What would happen???


Fat people can't smile.
Registered Senior Member
ok first things first im not trying to question christianity of anything - I'm an agnostic.

1) Heaven is paradise for all that enter it.

What would happen if your paradise included say being with someone you loved (wife or something) that had been condemned to hell? Not for mass murder, just for generally not believing in got etc? Or would you not be in heaven anyway because you loved someone who wasn't christian or whatever?

I' just curious
Well, that's not much different to asking what would paradise be to a psychopath. Surely his heaven would be to be able to kill people all day, every day, to his heart's content. So is that heaven or hell? Or is it both -- heaven for the psychopath, and hell for the others?

The answer is ................I don't know, and neither does anyone else.

Baron Max
ok first things first im not trying to question christianity of anything - I'm an agnostic.

1) Heaven is paradise for all that enter it.

What would happen if your paradise included say being with someone you loved (wife or something) that had been condemned to hell? Not for mass murder, just for generally not believing in got etc? Or would you not be in heaven anyway because you loved someone who wasn't christian or whatever?

I' just curious

You would love everyone with you. I do not believe we would love our former relatives any more than we would love anyone we will meet in the New Jerusalem.

I believe that one would be surrounded and would be shining forth so much true love that the faulty love of the past that existed on earth would probably not even be remembered.

Loving someone who is a non-believer is not a cause for being blocked from an eternity with God. Loving others is encouraged by the teachings of Jesus irrespective of the belief status of the individual.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
wow dont rush to reply

16 minutes between you first post and your second post... This is a forum, not a chat room. You post something on one day and then come back the next day to see the replies and if you post on a friday you come back on the next monday to look for replies. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
You would love everyone with you. I do not believe we would love our former relatives any more than we would love anyone we will meet in the New Jerusalem.
So where does the idea of being 'reunited' with loved ones come from then? Are you telling us that it ain't necessarily so? If so, how come you know more about this than anyone else does?
So where does the idea of being 'reunited' with loved ones come from then?

The idea of being reunited with loved ones comes as a result of being created in the Image of God...i.e. that we are made for relationship (reflecting the Trinity) and separation is painful and not the original intent...the only grounds for a successful and lasting relationship with God or another is 1 Corinthians 13 type love.
Way to miss the point.

It's you who missed his. Rather than point this out to you, I merely followed up on your missing of his point by taking the oportunity to provide you with some information. You can take it or leave it...
ok first things first im not trying to question christianity of anything - I'm an agnostic.

1) Heaven is paradise for all that enter it.

What would happen if your paradise included say being with someone you loved (wife or something) that had been condemned to hell? Not for mass murder, just for generally not believing in got etc? Or would you not be in heaven anyway because you loved someone who wasn't christian or whatever?

I' just curious

yes, very good point which every protestant dismisses out of hand.

You see, for Protestants, and for the Catholic Bishops... the only Catholics who believe in Paul more than in Mary and Jesus ... well, Heaven is a place for Sinners who believe that having Killed Jesus was a Good thing. They believe that Heaven is a Place of Victory for those who Defeated and Murdered the Messiah.

Well, that is OBVIOUSLY Satanic and couldn't be true.

But the Marian Catholics have a different Vision of Heaven. Heaven is reserved only for the Pure. Well, many people do not die pure, but if they die on the Right Side of Morality, that is, if they MEAN well and are on the Right Side of things, Wishing to be Pure, then they have the opportunity to go to Purgatory.

What is Purgatory? Well, Purgatory, by incremental degrees is the Light of Heaven that burns away the dross of sin and ill-will. If the Light Shines through Purity, then all is Clear and the light cannot make Heat. But if the Light hits upon anything gross and material then Heat is generated and that Heat will burn. It purifies, but the burning is burning and it is not very comfortable. So Purgatory is made to operate gradually, though some souls in the impatience to attain Heaven will jump ahead to the most excruciating levels of Purification. I can see their reasoning. Short or Long, it all amounts to the same amount of Pain in the end, doesn't it. So the Soul might as well get it over with. However, Heavenly wisdon knows that in an Eternity there should be no hurry, and so the Pains involved are kept to a bearable level.

But, yes, no Sin is allowed in Heaven. It is ridiculous, that Protestant notion that believing in Jesus can allow for a polluted soul to stink up Heaven.

Besides, has anyone ever wondered why Christ would specify that people would have to "believe". Why? If Sinners are allowed to be sinners, then why should they have to believe. If Jesus was murdered for the Forgiveness of Sins, then what does it add to anything that they would have to acknowledge what is nothing more than a story from History. The Blood of Christ being able to Forgive Sins is either Able to do it or Not. What does the belief of individual people have to do with it? So this is just another thing that Paul was able to assert which people automatically believed, without a single good reason.

How do we know Paul was Satan? It is because he could spout such obviously stupid crap and yet so many people believed him. Isn't THAT the prophecy of the Antichrist? Who better fits it then Paul?
For which I'm very grateful. It contradicts what Adstar told me though. So now I'm wondering:

a. Which of you is right?
b. On what basis can we verify the validity of your respective opinions?

What does the Bible say about this?
If Jesus was murdered for the Forgiveness of Sins, then what does it add to anything that they would have to acknowledge what is nothing more than a story from History. The Blood of Christ being able to Forgive Sins is either Able to do it or Not. What does the belief of individual people have to do with it?

If someone deposits a million dollars into your checking account but you never draw on the funds to pay your bills, you'll still be harrassed and hounded by the Bill Collector...
For which I'm very grateful. It contradicts what Adstar told me though. So now I'm wondering:

a. Which of you is right?
b. On what basis can we verify the validity of your respective opinions?

What does the Bible say about this?

Why not wait and let Adstar weigh in on this. In the meantime, do your own research...the Bible says God is a rewarder of them that dilligently seek Him.
I don't want nothing from that fella. I just want some answers, dammit! I want the Truth - even if I can't handle it!

I don't want nothing from that fella. I just want some answers, dammit! I want the Truth - even if I can't handle it!

"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."