What the Left Behind Series Really Means

"Murderous rage?" What are you talking about?
It's a bit from the movie Aliens at the end there. I just replaced Ripley with Jesus... you know, for the sequel. Perhaps in the orginal he splits the unbelievers down the middle with his loving compassion.

Well, according to Wikipedia, the grand-finale of Kingdom Come, or Jesus' Gitmo Camp, is the uninspired old Lake-of-Fire bit: The Bad Guys are made to eternally writhe in their pyro-jacuzzi chanting "Jesus is Lord". I found your version much more entertaining, Raithere.
The Left behind series pushes the belief in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture. While I believe in the Rapture Scripture points to a post tribulation rapture or a second coming rapture.

There will be no getting out of persecution when the anti-christ rules the world. And get this the anti-christ will behead non believing atheists along with true followers of the Messiah Jesus because the only way one will be able to live is if one worships the anti-christ as God on earth. Therefore atheism will not be tolerated.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
"The only way one will be able to live is if one worships the anti-christ as God on earth. Therefore atheism will not be tolerated."

And worshipping Jesus is the ticket out to the other fantastic realm, where atheism will not be tolerated. Vive le difference!

Let us pray:
Priest: Oh God you are so big.
Congregation: Oh God you are so big.
Priest: And huge.
Congregation: And huge.
Priest: And massive.
Congregation: Oh, yes.
Priest: And enormously large, so large it makes us look sooooo insignificant. We grovel, we fawn, we prostrate ourselves in front of you.
Congregation: We do, we do.
Priest: O Lord, ooh you are so big, so absolutely huge. Gosh we're all really impressed down here, I can tell you. Forgive us, O Lord, for this our dreadful toadying and barefaced flattery. But you are so strong and, well, just so super--fantastic. Amen."

Congregation (singing):

O Lord, please don't burn us.
Don't grill or toast Your flock.
Don't put us on the barbecue
Or simmer us in stock.
Don't braise or bake or boil us
Or stir-fry us in a wok.
Oh, please don't lightly poach us
Or baste us with hot fat.
Don't fricassee or roast us
Or boil us in a vat,
And please don't stick Thy servants, Lord,
In a Rotissomat.
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Ah, the bible belt. So much enthusiasm. So little understanding.

Although that stuff about Christians dissipating seems suspicious. If the government starts kidnapping select people, it could trigger a belief that the plot has come true and that now's a good time to start killing unbelievers. :eek:
"The only way one will be able to live is if one worships the anti-christ as God on earth. Therefore atheism will not be tolerated."

And worshipping Jesus is the ticket out to the other fantastic realm, where atheism will not be tolerated. Vive le difference!

Let us pray:

In that realm all will see God plainly and clearly. So there will be no atheists in that realm. You don't have to tolerate something that no longer exists. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days