What would you do & what would you not do to avoid going to hell?

This thread should be locked and cesspooled. It is unproductive bullshit and pointless baiting.

You should be locked & cesspooled.
What the heck is your problems? Never mind, don't answer. Your answer would only be unproductive bullshit & pointless baiting.
Obviously it sometimes takes 1 to not know 1.
What if the premised proof of God and hell showed that hell wasn't a place that God sent you to, but a state of mind that you chose by explicitly rejecting God?
As an analogy, what if God were a party you are attending:
"Worshipping God" means "enjoying the party".
"Going to hell" means saying "fuck this, I might have to be here, but there ain't no way I'm going to have a good time."

What if twisting words around to SEEM to justify yourself was logical?
What if you realised that your thinking regarding this "guy" :) , is a messed up
understanding? Would you;[/quuote]

The only way to realize this would be because he said: look forget about all that xtian crap. Man those guys piss me the fuck off.
What if the premised proof of God and hell showed that hell wasn't a place that God sent you to, but a state of mind that you chose by explicitly rejecting God?
As an analogy, what if God were a party you are attending:
"Worshipping God" means "enjoying the party".
"Going to hell" means saying "fuck this, I might have to be here, but there ain't no way I'm going to have a good time."

What if twisting words around to SEEM to justify yourself was logical?

You know I'm atheist, right?


What if educated Christians don't believe what you think they do?

Off topic.
If I'm going to be stuck with a guy who will send me to hell just for disagreeing with him, I'm sure as fuck not going to trust him enough to go live with him. I'll take hell.

Well, it all depends on what the disagreement is about, no?
Well, it all depends on what the disagreement is about, no?

I don't think simple disagreement is enough to warrant eternal suffering, ever. By nature, I don't trust a god like that. We're describing the behavior of a serial killer.
I don't think simple disagreement is enough to warrant eternal suffering, ever. By nature, I don't trust a god like that. We're describing the behavior of a serial killer.

Like I said - Well, it all depends on what the disagreement is about, no?

What disagreement do you have in mind?
Is there anything you wouldn't do to avoid hell?

I wouldn't abandon my children for gods or pleasant second lives. If typical christian statements stand up then you'll find hardly anyone that doesn't have a loved one that isn't destined to hell. In saying, it doesn't matter where you are - you still suffer for eternity.

If you go to hell you will have eternal physical suffering, if you go to heaven you'll have eternal mental suffering knowing that your loved ones have an eternity of physical suffering. I'd rather be with them.
I wouldn't abandon my children for gods or pleasant second lives.
you don't have a choice

death visits everyone equally and brings the issue of "abandonment" to the table of all
If typical christian statements stand up then you'll find hardly anyone that doesn't have a loved one that isn't destined to hell. In saying, it doesn't matter where you are - you still suffer for eternity.
if we are working out of an understanding that the familial bonds of this life are eternal, sure.
If you go to hell you will have eternal physical suffering,
I would concede that the notion of eternal hell poses serious ethical issues that a temporary hell doesn't.

if you go to heaven you'll have eternal mental suffering knowing that your loved ones have an eternity of physical suffering. I'd rather be with them.

and family life and duty is what?

a bed of roses?

(seems like you're still screwed)
“ Originally Posted by SnakeLord
I wouldn't abandon my children for gods or pleasant second lives. ”

you don't have a choice
death visits everyone equally and brings the issue of "abandonment" to the table of all


(seems like you're still screwed)

The thread topic is not about whether you have a choice or whether you're screwed no matter what or whether you can clearly answer the question.
I wouldn't abandon my children for gods or pleasant second lives. If typical christian statements stand up then you'll find hardly anyone that doesn't have a loved one that isn't destined to hell. In saying, it doesn't matter where you are - you still suffer for eternity.

If you go to hell you will have eternal physical suffering, if you go to heaven you'll have eternal mental suffering knowing that your loved ones have an eternity of physical suffering. I'd rather be with them.

Christians claim in heaven you won't know, remember or be affected by that.
you don't have a choice

I see. So once mortal life ends, free will also ends? Free will is just some temporary thing that we get in this life but is recinded in the next? From biblical texts it would seem that even entities that don't die, (angels), still have free will intact unless the christian is willing to assert that satans actions weren't of his own doing.

if we are working out of an understanding that the familial bonds of this life are eternal, sure.

Well, if we instead work out of the understanding that once you're in your next life nobody from this one means anything to you then frankly I fail to see any value in the concept.

I would concede that the notion of eternal hell poses serious ethical issues that a temporary hell doesn't.

Take that up with the christians.

and family life and duty is what?

I suppose that depends who you are and where you're from. To me, right here - it is everything. I suppose in some places kids and family are merely there to go fetch the water for you and dig up the food.


Christians claim in heaven you won't know, remember or be affected by that.

The claim does not help the christians. This god will know that if I remembered I would do anything to be with my children. It is grand deception to keep information that I would want to know from me merely so I can stay and serve him.

If I am instantly changed from a person that knows, remembers and has total absolute love for my children to one that doesn't even remember or care about them, then I fail to see the value in the whole thing in the first place. You're going to be some entity completely unaware of ever having existed, in a realm serving some entity without any free will. There's no point to mortal life having ever existed.
you don't have a choice

I see. So once mortal life ends, free will also ends? Free will is just some temporary thing that we get in this life but is recinded in the next? From biblical texts it would seem that even entities that don't die, (angels), still have free will intact unless the christian is willing to assert that satans actions weren't of his own doing.
I'm not sure I follow. Free will does not mean unlimited will.

I mean just because you require to breathe air (as opposed to water) doesn't mean that you have no free will. Rather, it suggests that free will is utilized in a particular environment.

if we are working out of an understanding that the familial bonds of this life are eternal, sure.

Well, if we instead work out of the understanding that once you're in your next life nobody from this one means anything to you then frankly I fail to see any value in the concept.
why not?

Although there may be a difference in the manner of paternal/fraternal relationships according to gender, society or even species, you can see that everyone (at least above a certain level on the evolutionary chain) has the opportunity (in principle) to have a mother/father/spring/ wider community to operate of/etc etc.

I mean its not like you chose your relatives or your offspring.

I would concede that the notion of eternal hell poses serious ethical issues that a temporary hell doesn't.

Take that up with the christians.
One can also take it up with atheists who insist of operating out of such a paradigm to maintain the status quo.

and family life and duty is what?

I suppose that depends who you are and where you're from. To me, right here - it is everything. I suppose in some places kids and family are merely there to go fetch the water for you and dig up the food.
My point was that it also involves regular visits of mental suffering, so trying to distinguish it as the standard of life in heaven doesn't accomplish anything.

Even old people in the homes who are incapable of really exercising any of the standards of familial duty are chewed up by mental suffering at the hands of the family bond.

IOW you don't have to wait to go to heaven to be (apparently) up to your neck in mental anguish over family members. You can have more than enough right here.