What the Left Behind Series Really Means

Hype, they're quite welcome to believe as they like, as you are. My greater concern is with those trying to get me there before them. You think I'll burn in hell? Fine. Don't try to send me on ahead, however.
Sorry IAC, you've been left behind.
I think an atheist needs to write a series detailing how xians, who get left behind by the rest of humanity, are treated with gentle sympathy as their mindset and delusion gradually fades into the darker pages of history. No... Wait... I mean, how they get torn to bloody shreds by enraged atheist aliens who come to help out the atheist humans. There. That's much better.
"Jesus merely raised one hand a few inches and a yawning chasm opened in the earth, stretching far and wide enough to swallow all of them. They tumbled in, howling and screeching, but their wailing was soon quashed and all was silent when the earth closed itself again."

Jesus -- who apparently has a much nastier streak than we have been led to believe -- merely speaks and "the bodies of the enemy are ripped wide open down the middle." In the book Christians have to drive carefully to avoid "hitting splayed and filleted corpses of men and women and horses"
Awesome! I can't wait for the movie.

And then the sequel: "AvJ - Aliens Versus Jesus".

This series of books is the best I have ever read. I have looked long and hard to find a resource that put scripture into easy to read, and understand format. Many people I know get frustrated when they try to read scripture because they have trouble understanding the language. ... Now after reading these books I have a better understanding of where I stand at this moment."

"I started reading the Left Behind series in 2000 with the first book in paperback. ... I read it and was impressed with how well written it was and have read or own every book. In impact, it has gotten me closer to God than where I was before. ... I grew up in church, but was always afraid of what was supposed to happen at the end times. I was afraid of the Book of Revelation, because the thought of all of the evil that had to be fought terrified me. While reading the Left Behind series, I followed along with my Bible, and I am so excited that I am understanding and learning more than I ever have. I am no longer afraid of the fight against evil, because I know that I am on the side of the greatest and most powerful force. Thank you for getting me started on this path of learning."

Honestly, how is one supposed to take people like this or their beliefs seriously? I suppose there's a gap that needs to be bridged when one's doctrine is so antiquated that even its believers are hard pressed to find in it a corollary to their own lives... but religion as pulp fiction?

Although to be honest, I'm not sure if this is strictly an admonition of religion as much as it is one of popular American culture... or the lack thereof. I do recall a fair few reeling from exploring the metaphysics of The Matrix. Or maybe there are just too many morons.

"Jesus' expression is one you hope you'll never see... Hell hath no fury like that of a messiah protecting his child and that primal, murderous rage surges through him now, banishing all fear.

JESUS: Get away from her, you bitch!

The Queen SCREECHES pure lethality and leaps.

WALLOP! A roundhouse from one great hydraulic arm catches it on its hideous skull and slams it into a wall."

I would critique "Left Behind" not on theological, but on literary, levels.

The books are atrociously badly written.

For good Christian popular books, read C.S. Lewis.
M*W: When I go to a bookstore, I always frequent their religious section. Funny thing, at two of the Barnes & Noble I go to, the Left Behind series is in the Religious Fiction section in one of them, and in another, it's in the New Age Section!
Dunno about "murderous rage" but there was some war and heart-hardening.

Atherosclerosis meets Israel no likey.