What the Left Behind Series Really Means


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This article really resonated with me. I've never read the series, being repulsed by it. But I've associated with some friends and relatives who ate it up, along with that old time religion it plays on. I mostly try to avoid thinking about the depravity of Christianity's deeper beliefs, and maintain a respect for Christians I care about.

Even beautiful Christians hold at the core of their beliefs something truly monstrous, and the Left Behind concept well illustrates it.
Have you read the article I linked, dragon?

it looks ridiculously one sided, Christian.

and the quote: "To be saved is to fall into the ludicrous and satanic flippancy of false piety, kitsch." -- Trappist monk Thomas Merton
killed me enthusiasm.
What interesting monstrosity. Yet, this 'depravity' occurs in all three 'Abrahamic' religions. Why not pick on them too? You could try to maintain your respect for everyone whose beliefs include hellfire, whether they as a culture have any interest in expediting the process or not.

Besides: surely such individuals comprise a tiny minority of those misunderstanding Xianity.

"this 'depravity' occurs in all three 'Abrahamic' religions. Why not pick on them too?"

OK. They all suck in this way. But I've never seen such disgusting apocalyptoporn elsewhere.

So... you got some more?
It's the same model as advertising, make you feel bad about yourself, (you're sinful, dirty, evil, fallen) then offer a solution, the all embracing arms of the church.
If 65 million copies have sold, it promises to be an interesting read.:p
This article focuses on the last book in a twelve book series. It is a serious case of taking something out of context.

Now before rash condemnation of the series based upon what happened in the last book; perhaps you should consider what happened in the other eleven.

The series begins with all believing Christians disappearing. They leave behind fillings, artificial joints, and clothing. This is clearly a miracle and convinces many they were wrong to ignore Christianity.

These new Christians soon begin to endure horrible persecution at the hands of a one world government dominated by the antichrist.

Everyone must go to "motivation centers" where they have the choice of beheading or accepting the number of the beast.

A series of miracles occurs, leaving little doubt to anyone that Christ is the son of God. Yet many still reject him.

By the end of the series, almost every major character is dead at the hands of the antichrist and his minions. The believers are cornered, surrounded by the army of the antichrist (at that point, the devil incarnate).

This is when Christ appears and saves the believers by destroying the antichrist's army. The carnage described is the final battle between good and evil. This came after the sides had been clearly identified and everyone knew what they were getting into.
"M*W: Exactly who "the infidels" are is debatable."

Really? Seems to me it's anyone not believing in Jesus as their Personal Savior TM
I mostly try to avoid thinking about the depravity of Christianity's deeper beliefs, and maintain a respect for Christians I care about.

Even beautiful Christians hold at the core of their beliefs something truly monstrous, and the Left Behind concept well illustrates it.
That's one of the best descriptives I've ever read that says exactly what I feel. Thanks.