What would convince you?


Atheists often say that they would believe in God if there was evidence, so what's an example of evidence that would fully convince you that God or anything supernatural exists?

If you can't give an example, then you're just relying on blind faith....pure blind atheistic faith...
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so what's an example of evidence that would fully convince you that God or anything supernatural exists?

The World, and literally, everything was created by him. Take a look around you, this was not a mistake, and there is a purpose for every creation he makes.
The World, and literally, everything was created by him. Take a look around you, this was not a mistake, and there is a purpose for every creation he makes.

Evidence for design does not convince any atheist to even the slightest extent that God or anything supernatural exists...design is explained by nature + causeless chance...which is why I'm asking the atheists for an example of what would convince them...nothing seems to...
That is not evidence

Yes, it is. No one can explain why we have been put on earth, we will never be able to understand that. One can't ignore the fact that someone made all of this, and a force that can make such wonders is supernatural.
Maybe we cant explain why we are here, simply because there is no reason.
Atheists often say that they would believe in God if there was evidence, so what's an example of evidence that would fully convince you that God or anything supernatural exists?

If you can't give an example, then you're just relying on blind faith....pure blind atheistic faith...
Same ol' argument, VO.

Why do you repeat the same topic over and over again - with the same generalisation of atheism?

VitalOne said:
Evidence for design does not convince any atheist to even the slightest extent that God or anything supernatural exists...
Evidence for design would be quite powerful in changing the view of many atheists. However, there is NO evidence for design.

aaa said:
No one can explain why we have been put on earth, we will never be able to understand that.
And your evidence for there being a WHY? is...???

aaa said:
One can't ignore the fact that someone made all of this...
Fact? And you get this "fact" from what evidence?
In about 200 million years it won't matter too much if we believe in God or not. By then things will really start to heat up around here thanks to our good ole Mr. Sun as it continues it's evolution into becoming a Red Giant and after that, it's all down hill for the human race if we're still around for that long. Believe it or not.
I'm less interested in concepts of God than the existence of immortal spirit.

Whats important is what it will take to convince the scientific establishment...not any one individual.

The best evidence so far is the testimony of people who have died and been brought back to life.
I'm less interested in concepts of God than the existence of immortal spirit.

Whats important is what it will take to convince the scientific establishment...not any one individual.

The best evidence so far is the testimony of people who have died and been brought back to life.

Do you have anyone in mind?
In about 200 million years it won't matter too much if we believe in God or not. By then things will really start to heat up around here thanks to our good ole Mr. Sun as it continues it's evolution into becoming a Red Giant and after that, it's all down hill for the human race if we're still around for that long. Believe it or not.

The universe does indeed conspire against us. I hope someday we can all pull together and conspire against ...it.
I'm less interested in concepts of God than the existence of immortal spirit.

Whats important is what it will take to convince the scientific establishment...not any one individual.

The best evidence so far is the testimony of people who have died and been brought back to life.
Ah yes - the testimony of people who have gone through major trauma (and brain death? Or are we just talking heart stopping?). Reliable without question; and obviously well versed in the necessary knowledge to determine that it was not merely neurological / biological stuff going on in their heads (such as the visual cortex shutting down leading to a perceived vision of a "white tunnel").

Yep - that would do it for me.
How many times have you been through this VitalOne? You could at least try not to sound like a religious nutter.

We discussed this a few months ago but you stopped responding. http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=67056&page=5

I answered this - "It is not up to the atheists to specify the evidence but I will play along this time. God could appear at the UN, he could part one of the bigger oceans, if someone could produce some of the miracles described in the Bible that would certainly be worth investigating. He could cause amputee’s limbs to grow back. The rapture. Perhaps he could actually stop punishing starving children who have done nothing wrong! If this god exists as described in your religious texts then he is capable on many supernatural feats that simply do not happen. "

I mentioned some events that he has supposedly done before. That seems like a good place to start. Your response here was quite amusing.
The burden of proof thing atheists commonly use doesn't apply. It only applies to criminal court cases so that innocent victims aren't prosecuted...in other cases like civil court cases you don't need to convince anyone beyond a reasonable doubt of anything.....

If atheism were really falsifiable you would be able to give examples of what would falsify, but you can't. Instead you give me examples of miracles and things you think would never happen (it would be like me saying "well when pigs fly I'll believe you").

So you wont accept anything supernatural as an answer?
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Atheists often say that they would believe in God if there was evidence, so what's an example of evidence that would fully convince you that God or anything supernatural exists?

If you can't give an example, then you're just relying on blind faith....pure blind atheistic faith...

This is stupid...
What's an example of evidence that would fully convince YOU that the toothfeary exists?

same thing...
Evidence that could convince me includes:

- Miraculous occurrences, especially if brought about through prayer to a specific god. If followers of a particular religion were consistently able to perform unambiguously miraculous acts or cause them to be brought about by prayer, that would be very convincing evidence. For example, if a double-blind study showed that prayer to a specific god could increase hospital patient survival rates in a statistically significant way, I would probably convert to that religion.

-If a religion had followers (or a holy book) that made specific, unambiguous prophecies about events that have not yet occurred, and those prophecies came to pass. The prophecies would have to be something that was non-obvious and that didn’t require mental gymnastics to interpret.

-A holy book that contained a lot of scientific/technical information that couldn’t have been known to the people who wrote it. That would be pretty convincing evidence that the knowledge in the book was given to its authors by a “higher power”. Again, it would have to be specific information that didn’t require mental gymnastics to interpret. It would also have to be mostly correct – I wouldn’t be impressed by an ancient book that contained a few correct pieces of information and a huge number of incorrect pieces of information, because then I would assume that the authors had simply made a large number of claims and gotten lucky on a few of them.

That’s just the first few things that come to mind. Christians want to believe that there is good evidence that god exists. Since there are many people who do not believe in god, Christians have to convince themselves that atheists are simply impossible to convince, that atheists would ignore any evidence. It's the only way for them to reconcile their belief that evidence exists with the fact that some people aren't convinced. It also seems to have something to do with a desire to reduce both sides of the argument to “faith,” as VitalOne demonstrated in his opening post. Apparently it’s comforting for Christians to imagine that it’s faith against faith, rather than faith against empirical evidence.

The truth is that any atheist can tell you all sorts of things that would convince them. It's not that we ignore all the evidence - there are things that could convince us, but those things do not seem to exist.

This is all especially ironic because when I started a similar thread a while ago asking Christians what it would take to convince them that they were wrong, I got a boatload of people saying that there was nothing that could convince them that their religion was wrong.
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Ah yes - the testimony of people who have gone through major trauma and brain death?

Or are we just talking heart stopping?. Reliable without question; and obviously well versed in the necessary knowledge to determine that it was not merely neurological / biological stuff going on in their heads...
Absolute brain death follows the heart stopping within something like 11 seconds.

Mystical experiences are not evidence. The only evidence that could be considered is the knowledge of events during death that would otherwise be impossible even for the unconscious.