What would happen???

The sad part is that the roboticizing starts from now. The frightening part is how easily theists are accepting these horrific brain-reformatting explanations...
ok first things first im not trying to question christianity of anything - I'm an agnostic.

1) Heaven is paradise for all that enter it.

What would happen if your paradise included say being with someone you loved (wife or something) that had been condemned to hell? Not for mass murder, just for generally not believing in got etc? Or would you not be in heaven anyway because you loved someone who wasn't christian or whatever?

I' just curious

Luke 14:26
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple.

Sorry all, this is the command of God according to the Bible.

Fortunately, for my own family's sake, I do not believe this or follow this.
This is my fundamental problem with "Heaven", spending eternity with the likes of Adstar, Photizo and multitudes of other annoying/illogical/highandmighty bible thumpers.
This is my fundamental problem with "Heaven", spending eternity with the likes of Adstar, Photizo and multitudes of other annoying/illogical/highandmighty bible thumpers.

Actually, I don't even mind that...they make for great logic cannon-fodder. A debate would be worthless without "the other side".

My problem with christianity's description of heaven is that it appears that the entrants would spend most if not all of the time in constant worship of one entity. If given eternity to live, why would I want to waste it in a singular pursuit of massaging one being's ego?
thats not what this topic is about, if you love them and they end up in hell and your idea of paradise is to be with them do you get to be, or through some shitty divine loophole do you get screwed outa pardise

Your idea of paradise will fall away when the reality of the real paradise hits you.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Your idea of paradise will fall away when the reality of the real paradise hits you.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

So what is paradise according to you and how do you know your view is the correct one ?
For which I'm very grateful. It contradicts what Adstar told me though. So now I'm wondering:

a. Which of you is right?
b. On what basis can we verify the validity of your respective opinions?

What does the Bible say about this?

Jesus said, not to concern ourselves with the dead.
So what is paradise according to you and how do you know your view is the correct one ?

From the Word of God what attracts me to the Paradise revealed is the emotional dimension of it. Jesus will wipe away every tear and God will wipe away every imperfect tendency.

Yes the New Jerusalem is also a very beautiful place, but the beauty is to me nothing without the emotional element.

So it is love, peace and perfection that attracts. With love being the main blessing.

I doubt my views are anywhere near as good as it is going to be. One cannot have detailed view of pure love when one has never experienced it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I was raised to believe all earthly memories would be erased. And then I was also raised to believe grandparents watched you from heaven and acted as guardian angels.
Never made sense to me.
i see things differently
i thin sum people go over board with the god thing and they end up attacing accused peopleof being angels hurting them taking their blood thining its gonna get em closer
they think so much into this god stuff that they end upn inside thier minds in a little box
they think its real
they dont see that its making them worse and very ill they end up with that skitso problem they hide from others always buying godly things
following people accused of anything to do with god hoping they can get what that persons got so they be with this god
they will even go as far as skinning a face or babies to get near to the one they beleive

my beleif is different
i trully beleive that when people give to a beleif they give it fully and i say with that is faith and faith can move mountains i also believe faith can also melt ice or change axles on the earth i beleive in a very different godly thing
i also strongly beleive that when you lose this faith you cant get back to reality
and in the reality of it there is no ice melting and no axles no mountains moved nothing
nothing has been changed but you
and what about a couple of very childish diseases like flesh eating disease
so dam childish that its impossible in the reality of the mind
and so to is the plague yet people died sum didnt and the ones that didnt dont get aids
now arent you curious bout that
well its all your faith thing in a chain event you all believe
i will not bow down to hitler nor to silly gods that dont have a clue of my existance
and i dont beleive in gods nor in religeon
i think sometimes they are good for people and makethem beleive in things
i beleive the heaven is within one self its iether a box in ones mind or a huge giant mountain to be moved it anything we want it
just were the ones that have the key to unlock it
never lose sight of reality never forget the dreams you wish to come true
like lotto winnings or finding a diamond
not finding the stairs to heaven
I was raised to believe all earthly memories would be erased. And then I was also raised to believe grandparents watched you from heaven and acted as guardian angels.
Never made sense to me.

Well the scriptures do not support the position that memories will be erased. It seems to be something that someone has made up to help them come to grips with the thought of not being with a loved one for eternity. From it being someone theory it came down to you to be delivered as a teaching of the faith. It may be that memories might me removed but that is only speculation and it is not supported by scriptures

Same with the grand parents looking down upon you and acting as guardian angels. And when you think about the two teachings you received they cannot possibly be both correct. If your grand parents have had all their memories removed then they would not even know you where their grandchild so why would they even bother with looking down upon you?

I think you can put these two inconsistent teachings down to the well meaning but incorrect traditions created by men who seek to create answers that satisfy their desire to have an answer to questions when God has not yet revealed the answer.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days