What will Christians do when their religion dies?

The inevitability of atheism is false.

If anything, it is the harbinger of a dying civilization. Societies often become atheistic before they die. Such was the case in the example of Rome and many others. Prior to their collapse, the belief in the old Gods died… the civilizations themselves didn’t last much longer. The active encouragement of faith is backed by US Neocons largely for this reason. We perceive nihilism to be a symptom of degeneration and decay… and are therefore doing our best to counteract this syndrome. This is why we’ve allied with the ‘Religious’ right. We share very little in common with them in many respects. But we see the notion of beliefs and moral constants are preferable to moral ambiguity. To this end we do our best to strengthen them. Were it not for our support and political protection, they would have been cut down in American politics before they even got going. This has been on going for well over 40 years.

If anything religion is getting stronger in the US instead of weaker. Furthermore, while domestic religion is very weak in Europe, they’ve creative a faith vacuum. The consequence of this is that they’re importing an immigrant culture that has a decent chance of taking over the host societies. To compromise in that situation is to lose. So, they’ll either start to project their own culture a little more strongly or be consumed. The choice is entirely theirs. We have made our choice.

Love and Peace, Karmashock.
Rome turned Christian before it fell, but that still doesn't mean that's why it fell. Also, atheist is not nihilism, Buddhists, for instance, are atheists. And I do not believe for one second that the 'cons and the religious wrong share little in common, they are the same people. Morality is often ambiguous, since no set of rules could account for every situation, and reality is a continuum, not broken up into fixed segments that act in predictable ways. I'm all for people being interested in religion, but it is not a panacea. You seem to describe a spiritual darwinism with the most aggressive culture winning. And the most aggressive cultures today are fundamentalist.
okinrus: Yes, I have a history book on the occult. Never could make through it. There's a little basis for a conspiracy view of history. Most events happeneded the way they recorded it, or similar to the way recorded.
M*W: I wouldn't consider a book on the occult to be an antithesis to Christianity in the same manner the Gnostic Gospels do. Yet, they are about Christ but not Paul's Christ. In the GGs, Jesus is shown to be a real human being and a spiritual leader. Some of the Apostles, Peter for one, was shown to be an old hard-headed misogynist ala Paul. Paul, of course, is not mentioned in the GGs, but Jesus's followers were aware of his false Christianity. Revelations nails him.
okinrus: Not every modern scholar is anti-christian.
M*W: True, but their findings are biased based on their belief -- the belief they want everyone to embrace.
okinrus: You may know, but you have not shown or proven?
M*W: Yes, I personally know that Christianity is false. All I can do is relate my story, but I certainly don't expect anyone to base their belief/disbelief on my experience. Each person will awaken in their own way... or as Jesus put it, "to become fully human."
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Everytime I go to B&N I find evermore referenced materials on the falsification of Christianity. It makes me wonder, what will Christians do when their faith has been proven to be false?
false? in your dreams

all those books? that's because your ilk just have to write ever more books, type their little fingers to the nub, those little demons on their shoulders just whispering in their ears, "write this", "write that", I bet you even read "da Vinci Code" as if true hystory, :D
Only when Christianity falls will there be the possibility of World Peace.
when christianity falls, will be the End Times & you'll have the earth all to yourself, for a little while then all hell breaks lose, enjoy while you can, because then Heaven breaks forth
itopal said:
Oh, you aren’t hmmm? That’s funny because next you define irrational aspects (details) to the IF (God)?

Aspects (details) of your imaginary (ontological) god.
(a) It wants to be hidden.
(b) It “IS.” You seem to think, if you imagine an aspect - therefore it is real.
(c) Absolute. This is a self-negating philosophical (logical) inevitability.
(d) It has an ability (a “grasp”) - that it does not use - LOL.
(e) It is invisible - and undetectable - LOL.
What does this mean? I said that IF God exists, there is no way of proving he exists unless he wants you to. This is implied in the definition of what it means to be a god.

As far as Roman ideology (Society) being gone; no - it is still here today;
Indeed there are interesting aspects that have survived because the romans were very good at some thing and people have copied from them. However, their empire fell. It fell because its reason for being... it's culture... collapsed. It lost it's morality (yes, rome was once moral) then slowly degenerated into decadence. Christianity didn't help because the ruling class merely used it instead of being subject to it.

The Empire of Alexander the Great; died upon his death-bead; atheism had nothing to with it;
Nor was his empire a culture. He borrowed from things and maintained his empire with nothing more then his army and fear of his return. When he died, the army and that fear died.

His empire was sustained by Faith in Alexander... when he died, the empire died.
nor the end of the Sumerian; the Egyptian; the Persian Empire; nor the Caliphate; etc.
Each of those went through a period of degeneration as a disconnect developed between culture of each society and the culture of power.

Egypt kept its faith for a very very long time. This is in part why it remains the single longest lived empire in known human history. I believe they can claim 4000 years of empire... not bad.

Muslims were Muslims within the Caliphate and are still Muslims today - yet the Empire is Gone.
The Muslims were actually defeated by the Mongols who then crowned themselves kings in the muslim world. They converted to islam apparently, but the conversion wasn't particularly deep and the cultural differences were profound. It was at that point that the muslim world began to decay. That was basically the peak of their civilization.

Most empires reach beyond their historical borders - they deserve to shrink (back); but they do not die. Nations continue.
Deserve? That sounds like a moral judgment... explain the basis of this morality.

Civilian cities in Japan were fire-bombed by the (US) during WW II - and after we pummeled them into submission; we A-bombed them twice. This would have amounted to war crimes had the US not been the clear and would-be victor. But Japan remains; transformed; it is not dead either. The Nation continues.
This demonstrates such a low understanding of that war, that I don't know what to say...

Without the A bomb, Japan would have been invaded... far far more would have died.

We were even in talks with Stalin to provide some of the troops. We estimated that a million of our people would die in that invasion... considering htat we woudl have air superiority, how many japanese do you think would die? Upwards of 5 million at least. How many did the A bomb kill? The A bomb was the best thing that could have happened. It got them to stop fighting before the invasion.

Religion AND "politic" are both examples of ideology. Ideology transforms and evolves or it dies; but society and people continue. This return to the religion; the myths of old idea; has no basis in reality; you merely rant; from your own imagination.
Actually, I'm expressing the opinion of the dominant political and ideological power in the US at this moment.

The revitalization of religion in the US is calculated. We're doing it on purpose.

Wiser men then you or I have set upon this course so you shouldn't be so easy in dismissing something you likely don't understand.

Atheism, Agnostics, Zealots, Theist, Fundamentalists, Traditionalists, Reasonable Religionists, etc, and mixes thereof have always existed together within society.
sure... some people always prefer having sex with sheep to their appropriate species and sex... but its not a problem unless it becomes wide spread.


The struggle for power; needs an ideology; the claim to finite resources; requires a righteous stand. This is an example of the negative - and hardly a reason to have “faith” in the old myths.
A people need an identity. It is that simple. If people don't have that, then everyone goes in their own direction and the system falls apart.
Cultural diffusion has happened for thousands of years? So - so what.
Of times cultural diffusion is healthy - it merely takes time; unless you lend an ear to the fear-mongers.
If you can't see the difference, then I can't help you. Regardless, the statistics show that you'll see what I'm talking about in the next 30 years. So buckle up and enjoy the ride.

You sound like a Catholic - here. LOL
There was nothing remotely Catholic or even religious about that statement. It was an expression of sociological theory that I think is valid.

If anything Europe - is not a vacuum; some of the best minds live there; they have some of the best universities in the world.
You didn't understand what I meant by vacuum. I'm not saying you're stupid or without talent. Rome didn't fall for lack of ability. It fell for lack of will and unifying identity. No one felt close to the empire. No one loved it. Very few labored to protect and sustain it. Even the ruling class of Rome cared very little for the empire so long as it kept them in wealth.

This killed the empire.

Your “faith” vacuum is non-existent; pure imagination. Doomsayers and presumptive-minds like you exist in Society always. You make claims to know; yet all you really do is make false claims.

It’s funny you should mention an increase in religionists in the US;
while there is a decline in US education standards simultaneously. :)
Your grasp of those statistics is very shallow. The falling in US test scores is primarily in language. That is to say, it seems that Americans over all don't speak the english language as well as they used to. Furthermore, the primary areas where this statistic is falling is in major cities and mostly around the boarder with Mexico.

What does this tell you? Language ability is falling in major cities and around the Mexican board... think.

Areas that are either rural or far north have not had falling statistics. They're either the same or have been rising.
spidergoat said:
Rome turned Christian before it fell, but that still doesn't mean that's why it fell.
Actually, that is precisely why it fell. Ask around. The most distinguished book about the fall of Rome is called "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" by Edward Gibbon. In that book he makes roughly the same argument. Rome lost faith in itself and went into decay.

Also, atheist is not nihilism, Buddhists, for instance, are atheists.
You wouldn't refer to them as such and Buddhists wouldn't associate themselves with atheists. Atheism is not a belief system. It is an anti belief system. It believes there is no god but it doesn't profess any other belief.

Therefore its follows tend to believe in nothing, ergo nihilists. Can you be an atheist without being a nihilist? Sure… but typically that isn’t the case. Most beliefs are just derivative of living in what remains primarily a Christian society. If that support goes away, then there is no guarantee that they’ll believe in anything.
And I do not believe for one second that the 'cons and the religious wrong share little in common, they are the same people. Morality is often ambiguous, since no set of rules could account for every situation, and reality is a continuum, not broken up into fixed segments that act in predictable ways. I'm all for people being interested in religion, but it is not a panacea. You seem to describe a spiritual darwinism with the most aggressive culture winning. And the most aggressive cultures today are fundamentalist.
If you can't distinguish the Neo-Conservatives from the Religious Right, then you're blind. They’re very very different groups that have allied with each other because they have similar goals.

The Neocons think America must be a nation with a strong belief system. It must have strong cultural values and a strong cultural identity. What that identity is or culture is doesn’t matter as much. It simply must have one.

The Religious right thinks America must become a more Christian nation, with more strongly professed moral beliefs.

The religious right gives the Neocons some of what they want in the US. The rest the neocons have to make for themselves. Look to what we're doing in Iraq if you want to see some of that.

The Neocons give the religious right legitimacy and access that they otherwise would not have had. Without Neocon backup, the religious right would have been either ignored or swated. The Neocons deliberately stirred and drove the religious right. They were always there, but the neocons brought them up.

The politics of this country are far more complex then you likely realize. That doesn't make any of these groups bad people either. The Neocons want to spread freedom and democracy around the world... while making the US a more moral nation. These goals are pursued because they believe it is the only way to save America from internal decay and decadence. This is what drives them.

Anyway, please don't respond with snarky and childish comments. This could be a good discussion.

Love and Peace, Karmashock.
itopal said:
Just like I said - you are defining a transcendent being.
Nothing about this transcendence is implied - or assumed; yet you assume and define.
You continue to define details of god-abstractions that - you have merely imagined into being (this hiding aspect).

You also assume a "proving itself" detail - which is equally nonsense-ical.
Nothing of the kind. Gods cannot be understood by science. Hence SUPER-natural or BEYOND nature which includes science.

Explain how an Empire is moral - that conquers; murders; and enslaves; and endures for a 1000 years.
Who’s morality? Morality is defined by the society. The Romans didn’t think it was immoral and so it wasn’t. Morality is not universal throughout all cultures… in any respect.

a.) Was this illegal at the time? If one considers the various conventions trying to limit war and agreed to by the international community as establishing a legal code, then the Hague Convention of 1923 (Articles 22, 23) made indiscriminate urban bombing illegal. This view is confirmed by the speech of the British Prime Minister before the House of Commons in 1938 in which he said that any such bombing was an "undoubted violation of international law." Shortly after, the League of Nations unanimously passed a resolution affirming that such bombing was illegal.
I believe a contract is void if the opponent violates the terms.

Things go up - then the go down. This all Christian Nation will not happen - it is merely what America is; always changing; leaning one way - then another. I feel the 1%-2% swing to the right is a backlash reaction to the Social revolutions of the 60’s and 70’s; the excesses of the 80’s; and the aging of the revolution-boomers; they have had their fill of excess and are content on rejecting-it. Born-again and ready to condemn.
Actually, this movement has been building for over 50 years. Look the neocons up. Seriously make an effort to understand what drives them. It’s about preventing a future fall into degeneration. This is why we have stirred the religious right… they’re stability at the very least…

The rest of your pointless ranting on the ideology of Neo-cons and morality speaks for itself - nor does it infer - correctness of your original spurious and subjective premise.
What do you know of neocons? You don’t seem to have the most basic grasp, so I don’t see that you have the right to take such a tone with me.

But please explain this non-sense - your sheep-theory.
“Karmashock - sure... some people always prefer having sex with sheep to their appropriate species and sex... but its not a problem unless it becomes wide spread.”
Put it in the context of the question I was answering. In a vacuum, it’s just a maxim that states that some people might do just about anything no matter what it is… but to a society what matters is statistics… proportions.
What will Christians do when their religion dies?

I don't think that christianity will ever die, from one generation to another there will always be that hope amongs idiots to be saved from who the hell knows what? As if they have found an aswer to beat death.

As long as there are wars, and seems many will come our way specially with neo-cons and christian right-wingers waging it upon an invisible enemy they've yet to identify, only knows as "terrorists" of which they may be brooding in mainland China or Russia for all we know, these people are here to bring armegeddon, the zeal of these idiots is to dwindle the population of earth and they have the power to do so, as long as people with their heads stuck up their ass let it happen examples here are; well I don't need to mention it just look at their idiotic posts supporting war, and the neo-cons.

It is true that the primitive moral teachings of the christian faith has brought forth a moral standard; sadly they seem to have forgotten this and just aid the freaking people who crusified their own savior, in totally trying to commit genocide of a population of Palestines, for more dessert lands. If these sob's who proclaimed to be christian had any freaking common sense they would see the similarity between the state of Israel and Nazis. The Nazis of course murdered thousands of jews, and now jews are doing the same with the same ferocity to the peoples of Palestine. *Just in* my bad!; not all Israelis are included in the mindless killings of Palestinians. http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2004/01/278573.shtml

And then we have visions of a religious nature; here's a freaking fool who believes he knows what jesus looks like, and of all things this image is seen in a frying pan..LOL.:



It seems that Christianity jumped from the fire into the frying pan. :D

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itopal said:
So you know the gods then?
The nature of a god is implicite in its definition. It has no limits. Nothing is beyond its reach.

If there are no limits, then that applies to all the physical laws... time, space, matter, etc are meaningless.

Ok what are the statistics? Since that is what matters.
To what end? What is your purpose?
Irrelevant, the mere fact that it's a possibility makes it impossible for you dispute it completely. Ergo, you can't ever be sure.
it is just as flimsy to say absolutely that god does not exist. You cannot know.

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Everytime I go to B&N I find evermore referenced materials on the falsification of Christianity. It makes me wonder, what will Christians do when their faith has been proven to be false? My guess is that, of course, they will be in denial as some already are. How will they cope with their loss of faith? I know how this loss feels. I've experienced it. Will they turn to those of us who have grieved through the loss? I believe the truth is being told, but they haven't accepted it. What will Roman Catholics do? It will be their faith that crumbles first. Will there be another 'reformation' to explain the coming fall of Christianity? Or will the truth about Christianity result in the Jim Jones Worship Kool-Aid Feast?

Only when Christianity falls will there be the possibility of World Peace.

Maybe when their religion dies, they'll actually get to know God.

Nope...just kidding. Because if they really wanted to know God, then nothing, including organized religion, could stand in their way. So I would suppose that they will most likely find some other dogma, doctrine, or ideology to follow blindly, just as they did Christianity, so that they can fullfill their same selfish purposes...acceptance, approval, egotism, greed, control, and/or judgementalism. Anything that they can latch on to that would enable them to say to someone else, "I'm right and you're wrong", or "I'm better than you because...", will do.


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Godless said:
I don't think that christianity will ever die, from one generation to another there will always be that hope amongs idiots to be saved from who the hell knows what? As if they have found an aswer to beat death.

As long as there are wars, and seems many will come our way specially with neo-cons and christian right-wingers waging it upon an invisible enemy they've yet to identify, only knows as "terrorists" of which they may be brooding in mainland China or Russia for all we know, these people are here to bring armegeddon, the zeal of these idiots is to dwindle the population of earth and they have the power to do so, as long as people with their heads stuck up their ass let it happen examples here are; well I don't need to mention it just look at their idiotic posts supporting war, and the neo-cons.

It is true that the primitive moral teachings of the christian faith has brought forth a moral standard; sadly they seem to have forgotten this and just aid the freaking people who crusified their own savior, in totally trying to commit genocide of a population of Palestines, for more dessert lands. If these sob's who proclaimed to be christian had any freaking common sense they would see the similarity between the state of Israel and Nazis. The Nazis of course murdered thousands of jews, and now jews are doing the same with the same ferocity to the peoples of Palestine. *Just in* my bad!; not all Israelis are included in the mindless killings of Palestinians. http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2004/01/278573.shtml

And then we have visions of a religious nature; here's a freaking fool who believes he knows what jesus looks like, and of all things this image is seen in a frying pan..LOL.:



It seems that Christianity jumped from the fire into the frying pan. :D


Organized religion as we know it today will be blown to smithereens in the end times. It's demise is described very plainly in the Book of Revelation. And I hope that my life will be used as an implement of it's destruction. Let the truth be shown. Amen.


Organized religion as we know it today will be blown to smithereens in the end times. It's demise is described very plainly in the Book of Revelation. And I hope that my life will be used as an implement of it's destruction. Let the truth be shown. Amen.

Lori; I respect you, you've been through hell and back again, however the book of revelations was written to happen withing the time frame of the apostles, the shit never happened, it's been 2500 years! It will never happen. it's time to start a new, and leave the rhetorical bullshiet that men with crazy zeal just might want to pull off!.

Godless said:
Lori; I respect you, you've been through hell and back again, however the book of revelations was written to happen withing the time frame of the apostles, the shit never happened, it's been 2500 years! It will never happen. it's time to start a new, and leave the rhetorical bullshiet that men with crazy zeal just might want to pull off!.


Well thank you Godless...I appreciate that. Honestly though...it's all relative, and I've not been through anything worse than anyone else. We're all in this together, you know? My life has been a walk in the park compared to some. And lately...man, it's been weird! Weird but amazing...amazingly wonderful...a little challenging, but isn't everthing that's worth having?

Listen, I'm very aware of the fact that it sounds crazy, but it's the truth...honest to God, and I swear on my life...I'm telling the truth. That lately, and because of this miracle that I've experienced...this spiritual occurrence...interaction...whatever you want to call it...much of Revelations prophecy has been revealed to me by God Himself...to me and to this man who's also involved. We're not talking about something that men will be able to pull off...men will simply follow blindly as they always do. The leadership will be demonic, and not of this world. The deception will be perpetuated by the nephilim, posing as aliens from outer space. They will claim to be our creators and our saviours. The mark of the beast will be a genetic alteration that they will administer. One that will give eternal life to your flesh (the only way to destroy it will be by fire...disintegration), and kill your spirit (cutting it off completely from God). A false rebirth...a rebirth not of the Holy Spirit as Jesus spoke of, but of the flesh, as He warned against.

I know it sounds nuts right now, but in time you will see that what I've experienced is real, and that what I'm telling you is the truth.

Love you,

itopal said:
You've already conceded the point twice - "You cannot know" = all definitions are mere conjecture.
no more then the atheists have conceded their point. They cannot know and so cannot say. Agnostics are the true scientists if anyone is. But the atheists are no more scientific the most hard-core religious fanatic.

You cannot choose sides if you believe in science and so cannot choose atheism or <any religion> if you presume to have religion backing you up.

The simple question is 'how much does the backing of science mean to you?' If you concede that atheism is as much faith as any religion, then you maintain your balance with science. If you do not, then concede that high ground and are no different then any religious group that proclaims themselves "the one true faith." Such beliefs are not uncommon and aren't worth wasting time disproving... at least not on my part.

To whatever you choose...

Love and peace, Karmashock.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Everytime I go to B&N I find evermore referenced materials on the falsification of Christianity. It makes me wonder, what will Christians do when their faith has been proven to be false? My guess is that, of course, they will be in denial as some already are.
BINGO and hence they will continue to believe. I told a freind recently that I didn't beleive in any God and the first question out of his mouth was - than what happens whenyou die?

So I think that Xianity will stop along with most other religions when humans no longer age and die. At that point I think you'll find an increase in eastern philosophical religions like Tao but Xianity, Islam, etc . .. . bye bye

Medicine Woman said:
Only when Christianity falls will there be the possibility of World Peace.
The Greeks, Romans, etc ., . all fought wars and killed one another pre-Xiantiy. Native Amercians killed one another pre-Xianity, and least we forget ALL of Asia as well.
surenderer said:
Me you an the average citizen arent evil......but our foreign policies could easily be seen as evil by someone living under a repressive regime supported by the US.....ask a Iraqi living under Sadaam prior to 1990 if the US was evil for supporting him(especally one that was gassed by US posion he was given)
The pre-gas componets came from Germany and France, only the satalite directions on where and when to use it on the Iranians came from the US.