What would perfect love consist of?

I'm just going to throw this question at you dogs and see who gets ripped apart! Kidding... this is a question that really interests me at the moment. If perfect love did (or could) exist, what would it look like (so people would be able to recognise it - my first criterium)?

I want to break all preconceptions and cliches on this one. If you say 'unconditional', then please provide a how and why, etc.

For starters, I think that love should be visible. What good is saying it if you don't act it?

You're grammar is nonsensical, and yet you want to know what love "consists" of? Read the what the Bible has to say about love.
I think love is an action word . To show love by actions . You can kick the word around like a tin can and it has no meaning . When you do things like the dishes or cook your spouse dinner when her feet are hurting , then rub her feet for her while she is eating you are showing love . If you tell her " I don't give a shit get your ass in the kitchen and fix Me a steak. I don't have any underwear either bitch , but I do love you , Fucking cunt . Well that is not being very loving even with the I love you coming out of your Fucked up mouth. Love is an action in my book and if you don't believe that look at all the divorces in society. Somebody is not showing love
If you tell her " I don't give a shit get your ass in the kitchen and fix Me a steak. I don't have any underwear either bitch , but I do love you , Fucking cunt . Well that is not being very loving......

A controversial viewpoint, but maybe you're right.
Perhaps we men shouldn't act that way.

7. My Girlfriend's Girlfriend by Type O Negative

It's no secret we're close
As sweaty velcro
Like latex, fur and feathers
Stuck together

In their '62 'vette
Sharing one cigarette
In a black light trance then
Go go dance
Go go trance

They keep me warm on cold nights
We must be quite a sight
In our meat triangle
All tangled

My girlfriend's girlfriend
She looks like you
My girlfriend's girlfriend
She's my girl too

Her and me an her and she and me
An uncrowded couple are we three
Hey we don't care what people say
When walking hand in hand down Kings Highway
Two for one today

My girlfriend's girlfriend
She looks like you
My girlfriend's girlfriend
She's my girl


Peace. :cool:

Nice poem! Love it!
I think this might be useful, I was typing something else but i lost it. And it was too long to retype. but I can commit further on my logos of desire. which could lead to "perfect love".

Eros: My Defined Opinion
We have studied something of the logos of desire, love, and eros in Barrico's ...se our own identity to the desires, love and eros.

If only you could say that in a simple sentence or two. People might even read it. :D :shrug:
You're grammar is nonsensical, and yet you want to know what love "consists" of? Read the what the Bible has to say about love.

Did you get "you are" grammar from the bible too?

This is rich. I love watching Christians do contortions and back-flips to pretend their ideology is still somehow relevant.

Call it schadenfreude. . .

M*W: Love conquers all fears. It gives you the strength to be true to yourself and others. Love replaces doubt. Love frees the soul.
Love as we experience it in this 3d reality is understood as a feeling or emotion or even a state of mind. Perfect love is an all inclusive existance which cannot be understood or seen in our current reality. Perfect love does not drive out fear simply because fear cannot coexist with perfect love. It is a lone wolf. Perfect love can only exist with and create itself......so the physical plane we are trapped in is only a reality within the confines of our mind where our ego presents it to us as reality. Where there is duality, perfect love is merely a lost puzzle piece that we know is missing but cannot find. Theres only one place where perfect love can create fear and duality is a reality and that place is in the book of contradictions aka the bible. So simply put, you cannot mistake real for fake. It is an existance which you wont find on earth.
Reevaluation . You all don't want to know . It is scary . I don't know if you all can handle the truth about love . It is by no means what you think . Imperfect love is a better description. I am so surprised at what makes different folks feel love . Stomping ants and shit like that you don't typically think of as invoking feelings of love , but you know it is true . Different strokes . Different folks
Identification with another pain is big when making someone feel loved . It induces tight bonds in a relationship . The thing is it may discus one of the parties involved while the other gets there love joy on .
with True love you better put on your iron stomach cause you gonna need it when you all find out what makes people feel truly loved . Watching you stomp dead babies may be on the menu.
Love as we experience it in this 3d reality is understood as a feeling or emotion or even a state of mind. Perfect love is an all inclusive existance which cannot be understood or seen in our current reality. Perfect love does not drive out fear simply because fear cannot coexist with perfect love. It is a lone wolf. Perfect love can only exist with and create itself......so the physical plane we are trapped in is only a reality within the confines of our mind where our ego presents it to us as reality. Where there is duality, perfect love is merely a lost puzzle piece that we know is missing but cannot find. Theres only one place where perfect love can create fear and duality is a reality and that place is in the book of contradictions aka the bible. So simply put, you cannot mistake real for fake. It is an existance which you wont find on earth.

All bull shit and the bible is all about getting the sex . The Bible is one of the most hard core erotic sex books ever written . Sexual tension abounds in that book .
Your analysis is bull shit . Fear lives with love . It is the excitement that creates the fear . Anticipation of love creates the fear .
It lives on earth . Love lives on earth . When love walks in the room everybody takes notice too . They draw to it so they can get some relief