What would be proof of god(s)?


SubQuantum Mechanic
Valued Senior Member
Creationists think there's evidence consciousness is nonmaterial & this is proof of their god.
Some theists say NDEs are proof of god.
Supposedly someone did an experiment which showed a soul leaving a dying person.

If NDEs are reliable or if consciousness is nonmaterial or if we have souls, I say that's no proof of gods.
If evolution & the big bang are wrong, that's no evidence of gods.

A "prophecy" in an early book or scripture of the bible being said to be fulfilled in a later book or scripture means nothing.
Finding some evidence that some human events described in the bible probably happened doesn't mean they happened the way they're described in the bible.

If someone "magicly" appeared before me saying I am god, I wouldn't take their word or it.
If we land on another planet inhabited by intelligent yet primitive beings, would they think we're gods?
I can't think of anything, at this time, that a being could do that wouldn't have me thinking this is simply another being but more powerful than humans.

What would be proof of a god?
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Creationists think there's evidence consciousness is nonmaterial & this is proof of their god.
Some theists say NDEs are proof of god.
Supposedly someone did an experiment which showed a soul leaving a dying person.

If NDEs are reliable or if consciousness is nonmaterial or if we have souls, I say that's no proof of gods.
If evolution & the big bang are wrong, that's no evidence of gods.

A "prophecy" in an early book or scripture of the bible being said to be fulfilled in a later book or scripture means nothing.
Finding some evidence that some human events described in the bible probably happened doesn't mean they happened the way they're described in the bible.

If someone "magicly" appeared before me saying I am god, I wouldn't take their word or it.
If we land on another planet inhabited by intelligent yet primitive beings, would they think we're gods?
I can't think of anything, at this time, that a being could do that wouldn't have me thinking this is simply another being but more powerful than humans.

What would be proof of a god?

A person who is brought up in an environment where they have never expierenced the love of another human being, could ask the same question with regard to love.
There is simply no proof of evidence of such a phenomenon outside of experiencing it, making it a weak position to one who has no understanding of it.
The thing about love, is that it is something we don't really think about or question, it just occurrs naturally to us. No evidence is ever required to prove that we love, and if we don't love, we do not question the reasons why.
There can never be any proof of evidence that God does or does not exist, because that would imply that there are regions of perception where God is non-existent, which contradict the common, scriptoral, definition of God.
If God does exist, then the notion of freewill becomes apparent, because we have to ability to reject him, to act as though he doesn't exist.
So we are left with 2 alternatives, to believe or not believe.

Proof of the supernatural is proof that entities can exist beyond the physical realm. If there is proof that entities can exist beyond the physical, then it would be possible that some of these entities could be very potent, even to the extent of a god. Ghost Hunters have some interesting footage sometimes. Unfortunately, they are biased half the time even though they claim they are trying not to be. Their evidence also needs to be put through the ringer....especially how it is collected. They need an objective thrid party's help. No solid evidence yet...just interesting footage.
Proof? I'd like to see some evidence before I even considered that proof is possible.

If you're talking proof, then why settle? God coming down on a chariot of fire and telling us all to quit screwing up would be proof. He could cause an earthquake, then make the sun dance, just to prove that he is who he says he is.

If you want evidence, however...I'm not sure it's possible. Maybe if we found a wheel to that chariot? I mean, I'd assume the damn thing would be the size of the Sears Tower...
What would be proof of a god?

To me, such proof would be meeting a being who is beautifuller, wiser, more famous, more rich, harder to make sad, upset or angry, and more powerful than anyone else I know or could imagine.

I don't care much for chariots, but if I found a really attractive one, I would want to know who drives in it.
It would be cool if Hubble pointed at some far away sattelite or meteorite, and found the verse John 3:16 written on it
A person who is brought up in an environment where they have never expierenced the love of another human being, could ask the same question with regard to love.
There is simply no proof of evidence of such a phenomenon outside of experiencing it, making it a weak position to one who has no understanding of it.
The thing about love, is that it is something we don't really think about or question, it just occurrs naturally to us. No evidence is ever required to prove that we love, and if we don't love, we do not question the reasons why.
There can never be any proof of evidence that God does or does not exist, because that would imply that there are regions of perception where God is non-existent, which contradict the common, scriptoral, definition of God.
If God does exist, then the notion of freewill becomes apparent, because we have to ability to reject him, to act as though he doesn't exist.
So we are left with 2 alternatives, to believe or not believe.


love is chemically induced
This is true, JDawg. I think he did that sort of thing only if they had evidenced faith previously, though. Besides, the complete lack of evidence for God existing is pretty suspicious, if you ask me.
This is true, JDawg. I think he did that sort of thing only if they had evidenced faith previously, though. Besides, the complete lack of evidence for God existing is pretty suspicious, if you ask me.

I agree. I would think that a god that wanted us to worship it would make itself known.
Oh, I dunno, I think he evidenced himself, then decided that was enough, we'd just have to have faith after the guy he stuffed into the rock. Then there's JC, but the trinity gives me needling pains in my head.
Proof? I'd like to see some evidence before I even considered that proof is possible.

If you're talking proof, then why settle? God coming down on a chariot of fire and telling us all to quit screwing up would be proof. He could cause an earthquake, then make the sun dance, just to prove that he is who he says he is.

If you want evidence, however...I'm not sure it's possible. Maybe if we found a wheel to that chariot? I mean, I'd assume the damn thing would be the size of the Sears Tower...

You know what is stupid. In Revelations it says he is going to put on a show similar to this, but by then it's too late to be allowed into heaven.