What would you do & what would you not do to avoid going to hell?


SubQuantum Mechanic
Valued Senior Member
“ Originally Posted by The Breaker
If their was proof that their was a god and you would go to hell if you didn't worship him, you wouldn't do it because of some misplaced sense of self righteousness? ”

I certainly wouldn't do it. There are many other things I wouldn't do under threat of hell. There's nothing misplaced about it.

Is there anything you wouldn't do to avoid hell? Wait, don't answer that. Look for the thread on it I'm starting.
I certainly wouldn't do it. There are many other things I wouldn't do under threat of hell. There's nothing misplaced about it.

Statements like that always sound so righteous and idealistic in philosophical discussions. But reality is seldom so righteous and idealistic.

Besides, if there really was irrefutable proof of god, why wouldn't you want to worship him? And what does "worship" involve?

Idealism is it's own best defense!

Baron Max
If I'm going to be stuck with a guy who will send me to hell just for disagreeing with him, I'm sure as fuck not going to trust him enough to go live with him. I'll take hell.
If I'm going to be stuck with a guy who will send me to hell just for disagreeing with him, I'm sure as fuck not going to trust him enough to go live with him. I'll take hell.

What if you realised that your thinking regarding this "guy" :) , is a messed up
understanding? Would you;

a) carry on with your conditioned thought process, regardless
b) actually try to learn more about this guy, for yourself

What if you realised that your thinking regarding this "guy" :) , is a messed up
understanding? Would you;

a) carry on with your conditioned thought process, regardless
b) actually try to learn more about this guy, for yourself


Okay, but the bible and koran tell me I'm right. That god seems to not really be a guy for suggestions and partnership. He's omnipotent and omniscient. Why not be omnibenevolent?
Well heaven is for people who like singing hymns... praying... watering pot plants. I'd much rather meet all the interesting people in Hell than bore myself with the self-righteous tossers, who will undoubtedly preside in Heaven. The only reason the christian God doesn't like Satan is because he's such a virtuous opponent.

So basically I'll continue living as I am. :p
This thread should be locked and cesspooled. It is unproductive bullshit and pointless baiting.
Avoidance of eternal agony just by sucking up a bit? I don't see what the crisis of conscience would be.
If I'm going to be stuck with a guy who will send me to hell just for disagreeing with him, I'm sure as fuck not going to trust him enough to go live with him. I'll take hell.

I disagee with that statement. TO HELL WITH YOU!!! :D
What if you realised that your thinking regarding this "guy" :) , is a messed up
understanding? Would you;

a) carry on with your conditioned thought process, regardless
b) actually try to learn more about this guy, for yourself

Many people have. And many people have come to the conclusion that if this deity does indeed exist, then he's nothing but a strict, fickle, wishy-washy moody prick.
I even mentioned to my aunt Karen, who has been a Christian all her life:
Me: Karen, from what I've gathered about him, he just seems like nothing but a two-bit dictator.
Karen: He is a dictator.
Me: Then why would I (or anyone in their right mind) want to worship him?
Karen: Because you'll go to hell if you don't.
Me: Then I'll take my chances in hell before I worship a jackass like that.

Jan, you like all the other Christians are so dead set on him actually existing, that you are blind to any reasonable discussion about the validity of the religion. Not trying to be condescending with that statement, just stating the obvious.
Well heaven is for people who like singing hymns... praying... watering pot plants. I'd much rather meet all the interesting people in Hell than bore myself with the self-righteous tossers, who will undoubtedly preside in Heaven. The only reason the christian God doesn't like Satan is because he's such a virtuous opponent.

So basically I'll continue living as I am. :p

If there are pot plants in heaven, sign me the fuck up!!! :D
“ Originally Posted by The Breaker
If their was proof that their was a god and you would go to hell if you didn't worship him, you wouldn't do it because of some misplaced sense of self righteousness? ”

I certainly wouldn't do it. There are many other things I wouldn't do under threat of hell. There's nothing misplaced about it.

Is there anything you wouldn't do to avoid hell? Wait, don't answer that. Look for the thread on it I'm starting.

If I'm going to be stuck with a guy who will send me to hell just for disagreeing with him, I'm sure as fuck not going to trust him enough to go live with him. I'll take hell.

What if the premised proof of God and hell showed that hell wasn't a place that God sent you to, but a state of mind that you chose by explicitly rejecting God?

As an analogy, what if God were a party you are attending:
"Worshipping God" means "enjoying the party".
"Going to hell" means saying "fuck this, I might have to be here, but there ain't no way I'm going to have a good time."
Blindly agreeing with the host isn't "enjoying the party."

Look, I don't reject whatever powers may be. I'm not dismissing the idea of God. I'm rejecting the idea of an omnipotent bossy magical sky fairy who has nothing better to do than make sure I tell him he's absolutely fabulous, can't wait for the next party, and his ass looks so FAB in Prada.
Now that were in the technical age I think God should broadcast "Live from Hell" 24/7. On the sister station He can broadcast "Live from Heaven" 24/7. Still nothing like being there and seeing it live, or is that dead, whatever.

“ Originally Posted by The Breaker
If their was proof that their was a god and you would go to hell if you didn't worship him, you wouldn't do it because of some misplaced sense of self righteousness? ”

I certainly wouldn't do it. There are many other things I wouldn't do under threat of hell. There's nothing misplaced about it.

Is there anything you wouldn't do to avoid hell? Wait, don't answer that. Look for the thread on it I'm starting.

And why say "hello"? Perhaps the neologist stays on earth in that hell means also graveyard. So always greeting and using "hello" to a friend or acquaintance you meet is a practice of going to hell (graveyard). Now how about the hell of everlasting torment. Well, just wait!
Many people have. And many people have come to the conclusion that if this deity does indeed exist, then he's nothing but a strict, fickle, wishy-washy moody prick.
I even mentioned to my aunt Karen, who has been a Christian all her life:
Me: Karen, from what I've gathered about him, he just seems like nothing but a two-bit dictator.
Karen: He is a dictator.
Me: Then why would I (or anyone in their right mind) want to worship him?
Karen: Because you'll go to hell if you don't.
Me: Then I'll take my chances in hell before I worship a jackass like that.

Many people have...what?

I have only your word for that converstation with aunty Karen.

I don't know of any scripture that advocates hell as a punishment for not
worshiping God.

Christianity is NOT "religion", it is A religion.

Jan, you like all the other Christians are so dead set on him actually existing, that you are blind to any reasonable discussion about the validity of the religion. Not trying to be condescending with that statement, just stating the obvious.

Mikenostic, not only are you wrong (in more ways than one), you are ignorant of that which you deny, intolerant, and narrow-minded. Not trying to be condescending with that statement, just stating the obvious.

I certainly wouldn't do it. There are many other things I wouldn't do under threat of hell. There's nothing misplaced about it.

Statements like that always sound so righteous and idealistic in philosophical discussions. But reality is seldom so righteous and idealistic.

Baron Max

It may sound that way to you.
Reality is neither righteous nor unrighteous.

Besides, if there really was irrefutable proof of god, why wouldn't you want to worship him? And what does "worship" involve?

Baron Max

That's another topic for another thread.

Idealism is it's own best defense!

Baron Max

Can someone translate this?

Is there anything you wouldn't do to avoid hell?

This is the topic of this thread.