What was the message of Jesus?


Registered Senior Member
What was the message of Jesus? It seems like many Christians are so focused on just believing Jesus existed and was the Messiah that they really have no clue what the message of Jesus was (I'm saying I have any clue either).

Was it to be nice to everyone and love everyone?

Was it to treat others how you want to be treated?

Was it to not commit adultery and to not murder?

Christians, please give me a serious thought out answer and not some demeaning snide ass remark about how little I know about the Bible.

I truly am curious to see what you Christians believe the message of the "Savior of all Men" was.
His good news was a philosophy of personal transformation. It was the realization that there are no boundries between the devine and the mundane, all people are connected as one, therefore violence is akin to hurting yourself, and death is an illusion. When everyone realizes this (also called The Kingdom of God), we will realize paradise is here and now. This path lies not in facts or beliefs but in innocence, not in intoxication but in plain awareness, not in a priestly elite but in everyone.

His good news was a philosophy of personal transformation.

From what?

It was the realization that there are no boundries between the devine and the mundane...

You mean one can become divine at will, then mundane, then divine, and so on.

all people are connected as one, therefore violence is akin to hurting yourself, and death is an illusion.

In what way are people all connected as one?
Violence is necessary is some circumstances, is it not?

When everyone realizes this (also called The Kingdom of God), we will realize paradise is here and now.

What or who is God?

lies not in facts or beliefs but in innocence, not in intoxication but in plain awareness, not in a priestly elite but in everyone.

And how do come to that realisation?

From what?
From a state of fear and unhappiness.

You mean one can become divine at will, then mundane, then divine, and so on.
No, that our potential is already beyond that which we concieve of as devine.

In what way are people all connected as one?
On the most basic fundamental level.

Violence is necessary is some circumstances, is it not?
This isn't an ideology of non-violence. This is hating to hurt the other because there is no real separation between self and other. Expressed simplistically, it means love others as you love yourself. But this isn't a dogma you put on like clothing, it's a realization one cultivates. This realization might or might not actually happen to you. In that sense, it's more mystical than intellectual.

What or who is God?
Everyone, everything, I don't know, doesn't matter.

And how do come to that realisation?

Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he
finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes
troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."

Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which
is hidden from you will become plain to you. For there is nothing
hidden which will not become manifest."

Gospel of Thomas
In what way are people all connected as one?

Kendall-We are all life, we are all human, we all share the same planet.
More than that, our skin is not a boundry, the atmosphere flows through it, the world flows through our digestive tract, which is an ecosystem for bacteria, our body after death does the same thing through other creatures...
That's why his message was supressed and subverted by Christianity. Some Christians do get it in spite of this.
Maybe you're thinking of the Koran? Besides, it doesn't make any sense. If Jesus said love everyone as you would love yourself, then you can't hardly force anyone to love, especially not by the sword.
Jesus was another man who had perfectly realized the essential truth, he tried to explain this truth to mankind, like others did. His true message was to achieve the kingdom, become like little children as he says, achieve eternal bliss from within...
His true message was to achieve the kingdom, become like little children as he says, achieve eternal bliss from within...

And this means, well, what exactly?

It's great to say things that sound so eloquent or amazing, but what the hell exactly does anything you said mean?

So our goal is to achieve the kingdom? How do we do that?

Become like little children? What does that mean?

Eternal bliss?

Person A: Jesus, what is your message?
Jesus: My message is to attain the kingdom of God and to become like children.
Person A: So that applies to real life..... how exactly? What does that mean I should do?