What would perfect love consist of?


Solar flair
Valued Senior Member
I'm just going to throw this question at you dogs and see who gets ripped apart! Kidding... this is a question that really interests me at the moment. If perfect love did (or could) exist, what would it look like (so people would be able to recognise it - my first criterium)?

I want to break all preconceptions and cliches on this one. If you say 'unconditional', then please provide a how and why, etc.

For starters, I think that love should be visible. What good is saying it if you don't act it?
Love is love, either you love someone or you don't. All this "perfect" and "unconditional" crap and other bollocks words people like to attach to it are just for selling new age idiot books.
What if someone questions it

Provided that you know what love is. How do you show love to someone who doesn't know how to recognise it? I mean. You can tell someone you love them, but they won't believe you.

Remember I want to know what an ideal love would look like. It will be more than just a static state.

If what you say is absolute, then there would be no divorces. Because people aren't perfect, love can't be perfect. I'm looking for a hypothetical ideal - you must at least have something in mind when you use the word love.
Love is a primary. Love is when you care about someone more than you care about yourself. It goes beyond that, too, but I think that that's at least real evidence that you love someone.

And if someone gives you Pez, you know they love you.
What would perfect love consist of?


7. My Girlfriend's Girlfriend by Type O Negative

It's no secret we're close
As sweaty velcro
Like latex, fur and feathers
Stuck together

In their '62 'vette
Sharing one cigarette
In a black light trance then
Go go dance
Go go trance

They keep me warm on cold nights
We must be quite a sight
In our meat triangle
All tangled

My girlfriend's girlfriend
She looks like you
My girlfriend's girlfriend
She's my girl too

Her and me an her and she and me
An uncrowded couple are we three
Hey we don't care what people say
When walking hand in hand down Kings Highway
Two for one today

My girlfriend's girlfriend
She looks like you
My girlfriend's girlfriend
She's my girl


Peace. :cool:
Perfect love is when nothing blocks the good intention of the soul in its manifestation in the mental-emotional consciousness.

Perfect love is when nothing blocks the good intention of the soul in its manifestation in the mental- emotional consciousness.

Perfect love is love even when something blocks the good intention of the soul. Even souls with good intentions will have to deal with bad karma sometimes. Will love last if it can't prove itself? Will it be so believable?
I think you are confusing the personality with the soul. Because regardless of karma, the souls intentions are always good. It is in times when the pathway between the soul and the personality is blocked by negative interpretations of the intentions that love is perceived with scepticism. Love is always perfect in itself, in its pure form of energy, but when it is being experienced by humans and through all the human qualities it can appear to lose its validity, but that is just a result of the fearful interpretation of the personality that lacks the courage to fully trust the good intention of the soul.
Love beteween human beings are in its most perfect form when all this is taken into consideration, accepted and fully embraced as part of the experience of love.

It's all very well

But what does that mean in practice? Surely it doesn't mean doing nothing and letting things take its own course? Unfortunately, souls have to put up with personality and resistance all the time.
In practice it means to reach a state of perfection by realizing and accepting its imperfection. The only thing you can improve is your own perception and that does not mean doing nothing, quite the contrary, it can be hard work letting go of all illusions of what love should be and how others are supposed to act toward you to insure you of their love.
Resistance is fear, remember that.
Then there are of course a million ways of expressing and experiencing love as an individual, as a couple and as a group. What is perceived as perfect is up to the one who makes the definition to decide.
Do whatever you feel is right in your soul to reach the love that is perfect for you. You can't force another person to come to the same conclusion of what you see as perfect though. Often it is in the respectful and humble interaction between two lovers that love will reach its most creative and to me seeminlgy perfect form. Constantly developing and finding new ways of expression, the evolutionaty energy as emotion to serve the evolution of the soul as experienced through the personality.

Booze. Lots and lots of booze. Oh, and sex. Like duh. And I'm with Walker, if someone gives you Pez, it DEFINITELY means they love you.

Do whatever you feel is right in your soul to reach the love that is perfect for you.

I feel like walking down Main Street with a semi-automatic, picking off SUV drivers. Will that help me reach the love that is perfect for me?
Perfect love consists of a few things. An absolutely beautiful princess and a studly handsome and muscular warrior in a D&D type of realm. There is love in first sight. The princess is captured by evil sorcerer. The warrior eventually slayed an entire army and a few dragons by himself to rescue the princess.

However, in a mundane world, I don't believe anything can be perfect.
When you have a sh!tty day at the office, your boss decides to kick you around because he can't pull a root, you miss your train home, it starts to pour with rain when you get outside, you put some money in the chip machine and no chips come out, you bump your head on the door knob but when you get home, whats waiting for you is what they called perfect love. Everythinh else is just sex and booze and quite possibly pez.