what the fuck!!

Is MJ the only source we can trust?

  • Yes...

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • No!

    Votes: 11 73.3%

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how in the hell could any parent entrust their child to any individual who has voluntarily done this to himself?
It don't seem to bother this nice lady
THE daughter of a former Manchester United star has told how she plans to take her son to visit Michael Jackson at his home - despite revelations in a TV interview.
I'm sorry to say but this deluded individual lives less than a mile from where I'm sitting

I'm ashamed.:(
Dee Cee
Originally posted by Bells
I just can't understand why any parent would want to entrust their child with a complete stranger.
You're a fucking moron.
MJ did't even molest anybody.
Originally posted by cool skill
You're a fucking moron.
MJ did't even molest anybody.

So you'd entrust your off-spring with a total stranger? Or are you one of those individuals who think that because someone is famous they're ok? And you call me a moron? All I was saying that I wouldn't leave my child with anyone I didn't know personally. But if that makes me a moron, then hey... I'm a moron:). The issue of MJ and child molestation has nothing to do with it. I would never leave my child with ANYONE I didn't know. And would I leave my child with someone who's so unstable that he would do what he has done to himself? Hell no. Do you honestly think that MJ is mentally stable? This is a man who has altered himself to such an extent that he looks abnormal. And this is a man who once held his child out over a balcony to a crowd below. Would I leave my child with someone who is capable of doing something like that? No. Would you however? Or would the thought of fame and fortune lure you and your off-spring? But then I guess I'm a moron for wanting to protect my child from anyone I thought was unstable.

As for the issue of MJ and child molestation, I do not know whether he did it or not. I'm very sure that I stated that in my last post in this thread. The only people who know for sure are MJ himself and the children who slept in his bed.


It's likely that the parents need the money so they give there child to MJ so they can sue him and get publicity.
Originally posted by Wraith
and you know this beyond all reasonable doubt?
Can you be any more damn dumber?
That's like asking if you know beyond all reasonable doubt that you exist. Or even asking if God exists. I can’t answer that fucking question without getting into an existential debate.

Yes I am personally absolutely sure he's innocent. How?
There is NO logical grounds for me (or anybody else for that matter) to even assume MJ had any sexual intentions.

If somebody came up to me, and said that Wraith molests children, I’d tell them to either give me some solid evidence or get the fuck out of my face. They might tell me that Wraith exhibits strange bizarre and eccentric behavior because he is filthy rich. I’d tell them to fuck off until they came correct to me with solid shit.

The fact that MJ is such an easy target for this type of accusation coupled with the fact that the American public is as mindless as any other superstitious cult in history makes it even more convincing to me that this type of shit would happen.
Furthermore, the enormous loads of evidence ten years ago that Chandler set the entire thing up with the purpose of bringing MJ down and causing his ex-wife to loose custody of their son is way more than enough proof for me to take a stand on the issue. MJ was blasted with serious false accusations ten years ago. The blast worked well enough to haunt him for the remainder of his career. I personally never expected it to come to this, but I am definitely not astounded.

It is, of course, impossible to prove a negative - that is, prove that something didn't happen. But it is possible to take an in-depth look at the people who made the allegations against Jackson and thus gain insight into their character and motives. What emerges from such an examination, based on court documents, business records and scores of interviews, is a persuasive argument that Jackson molested no one and that he himself was the victim of a well-conceived plan to extract money from him and ruin his career.

Originally posted by Bells
Or are you one of those individuals who think that because someone is famous they're ok?
Get your facts straight. I'm not even going to respond to your STUPID AS FUCK reasoning and your idiot insinuations about me.

Originally posted by Bells
Do you honestly think that MJ is mentally stable?
Not only do I think MJ is completely stable, I think he has an extremely beautiful and exemplary personality that people would do well to learn from.
That's like asking if you know beyond all reasonable doubt that you exist. Or even asking if God exists. I can’t answer that fucking question without getting into an existential debate.

NO, its NOT like asking:

"If one exisits or not"
"does god exsist"

the above two questions/assertions have no relevence to criminal charges and allegations of child abuse. They are metaphyisical questions to be debated within the context of philosophy, and not in the court of law. Get it? Do you see it now paghal

I suggest you learn:
-Identifying what logic is.
-identify how to contsruct logical arguements.
-learn comparitive protocol, how to compare like parameters.

You stated:

MJ didnt even molest anybody

not in my opinion or I think
what you made was a subjective statement and delivered it as fact where you have absolutely no knowledge, as to whether or not MJ did or did not do anything, hence how can you catagorically state objectively as a matter of fact something about which you have no knowledge of?

Yes I am personally absolutely sure he's innocent
You know nothing
you assume everything. see the difference bahnchowd? getting clearer now??

There is NO logical grounds for me (or anybody else for that matter) to even assume MJ had any sexual intentions.

since you don't know MJ there are no logical grounds for you to say he didn't molest any kids.
Intentions? you can't even differentate between fact/fiction/objectivity/subjectivity/logics/fallacies and you're trying to elucidate what MJ's intentions may or may not be, then you speak of logics?????????

If somebody came up to me, and said that Wraith molests children, I’d tell them to either give me some solid evidence or get the fuck out of my face. They might tell me that Wraith exhibits strange bizarre and eccentric behavior because he is filthy rich. I’d tell them to fuck off until they came correct to me with solid shit
Untill you have any proof, you cannot say one way or the other whether W did or did not molest anyone.
yeah yeah, so your gay, big deal. YOur not famous. yet.

The mass media wins this round, because your all piling in arguing about michael Jackson when theres more important thigns to be arguing about.
Originally posted by Wraith
Untill you have any proof, you cannot say one way or the other whether W did or did not molest anyone.
Too bad you’re too damn dumb to realize that you can say the same thing about anybody you know. It has never been proven in the court of law that anybody on this planet isn’t a child molester. So am I going to walk around acting like everybody is a suspected child molester? Get real you fucking retard. That's why you're innocent until proven guilty in this country.

Would I leave my child with MJ?
I don’t know him personally, but I know enough about him to trust him with my children. I wouldn’t leave my child with just any stranger though. The fact of the matter is, I can name a ton of friends and family that I would easily trust with my children. Can I absolutely prove without doubt that my parents or siblings would not molest my children? How? How can anyone prove this for that matter?
Your premises suck!
But there is a lot of evidence the MJ is a child molting pedophile, it not proven but I would trust say a family or friend with my child over MJ as long as they don't have previous charges of child molestation like MJ does.
Not only do I think MJ is completely stable, I think he has an extremely beautiful and exemplary personality that people would do well to learn from.

And that says a lot about you cool skill and also about your lack of mental reasoning.

Would I leave my child with MJ?
I don’t know him personally, but I know enough about him to trust him with my children. I wouldn’t leave my child with just any stranger though.

Now that made sense. You don't personally know MJ, you only know about him through the media and his music. That would make him a stranger to you. So just because he's on TV he's not a stranger to you? Now there's rational thought for you. Or lack of...

The fact of the matter is, I can name a ton of friends and family that I would easily trust with my children. Can I absolutely prove without doubt that my parents or siblings would not molest my children? How? How can anyone prove this for that matter?

I know for a fact that my parents aren't child molesters and as for the rest of my family and friends, I'd sure as hell trust them above MJ or anyone else who's famous for that matter. And I also know that my family and friends never suspended their babies over a balcony. For that action alone the man should not have custody of his children.

Get real you fucking retard.
I'm not even going to respond to your STUPID AS FUCK reasoning and your idiot insinuations about me.

And here we have an example of severe anger management issues. And before you start calling people stupid cool skill, I'd suggest you look at yourself first. If you're willing to risk your children then knock yourself out. Just don't call people dumb or stupid for wanting to protect their children from even the risk of molestation. You have no absolute proof that he did it or not, yet just from what you have seen of him in the media, you think that he's stable enough to care for your children? Just from what I've seen of the man in the media and elsewhere is more than enough to not want my children anywhere around him. And I'm not talking about the whacko jacko stories either. I'm talking of images of this man forcing his children to wear veils, a man who admitted to taking his children and running as soon as they were born... before they were even cleaned up or checked by the doctors... a man who held his child over a balcony... a man who has secret rooms in his home where he keeps hundreds of photo's of little boys... a man who's lifestyle is beyond abnormal... the list is long and sad. It is obvious that you are a great fan of him and good for you. But don't let the magic of his music shade rational thought. As I said before, none of us know for a fact whether he did it or not. But the allegations have been made and must be investigated. And if there is absolute proof that he did do it? All I know is that I sure as hell wouldn't want to take the risk with my child's future, and neither would most stable, normal people.

I can't believe none of you people have discovered his scheme by now. He pays the little boy scout a couple million bucks to go through with it all, then when they're in court the kid sais MJ never did shit, and all of a suddon everyone loves MJ and oh, what a coincidence, here comes MJ's new album, he's gonna make billions upon billions.

You have not been with us long enough to know that cool skill loves to fuck with are minds! :D
Too bad you’re too damn dumb to realize that you can say the same thing about anybody you know. It has never been proven in the court of law that anybody on this planet isn’t a child molester. So am I going to walk around acting like everybody is a suspected child molester? Get real you fucking retard. That's why you're innocent until proven guilty in this country.

oy! I'm dealing with a village idiot, ok let's take it S-L-O-W:

Too bad you’re too damn dumb to realize that you can say the same thing about anybody you know.

You made the above in response to:

Originally posted by Wraith
Untill you have any proof, you cannot say one way or the other whether W did or did not molest anyone.

How can I be "too dumb" to realise that the same can be said for anyone?? I FRIGGIN said it in the first FRIGGIN place!! And YES, the same CAN be applied to everyone....it's called a fucking logical statement.

It has never been proven in the court of law that anybody on this planet isn’t a child molester.

I suggest you go to sleep (you're already half way there) wake up and see if you can spot the total idiocy of that statement