What would happen???

Photizo said:
Originally Posted by redarmy11
Are loved ones reunited in Heaven or are they not? In plain English, if you will. Ta.

So bigamy/ polygamy/ polyandry is ok with god?

I mean, if your spouse dies and you remarry, then you both die who decides which one you're reunited with?
Coin toss?
Poker game?
Divine intervention?
Or do you get to keep both?
So where does the idea of being 'reunited' with loved ones come from then? Are you telling us that it ain't necessarily so? If so, how come you know more about this than anyone else does?

Well if a believers loved ones believe Jesus then they will meet them again.

But i do not believe you love for them at the time of meeting will be any less then anyone else you meet in the New Jerusalem. It will be a place where everyone will trully love everyone else.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
For which I'm very grateful. It contradicts what Adstar told me though. So now I'm wondering:

a. Which of you is right?
b. On what basis can we verify the validity of your respective opinions?

What does the Bible say about this?

a.You must investigate further to find that out.

b.Jesus said that the only way to eternity with God was through Him. Therefore anyone who rejects Jesus will not have eternity with God. If my loved ones reject Jesus then i will not be meeting them in eternity.

My love for someone does not remove their need for the redemption of Jesus. I am not Jesus, I cannot Redeem anyone.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
So bigamy/ polygamy/ polyandry is ok with god?

I mean, if your spouse dies and you remarry, then you both die who decides which one you're reunited with?
Coin toss?
Poker game?
Divine intervention?
Or do you get to keep both?

Let Jesus answer you. The Sadducees asked virtually the same question.

Matthew 22
23 The same day the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to Him and asked Him, 24 saying: “Teacher, Moses said that if a man dies, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife and raise up offspring for his brother. 25 Now there were with us seven brothers. The first died after he had married, and having no offspring, left his wife to his brother. 26 Likewise the second also, and the third, even to the seventh. 27 Last of all the woman died also. 28 Therefore, in the resurrection, whose wife of the seven will she be? For they all had her.”
29 Jesus answered and said to them, “You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God. 30 For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

What would happen if your paradise included say being with someone you loved (wife or something) that had been condemned to hell?

What type of "love"?

Not for mass murder, just for generally not believing in got etc?

This is not specific enough. What is meant by etc?

Or would you not be in heaven anyway because you loved someone who wasn't christian or whatever?

I' just curious

Try putting a little more thought into your questions. :)

Well if a believers loved ones believe Jesus then they will meet them again.

But i do not believe you love for them at the time of meeting will be any less then anyone else you meet in the New Jerusalem. It will be a place where everyone will trully love everyone else.
All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Suppose they 'believe' Jesus but, at the same time, regeard him as a goody-goody and a bit of a c***, and think that Heaven will be boring, so opt for Hell instead, in anticipation of the fabulous parties.

Will they still be reunited with Heavenly loved ones against their darkest wishes?

Also, I can't help noticing that you refer several times to what you 'believe'. Exactly how accurate is the data on this, and your interpretation of it? Does it all just come down to your opinion, or do we have something more solid to go on here? Are you giving us definitive answers, or are you perhaps making some (all?) of it up as you go along?
Suppose they 'believe' Jesus but, at the same time, regeard him as a goody-goody and a bit of a c***, and think that Heaven will be boring, so opt for Hell instead, in anticipation of the fabulous parties.

Will they still be reunited with Heavenly loved ones against their darkest wishes?

Also, I can't help noticing that you refer several times to what you 'believe'. Exactly how accurate is the data on this, and your interpretation of it? Does it all just come down to your opinion, or do we have something more solid to go on here? Are you giving us definitive answers, or are you perhaps making some (all?) of it up as you go along?

:) How to answer a post like this. :shrug:


1) There will be no "fabulous parties." in the lake of fire. I don't know where you got that information from but it was not from the Bible lol. When the time of judgement comes and everyone can see the reality of the lake of fire then you can be assured that no one will be putting their hands up volunteering to go there, even the most rabid God haters will be wishing for anything but to go there.

2) I don't know what life will be like in the New Jerusalem but i have received no reliable information stating that boredom will be a problem there. It seems to come from some people's impression of what others have put forward as to what eternity with God will be like. Rather than an accurate account of what life will be like in Eternity. While there is an account of what the New Jerusalem will look like, just what will be happening within it has not been revealed. Who knows the "fabulous parties." might well be happening within it. :D

3) I believe my beliefs come from the Word of God and i believe from the Holy Spirit that dwells within me. But as i have said before it is up to the hearer to investigate whatever the giver of information has given and decide for themselves wether to accept or reject what they have been told.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
1) There will be no "fabulous parties." in the lake of fire. I don't know where you got that information from but it was not from the Bible lol. When the time of judgement comes and everyone can see the reality of the lake of fire then you can be assured that no one will be putting their hands up volunteering to go there, even the most rabid God haters will be wishing for anything but to go there.

Lots of dilemmas for you here. Not only do you think an afterlife exists for us, but can claim what it will be like. You also think the Bible is true, despite it's many flaws.

Can I plead Ockham's Razor and call you out on all those?

3) I believe my beliefs come from the Word of God and i believe from the Holy Spirit that dwells within me. But as i have said before it is up to the hearer to investigate whatever the giver of information has given and decide for themselves wether to accept or reject what they have been told.

More dilemmas! You not only think there is a god, but believe his words are in the Bible. I don't think you hit one bird with that stone never mind two! Then there is this Holy Spirit which is totally meaningless and might as well not exist as we would do just as well without it. Suffice to say that it does not exist anyway and if it was so important it would not be up to delusional simpletons to have discovered it.

The purpose of your life seems to hang on a multitude of impossibilities.
going off the wuestion a bit to be honest, just tell me what will happen dammit! surely there must be a holy man on here somewhere that knows.
in answer to jan - i mean eternal undying love - on the same level as love for your god.
etc. means, she is a good person, follows all the laws but just isn't a christian - that is her only sin if you like.

i want to know whether, if this man couldn't be in paradise without this woman beside him, would she be brought out of hell to make his day, or would he have to endure paradise without the person that would make it paradise for him?
ok first things first im not trying to question christianity of anything - I'm an agnostic.

1) Heaven is paradise for all that enter it.

What would happen if your paradise included say being with someone you loved (wife or something) that had been condemned to hell? Not for mass murder, just for generally not believing in got etc? Or would you not be in heaven anyway because you loved someone who wasn't christian or whatever?

I' just curious

Your longing for that loved one will be removed, so that you can enjoy bliss without missing her.
You would love everyone with you. I do not believe we would love our former relatives any more than we would love anyone we will meet in the New Jerusalem.

Convenient! And does not answer the question.

I believe that one would be surrounded and would be shining forth so much true love that the faulty love of the past that existed on earth would probably not even be remembered.

Do you consider it acceptable to be in so engrossed an illusory world that the suffering that is inflicted on other intelligent entities is easily dispelled from your mind? I'm asking with respect to the OP really...not so much this post.

Your longing for that loved one will be removed, so that you can enjoy bliss without missing her.

Way to go! So paradise comes at the price of free will.
Jesus said to place God above your loved ones. You cannot care more for a loved one than God, and expect to go to Heaven.
Because you can't do the will of God and the will of your loved one. If attachment to your loved one prevents you from performing the will of God, than you don't go to heaven.
Because you can't do the will of God and the will of your loved one. If attachment to your loved one prevents you from performing the will of God, than you don't go to heaven.

thats not what this topic is about, if you love them and they end up in hell and your idea of paradise is to be with them do you get to be, or through some shitty divine loophole do you get screwed outa pardise
If your idea of paradise is to be with your loved ones, you'll join them in hell. So, don't worry.
Maybe the loved one is in hell but you still perceive them to be with you in heaven. Like an illusion. That would be a lie on God's part though but it's not like he didn't lie before.

Non-Logical-Idea-Guy said:
if you guys don't have a good answer, just say, don't make shit up
What can anyone really do but make things up about this ?? :shrug:
Let Jesus answer you. The Sadducees asked virtually the same question.
29 Jesus answered and said to them, “You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God. 30 For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven.

Sop basically you're re-united, but once that happens they are no longer your loved ones?