What would you accept as proof that a god exists?


Registered Member
Ok, I hope I'm not restarting an old thread here but I was wondering what you would accept as proof that a god exists.

This is not for those that already believe that there is a god but for those who says there is no proof or not enough proof of the existence of a god.
Dieing and going to heaven. That would do it for me. Too late of course, but that is what it would take.
Oh, he would have to descend from the heavens and say howdy. I would need face to face god time to believe.
It would have to be something miraculous and spectacular to distinguish him from all the liars and wannabes and maniacs out there. Say, a simultaneous appearance to every individual on Earth, followed by a chat and a cup of tea in which He sits down and answers all of our questions, clearly and simply and comprehensively without engaging in Godly rhetoric or obfuscation.

He would, of course, also take the opportunity to wipe out all wars and suffering with but a wave of his Godly hand (or am I being a bit too Judeo-Christian in hoping that?).
for me it would take a personal interaction, which i've had...and so now i do undoubtedly.
Ok, I hope I'm not restarting an old thread here but I was wondering what you would accept as proof that a god exists.

This is not for those that already believe that there is a god but for those who says there is no proof or not enough proof of the existence of a god.

I'll tell you whether I believe in him when I see him in action. I would also ask him to take the James Randi test for miracles
He would have to star his own real life soap for a couple of months.. maybe, just maybe that would do it.
oh. was it a voice?

it's been a lot of things. i have heard what i would describe as a telepathic communication, but overall, i would call it a message...maybe an impression. i've had lots of weird stuff happen to me orleander. and a lot of it, i haven't an explanation for except to say that there is a spiritual realm like there's a nose on my face. and some people are a lot more aware of it, and interact within it and with it than others. and i don't have to understand everything.
Not human ? But we are made in his image and likeness. How do you resolve that problem ?

it's not a problem. "in his image" could mean a lot of things, and if god is just a human, then he's not a god now is he? truth is, i don't know what god is...