was, empirical investigation would have sapped out years ago.

spidergoat: There can be some truth in myths, but they aren't literally true. They could originate in a true event.

A myth could be wholly true, wholly fictitious or as usually the case, bit of both.

But the point of a myth isn't its veracity. Its point is to carry specific concepts and examples in an easy to remember and compelling manner. The point of Romeo and Juliet is not to be an accurate depiction of some actual families. Its point is to convey understanding of life, revenge and love via an entertaining story.

By trying to pretend the bible is true, fundies actually destroy its purpose. Ironically fundies are the worst thing ever to happen to the bible and it probably won't survive their assault.
Carico: If myths are true, then they wouldn't be myths.

True is not directly correlated to mythic quality.
And why would you assume that there is something about the nature of god that makes it impossible for a man to indicate a single truthful phrase ?

Have you forgotten I'm an atheist? Can you word that a little differently?

I don't wish to infect this thread with another scripture war, I just offered my two cents, that's all.
=====I wish I'd remembered that! Thanks for posting it here!

Just wanted to point out that there is a bit of apples and oranges about the terms superstition and myth.
Like if you break a mirror you get bad luck. A custom around relating to things. In a sense magic.
Whereas myth....
IOW superstitions are practices, generally involving things and myths are stories, generally involving gods or other entities with personalities.
I realize that this is not the issue you want to focus on but I felt like the waters were very muddy because of your terms right from the start.

I appreciate the definitions. It should help.
My intent wasn't that they are the same thing but different aspects of religion & didn't want the title too long. Maybe I should've explained a bit more in initial comments.

Which generally comes with a narrative 'explanation'. I realize I am pushing myth to the edge here, but I was working it from his rather bald dichotemy.
With philosophers I think I would have an easier time with the line I am taking by using Buddhism, but I'll stick with both for the challenge. If you have a Christian who says that they felt terrible, life sucked and they found themselves calling out to God one night who it seemed responded. They heard a voice and felt a presence. At first they were shocked and somewhat skeptical, but they followed the advice of this voice and felt good in the presence of this, whatever it was, and so continued this calling out to God and realized this was a form of prayer. This experience led them to read a lot of the New Testement, which also gave them a sense of peace. They decided that reading the NT and praying made them feel better - which was reflecting in their relationships and could even be verified objectively - ie. via third person, even non-religious subjective accounts of the changes in the person. They have now become Christian.

If one decides they are irrational without pursuing similar practices under some double blind research study conditions
and simply judges this person as irrational from the outside
isn't one essentially guessing - and if one adds some narrative

such as 'just like all Christians he was afraid of death and is gullible and thus irrationally latched onto something that may give some comfort but is actually just hallucination.'

isn't this myth?

Alcholics Anonymous has a fairly good success rate even compared with psychiatric approaches - another line I could take.

If such a thing happened to me, I would logicly consider several possible explanations which would make much better sense than a god.
1 doesn't need to go thru the same things they claim to experience when : 1 - Their beliefs impel them to force/coerce it on others, views others as evil, etc. 2 - All it should take to convince anyone that christianity is BS is to read the bible.

I've known & read of many people AA did not work well for.
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:bugeye: If myths are true, then they wouldn't be myths. :rolleyes:
M*W: Some myths may be proven to be true. Some truths may be proven to be a myth. It depends on who believes it and why they believe it to be the truth, and who believes it and why they believe it to be a myth. One requires logic and reason. The other requires the belief in faith.
Have you forgotten I'm an atheist?
that would be difficult

Can you word that a little differently?

I don't wish to infect this thread with another scripture war, I just offered my two cents, that's all.
You said
Religion became a myth the minute man penned God's thoughts.

This suggests that there is something about the nature of god that is completely unknowable by another person.

Rather than speculate why your arguments rests on such an absurd premise, I gave you the opportunity to explain how you came to understand this
This suggests that there is something about the nature of god that is completely unknowable by another person.

Nothing like that at all. I was merely suggesting that the end of parol discussion took place at that moment. I believe that the written word is much more intoxicating. That's all but continue seeing whatever it is you wish to see because I'm used to it from you.
Religion can be studied.

The problem with most Atheists is that very darn few of them have Degrees in Comparative Religious Studies.

While very ancient Religions may have foundations in almost pre-historic mythologies, and while the vagueness of almost pre-historic accounts may lend to the Mythologicalization of events, still, the Doctrines and Theologies of Religions, the Moral Instructions and such are all current and matters of record... well, of the Major Established Religions.

Then, even concerning the Supernatural... while the Dead Religions depend upon ancient memories, the Authentic Religions can point to Supernatural Events well into the Historical Period... even into the Modern Period. If one can refer to Primary Source Historical Documents in the support of certain Events, then they are hardly a matter of Mythology or Superstition any longer.

Typically Atheists point to the shakiness of the Original Ancient Documentations of Religion... convenient for them that all the primary sources had long since rotted away. Or they appeal to ancient Philosophies which were not really very sophisticated. What Atheists stay away from is Modern Documented Supernatural Events and current Metaphysical Philosophies. Atheists like to pick battles that they can win, but it should be seen as something somewhat Intellectually disingenuous to argue against Institutions based on their condition 2000 years ago, while ignoring everything that happened since the Rise of Christian Civilization or even since the invention of the Printing Press.

Really, one should not listen to any Atheist who does not have a degree in Comparative Religious Studies... and even then, it should be an Ivy League Degree. Recently I read a book by this Canadian Professor.... it seemed like he must have gotten his Doctorate from his local Community College.
Really, one should not listen to any Atheist who does not have a degree in Comparative Religious Studies... and even then, it should be an Ivy League Degree.

Comparative religions would suggest multiple religions with multiple messages, somewhat making the ideal of one god, moot.

And, since scriptures can be interpreted to mean a great many things, one would be unable to "study" them without some form of consistency, considering many scriptures contradict themselves.
Religion can be studied.

The problem with most Atheists is that very darn few of them have Degrees in Comparative Religious Studies.

Really, one should not listen to any Atheist who does not have a degree in Comparative Religious Studies... and even then, it should be an Ivy League Degree.

Thank you Leo. You keep right on studying. Please continue the Religious Apartheid platform that both you and LG promote.

This religious caste system is a product of the minds of the deeply devouted (the so-called Professors of Ideology). Are they incapable of a thought of their own as they continue to deluge us with the wit and witticisms of ancient texts?

This is what the atheist is up against. Arrogant, ignorant, biased & prejudicial proclaimers of the truth in the guise of Comparative Religion degree holders.:D
Religion can be studied.

The problem with most Atheists is that very darn few of them have Degrees in Comparative Religious Studies.

While very ancient Religions may have foundations in almost pre-historic mythologies, and while the vagueness of almost pre-historic accounts may lend to the Mythologicalization of events, still, the Doctrines and Theologies of Religions, the Moral Instructions and such are all current and matters of record... well, of the Major Established Religions.

Then, even concerning the Supernatural... while the Dead Religions depend upon ancient memories, the Authentic Religions can point to Supernatural Events well into the Historical Period... even into the Modern Period. If one can refer to Primary Source Historical Documents in the support of certain Events, then they are hardly a matter of Mythology or Superstition any longer.

Typically Atheists point to the shakiness of the Original Ancient Documentations of Religion... convenient for them that all the primary sources had long since rotted away. Or they appeal to ancient Philosophies which were not really very sophisticated. What Atheists stay away from is Modern Documented Supernatural Events and current Metaphysical Philosophies. Atheists like to pick battles that they can win, but it should be seen as something somewhat Intellectually disingenuous to argue against Institutions based on their condition 2000 years ago, while ignoring everything that happened since the Rise of Christian Civilization or even since the invention of the Printing Press.

Really, one should not listen to any Atheist who does not have a degree in Comparative Religious Studies... and even then, it should be an Ivy League Degree. Recently I read a book by this Canadian Professor.... it seemed like he must have gotten his Doctorate from his local Community College.
M*W: Religion should be studied not just believed. Most atheists do more reading and research far beyond any degree in Comparative Religions.

We don't approach atheism blindly. Atheism is logical, understandable and reasonable. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out.

Atheism cannot be forced on anyone. It is a personal knowing of what is truth and what are lies. Atheists always question. Theists try not to. If theists find themselves questioning any part of their religion, they suddenly have an attack of guilt, then question their very own existence!

Theists are content to believe what they've been told is the absolute the truth. It is up to every individual to find his/her own path, to pursue that path, to learn that path, to believe in that path, and to live that path, and the truth will emerge... or it won't.
Atheism cannot be forced on anyone. I wish I'd said that!
Religion can be & is forced or coerced on nearly everyone who becomes a theist.
Nothing like that at all. I was merely suggesting that the end of parol discussion took place at that moment. I believe that the written word is much more intoxicating. That's all but continue seeing whatever it is you wish to see because I'm used to it from you.
so you think that anything truthful simply confounds expression in the written medium?