What would you accept as proof that a god exists?


Even if the clouds opened and a beardy guy stuck his head through and shouted "cooey, it me, God", I still wouldn't believe.

I'd just shout back, "opening clouds, big deal. You screwed up with all of the rape, pillage and murder by the Israelites, your too homophobic and scared of pussies........... Not exactly my image of perfection........ Now bugger off!"
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That post is irrelevant according with spidergoats wisdom as well, previous poster.

The reason is simple really:
We are discussing weather or not we would believe in God.
We are not discussing foundations for a beliefe in God or even a foundation which states that a "God" is a necessary universal riddle.

Well according to the King James Version of the bible that event occurs; we are not to dismiss it as myth without evidence of it's unmyth.

You guys aren't even making any sense.
Well according to the King James Version of the bible that event occurs; we are not to dismiss it as myth without evidence of it's unmyth.

You guys aren't even making any sense.

I guess if I were to see this actually taking place..again ;)
nothing weird has ever happened to me, but still i believe in the most weird things...

i'm inclined not to believe you, but instead i'll settle for a relative definition of weird. and i only contest because you are one of the most enlightened ones i've ever heard witness, and i know you had to experience it to get that way.
That post is irrelevant according with spidergoats wisdom as well, previous poster.

The reason is simple really:
We are discussing weather or not we would believe in God.
We are not discussing foundations for a beliefe in God or even a foundation which states that a "God" is a necessary universal riddle.

I would say your analysis is irrelevant, you failed comprehend the full meaning of the perfection statement. which would be applicable to any religion it being subjective.
I would say your analysis is irrelevant, you failed comprehend the full meaning of the perfection statement. which would be applicable to any religion it being subjective.

Who says there isn't perfection>? Trying to contradict my posts most of the time is like trying to contradict a wall.

You can't contradict a wall, can you.

All I am getting at is a proper understanding of religion.

I have a conception of God which obviously surpasses yours.
For there to be "proof of God", several other things would need to be true, at least these:

1. All humans and all other phenomena would need to possess selfhood; ie. each of them would need to possess an identity that would be independent, existent in and of itself.

2. There would need to exist such a thing as objective reality (as opposed to subjective reality) that would be known as such to all humans.

3. Humans would need to have free will. This includes the ability to instantly see through one's delusion if one would be delusional.

I am not sure about any of these three points, so I don't seek proof of God.
Ok, I hope I'm not restarting an old thread here but I was wondering what you would accept as proof that a god exists.

This is not for those that already believe that there is a god but for those who says there is no proof or not enough proof of the existence of a god.

Growing back lost limbs, making severly retarded people intelligent, turning the statue of liberty into solid diamond, ... you get the point.
Thus agnosticial/atheistic perspectives hold fairly well.

As far as agnosticism goes - in theory, I agree with what you say. But not when applied to real, everyday life.

Agnosticism makes for a miserable state of mind. Sure, people who can afford a certain level of material comfort can remedy this misery to some extent - so externally, such agnostics don't seem to be all that bothered by their agnosticism.

And as for atheism - The concept of "atheism" doesn't apply when those three conditions mentioned above are not in place.