What's on your iPod?

Sex Machine -- Sly and the Family Stoned
It's Sly and the Family STONE. His original birth name was Sylvester Stewart. "Sly" is a common nickname for "Sylvester," for example famous actor Sly Stallone.

Born in 1943, he was a musical prodigy and could play many different instruments as a teenager. He formed a doo-wop band that enjoyed modest commercial success and was praised for being multi-racial. He worked as a disc jockey in San Francisco in the mid-1960s and quickly became a producer. Before long he took the stage name Stone and formed a band called The Stoners, then finally the highly successful band The Family Stone, which carried forward his ideal of being multi-racial, which was still rather unusual in the late 1960s.

Like many artists he was not able to hang onto success and went through the usual decline of drugs and failed relationships. He declined into near-obscurity in the 1970s, although he still performed occasionally until quite recently. The Wikipedia article cites a recent report that he is now homeless and living in a camper van... but I recall the days when people lived in camper vans on purpose so I'm not quite sure how to respond to this. Maybe he doesn't have a mansion anymore but at least he has a bed and a roof!
A song for an ordinary winter day. It's "Lovely on my hands" by Fabrizio Campanelli feat. Dorotea Mele.

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Soar, Dexys, Soar

Dexys — "One Day I'm Going to Soar" (first listen)

I knew this album existed, but hadn't gotten hold of it until recently, and then managed to not listen to it for a couple weeks.

Most famous as a one-hit wonder for 1982's "Come on Eileen" (Too-Rye-Ay), the band formerly known as Dexy's Midnight Runners returned after a twenty-seven year hiatus in May, 2012, with the release of the single, "She Got a Wiggle"; One Day I'm Going to Soar arrived a week later, on June 4, 2012. The five members of Dexys are a small number compared to the thirty-eight former members of the band who filled various roles over the years; only five of those members took part in the 2003-05 reunion. Talk about a troubled band history ....

The iconic Kevin Rowland is the only permanent presence, though four of the five current members are DMR originals.

And, in truth, the album is a contemporary throwback to a kind of pop music we don't often hear these days, with rhythmic hints of bygone decades, and a natural irreverence underpinning the seemingly heavy emotional subject matter. "I'm Always Going to Love You", featuring guest vocalist Madeleine Hyland, is a far more serious song than its discotheque atmosphere and goofy back-and forth between performers. Those who have followed, or perhaps simply heard about through the vine, Rowland's interim antics, including bad solo albums, drug addiction, and exhibitionist transvestism, might manage to make heads and tails of the contrasts.

One Day I'm Going to Soar is, meanwhile, an astonishly progressive album, a testament to a revival of pop albums that were meant to be listened to from beginning to end, instead of as singles sliced up for radio airplay. Triangulating somewhere between stained-velvet lounge, cabaret humor, and off-Broadway dissociative disorder, the album is still distinctly Irish. The songs individually have no real potential for topping American charts, but the whole, while it will never be a a multiplatinum album, is clearly a triumph of personality, at once exhibitionist and introspective.

And most of all, it makes for wonderful listening.

I want to be everything,
I want to be the man of my dreams,
And I can't be a fucking stereotype,
But it's lonely being here and living this fight.
But I won't give in.
I will not cave in,
Until I become free;
Until I become free.

I will become free.
I will become free.
Yes, yes—
I will become free.

(Dexys, "Nowhere Is Home")

Muse, The 2nd Law (first listen)

Muse, The 2nd Law (first listen)

I've been aware of Muse in the sense that I'd heard the name, knew the band existed, but it's almost shameful to admit that it took an intended tear-jerker scene at the end of a television show to perk my ears and think, "What is that song?"

It was "Madness", by Muse, and I admit that the scene, while not jerking any tears, made for a better music video than the official one.


And the song is clearly intended for commercial airplay in a way that much of The 2nd Law isn't. "Survival" is incredibly overstated, but I happen to like melodramatic music. The band isn't another Radiohead, but they do fit into the genre. As English pop goes, they're exponentially better than Coldplay. In general, they're somewhere between Grandaddy's "He's Simple, He's Dumb, He's the Pilot" and, well, not quite Radiohead ("Animals" seems almost a paean to In Rainbows).

Their live shows, as I understand it, are spectacles of pomp and circumstance, and though I'm not exactly a fan of driving dance rhythms, I'm not going to complain about songs like "Follow Me", especially when it's clear that Dominic Howard, when he takes his place behind the kit, is more than simply capable.

In truth, I'd probably need some (ahem!) "supplementary chemistry" to truly appreciate the live performance, but it's true that some concerts are just better that way. I mean, sure, beer works well enough for plenty of rock shows, but the sonic range of The 2nd Law seems to aim either for compact textural interweaving or irrepressible hyperdrama; 'tis a curious mix, indeed.

But the album is aesthetically comfortable, and that, really, is the ultimate verdict. It is an enjoyable, reflective introspection that braids together threads of music, poetry, and ideation.

I'm sure something about The Verve goes here, too, but I haven't listened to Urban Hymns in a long time.
This song is great. The Video is awesome. Unsure how to describe it.

Maybe a modern 2013 Irish Feel to it. It is a good mood song.


NOTE: This video is worth watching even if you are not into current music. Very artistic.
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I have merged SONG OF THE DAY into the WHAT'S ON YOUR iPOD thread. Their content is almost identical but this one is a Sticky. This makes it easier for me to manage the A&C subforum.

Apologies to KX000 who started this thread, but I think that after all this time it's OK to relinquish it to the public domain. ;)
I usually log onto SciForums from work. The corporate server blocks streaming media, so I have no idea what songs you're recommending!

It would help a lot if you'd also list the title and artist. ;)


Here's a nice song for anybody who still has a Grateful Dead, Rolling Stones or Bob Dylan tape playing in your car stereo.

Message in a Box by World Party​

Kurt Wallinger is keeping the 60s alive, but not on life support. He writes songs that are in that old style, but somehow they don't sound old. Sort of like "No Rain" by Blind Melon.

Procol Harum - "Conquistador" Edmonton Symphony Orchestra (1972)

jingo by santana

Just Dropped In To See What Condition My Condtion Was In

Gimme Some Lovin, Traffic