What would be proof of god(s)?

lol me too!

After God has revealed himself, supposedly is too late to get on his side. At least that is the dominant interpretation of the book of Revelations in the Christian Bible.

Really? Revelations can mean so many things though. We'd have been better off if John and scrawled a note that said,"We'll see." and gone on. Bad stuff will happen. If fundy revelations stuff start coming true, or there's a mass disappearance of christians, might want to go ahead and start praying then.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for everyone being a christian, we do true communism fairly well. But, if it ain't your thing, it ain't your thing. :)
If you're talking proof, then why settle? God coming down on a chariot of fire and telling us all to quit screwing up would be proof. He could cause an earthquake, then make the sun dance, just to prove that he is who he says he is.

If that happens, are there any possible explanations other than God?

It would be cool if Hubble pointed at some far away sattelite or meteorite, and found the verse John 3:16 written on it

If that happens, are there any possible explanations other than God?
Oh, I dunno, I think he evidenced himself, then decided that was enough, we'd just have to have faith after the guy he stuffed into the rock. Then there's JC, but the trinity gives me needling pains in my head.

If God exists, then that could very well be true. I don't pretend, like some here to know the thought process of a being that is powerful enough to create the existence that I was born into. But, considering the stakes...heaven, hell, purgatory...you'd think he wouldn't wager our eternities on faith, especially when our brains operate the way they do. If it were true, it wouldn't be fair, and honestly not something I would want any part in.

Stranger said:
If that happens, are there any possible explanations other than God?

At that point, would it matter? Who would I be to second-guess a being that could make the sun move? God or no, it might as well be, at that point.
At that point, would it matter? Who would I be to second-guess a being that could make the sun move? God or no, it might as well be, at that point.

It would matter to me. Specially if it's done by some machine which I could operate if only I could get to it. Or if it's done thru some knowledge that being just happens to have that I don't yet.
JDawg-If God exists, you don't get to decide if you have any part in it. If he doesn't, you can say,"What, me, worry?" :D
Whether gods exist is off topic. Faith is off topic. Whether humans get to decide anything or it's all up to the whims of apathetic gods is off topic.
It would matter to me. Specially if it's done by some machine which I could operate if only I could get to it. Or if it's done thru some knowledge that being just happens to have that I don't yet.

What are you, Indiana Jones? I would assume (and I can, since this was my idea) that if a being is big and smart enough to do what it did, then chances are none of us would be able to even comprehend the technology, let alone use it.

The One They Call Hambone said:
JDawg-If God exists, you don't get to decide if you have any part in it. If he doesn't, you can say,"What, me, worry?"

There's no way to opt-out of the contract?! Man, I just signed with Scott Boras and everything!
Okeedokee. Proof of God is not currently possible. Given your examples of things that would not be proof, I can't imagine anything being an acceptable proof to you, stranger. Then again, proof is pretty relative. I accept the letters on my screen as proof of you, so I guess I'm easy. :D
What are you, Indiana Jones? I would assume (and I can, since this was my idea) that if a being is big and smart enough to do what it did, then chances are none of us would be able to even comprehend the technology, let alone use it.

Yes, I'm Indiana Jones. Certainly nothing wrong with that.
Of course you can assume that & I can not assume that.
I asked for opinions & I got yours, I appreciate it & didn't even criticize it. I simply responded with mine.
Creationists think there's evidence consciousness is nonmaterial & this is proof of their god.
if its non material,what the f is it made of,,,how would they know it exists?
Some theists say NDEs are proof of god.
how could being near death be proof of god?
Supposedly someone did an experiment which showed a soul leaving a dying person.
and yet with all the cameras everywhere no one took a picture of it!
What would be proof of a god?
xian bible says that WHATEVER one (the believer) asks for in prayer shall be given to them,
IF that worked 100% of the time,would be pretty damn good proof imo..
so..does it?
Evidence for a god would be where someone prays to have an amputated leg regrown and it does before his eyes.

Evidence for a god would be a scriptural passage that reveals ohms law; Avogadro's number; Planck's Constant; or how to synthesize a vaccine for any disease.

Evidence for a god would also be evidence that an immaterial soul actually exists since various religious cult doctrines both extant and extinct invoke this grand hope of humanity (that we somehow continue our awareness post-death).

Mod Note: Off-topic & preaching post(s) deleted. If you have concerns, PM me.
If NDEs are reliable or if consciousness is nonmaterial or if we have souls, I say that's no proof of gods.
If evolution & the big bang are wrong, that's no evidence of gods.

On an interesting side note, I have asked theists several times in threads like this one what it would take to convince them that their religion was wrong, and they almost always say that there is no evidence that could ever possibly convince them, no matter what. I've even asked Christians what they would think if followers of some other religion were able to miraculously heal the sick etc, and they usually respond that they would assume it was a trick of the devil :rolleyes:
A person who is brought up in an environment where they have never expierenced the love of another human being, could ask the same question with regard to love.
There is simply no proof of evidence of such a phenomenon outside of experiencing it, making it a weak position to one who has no understanding of it.
This is just stupid. Of course there is evidence of love. The fact that parents often risk their life for their children, or that husbands and wives are monogamous with each other is evidence that some special relationship exists between them.

I could explain that love was a special relationship that causes people to be devoted to each other and put the needs and happiness of someone else before their own (or some other definition that approximately described love) and then provide COUNTLESS examples of real-life behavior to serve as evidence that this "love" thing does in fact exist. It would be enough to convince any reasonable person that love exists, even if they didn't actually understand the nature of love themselves and had never experienced it first-hand.
Nasor-that's the way faith works. If you have faith that no God exists, there is no convincing you. If you have faith that God exists, no convincing you otherwise.
Nasor-that's the way faith works. If you have faith that no God exists, there is no convincing you. If you have faith that God exists, no convincing you otherwise.
Only if you define "faith" to mean "a blind belief that's impervious to logic and reason." I would say that I have faith that my parents love me, but if tomorrow they decided to try to kill me I would be willing to reevaluate that position.