What should be done with rapists?

What is a suitable fate for rapists?

  • The chop. Remove their genitalia. Put them in prison for ever.

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • The chop. Remove their genitalia. Leave them in public as a visible example to society.

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Some form of reversible castration. Put them in prison for ever.

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Some form of reversible castration. Leave them in public as a visible example to society.

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Death.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Exile.

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 10 34.5%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by Tyler
"girl is taught by her big sister or mother what she has to do to attract a boy!
and she looks to the magazines to see what she has to wear!
BUT she wants to walk down the main street as a 12 year old wearing a mini skirt giving sexual come on signals but only wants the perfect "one" boy to look at her"

Ug. Didn't we drive this 'It's her fault!' sentiment out of Alabama long ago?

I dont think thats what he means Tyler... Rape is a crime regardless of the provocation, we're perfectly aware of that.

To those of us who get plenty, then it isn't an issue really. But what of those who don't? You can't see their judgement being clouded in a case like this? A male not thinking of sex at that moment suddenly IS... in a big way.

To dismiss this point with some cutesy redneck comment is blind and a little stupid.
hey all

squid dude!!!!
until you know the difference between love and lust you cant assume such conformist crap about the human heart!

im not trying to sound nasty or suggest you are less than anything but i must bring to your attention the
"we men are slaves to our lust/sex drive"

what a sad concept.
problem is, is that it is true, in allot of men;
but they are not the superior men of the human species and sadder than that is,
most women have no idea about such things as to be able to pick/(prance around infront hoping he will sexualy aproach and offer you an all expenses paid trip to 'castle cash') in his ferrarie.

to a life of liesure and many slaves at your beckonned call.

so we have a 2 fold equation
women who think all men are the same and so sellout
men who think women are all the same and so sellout
this greatly reduces the population of honest caring
LOVING people who will not jump up and down and try and preach to those who dont seem to have a clue and disrespect you for trying to help them learn.

except in my case because im just soo damn crazzy i like to torment people with things they try to ignore :D
and have no ego hangup to get in the way :D

soo call me the crazzy one and crawl back into your box cos
im poking fun at the world untill i get bored and need to waste something.

when and if anyone cares to think about this stuff just ask your self one simple question
"is all we are only, all that we do"???

groove on all

Rapists deserves to be tied down, have gas poured on their privates, and be burned off in front the victims family. Then the family is allowed to do what they want with him, using any kind of device of their choosing. :D
another thread goes to the dogs!!!!!!
ruled by labido and fueled by blood lust.

too bad soo sad

the quickening grows closer!
Originally posted by ripleofdeath
another thread goes to the dogs!!!!!!
ruled by labido and fueled by blood lust.

too bad soo sad

the quickening grows closer!

What right do we have to chop off a mans penis? What if it's a woman rapist? Don't be so sexist.

P.S I'm a man and I'm not gay
Originally posted by ripleofdeath
hey all

squid dude!!!!
until you know the difference between love and lust you cant assume such conformist crap about the human heart!

im not trying to sound nasty or suggest you are less than anything but i must bring to your attention the
"we men are slaves to our lust/sex drive"

what a sad concept.
problem is, is that it is true, in allot of men;
but they are not the superior men of the human species and sadder than that is,
most women have no idea about such things as to be able to pick/(prance around infront hoping he will sexualy aproach and offer you an all expenses paid trip to 'castle cash') in his ferrarie.

to a life of liesure and many slaves at your beckonned call.

so we have a 2 fold equation
women who think all men are the same and so sellout
men who think women are all the same and so sellout
this greatly reduces the population of honest caring
LOVING people who will not jump up and down and try and preach to those who dont seem to have a clue and disrespect you for trying to help them learn.

except in my case because im just soo damn crazzy i like to torment people with things they try to ignore :D
and have no ego hangup to get in the way :D

soo call me the crazzy one and crawl back into your box cos
im poking fun at the world untill i get bored and need to waste something.

when and if anyone cares to think about this stuff just ask your self one simple question
"is all we are only, all that we do"???

groove on all


No kidding ripple... What I was pointing out was that, although some of us are fully aware of such things and would never consider rape in any form, OTHERS are not so damn perfect. there are a lot of human beings on this planet and quite a large percentage of them are either very, very dumb, or very animalistic (if not both).

This being the case, a girl who dresses provocatively, whether or not she knows what she is doing and more importantly, WHETHER OR NOT SHE SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO SO IN SAFETY, is taking chances. I'm not judging her, I am stating a fact. I was having a go at Tyler because he seemingly wished to dismiss this fact, due to him not liking it. None of us do, but it remains.
Zoidberg, Ripleofdeath, et alia who have asked this astonishingly stupid question that makes me want to laugh, cry, and strangle somone at the same time due to the sheer lack of intellect that it betrays:

What right do we have to chop off a mans penis? What if it's a woman rapist? Don't be so sexist.

what is it on a women that we can "CHOP OFF" if she commits a sexual offence?

We've heard of the clitoris, right? Right? PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TELL ME THAT YOU ARE NOT THIS STUPID?!

Latexlover: I like you. :) Welcome to Sciforums. Really, this is a poor representation of the intellectual level here.

now you have imasculated all the men you dont have any big brothers or fathers to go and deal to the trouble makers

happy now???

or are you looking for the american G.I bad boy gangster to be your turnaround "god deciple" so you can pretend to have a consience by twisting a criminal into a perverted criminal?

Huh? I believe I have a father. I think all humans do. Actually, all sexually reproducing animals have fathers.

Please seek psychiatric help.

Originally posted by Xev
We've heard of the clitoris, right? Right? PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TELL ME THAT YOU ARE NOT THIS STUPID?!

Latexlover: I like you. :) Welcome to Sciforums. Really, this is a poor representation of the intellectual level here.

Xev different women have different clitoris sizes. Some have them so small, you can't possible cut them off. Plus, I love them, they are like miniature dicks :D

Please seek psychiatric help.

You better not be a lesbian!! If you are go seek psychiatric help also Xev ;) Lesbians aren't sexy :p
Xev different women have different clitoris sizes. Some have them so small, you can't possible cut them off. Plus, I love them, they are like miniature dicks

Oh, no, I'm sure that one could.

You better not be a lesbian!!

Gee, just would ruin your chances, some 6000 miles away.

I'm attracted to both sexes.

If you are go seek psychiatric help also Xev

They are coming to take me away, ha ha!

Lesbians aren't sexy

You'll have to take that up with the other 3 billion males on the planet.....:p
Originally posted by Xev
Gee, just would ruin your chances, some 6000 miles away.

I'm attracted to both sexes.

Every women in their entire lifetime would involve in some homosexuality...weird...my theory is there aren't enough men out there to please them...and the same sex knows exactly how to please the same sex...:p

Chances? :confused: You already lost yours being 6,000 miles away baby ;)

You'll have to take that up with the other 3 billion males on the planet.....:p

Yes, they are sexy but that's only the cover, men are thinking with their smaller heads!!

Just wait until they date a woman and have a relationship with this woman, just to find out she is a lez. :eek:
You mean date a bisexual chosen? I don't think too many lesbians want to date men unless it's to try and become straight out of fear of their parents rejecting their homosexuality (oh my god, that WTN movie DID teach me something!).

The bisexual thing though. It's been done.
Every women in their entire lifetime would involve in some homosexuality...weird...my theory is there aren't enough men out there to please them...and the same sex knows exactly how to please the same sex...

Not at all weird. I suspect that there are few true heterosexuals.

Just wait until they date a woman and have a relationship with this woman, just to find out she is a lez.

There there now.

*Pats Chosen on the back*

(oh my god, that WTN movie DID teach me something!).


I hope that my life is irrevocably changed by women's television one day. ;)

Originally posted by Tyler
You mean date a bisexual chosen? I don't think too many lesbians want to date men unless it's to try and become straight out of fear of their parents rejecting their homosexuality (oh my god, that WTN movie DID teach me something!).

The bisexual thing though. It's been done.

Well, what I meant was bisexual (dating me) but I would call lesbian if she swings more towards the other way.

I personally dislike bisexuals yet find them very attractive. I've dated one...I just guess it's the challenge to turning them straight again...I was so insulted as a man when that bitch chose her female "friend" over me (seducing is so much harder and it actually fails too when she does it back, when eliciting fantasies...she pictures not me but her female friend and me :mad:...greatest challenge yet...to conquer the bisexuals and show them who's the real man!

But never have a loving "truthful" relationship with'em, waste of time.
Hmmf. I believe you are quite missing the point in relationships.

I believe the thing is to concentrate on building a solid relationship, one that is based on trust and not purely on sex appeal or sex.

Personally, I would not mind much if my girlfriend were bisexual. It is kinda hard to feel jealous of another woman :D :D

Maybe I'm just weird. HEck, why am I posting here.

Xev!? You are bisexual???? Why, that makes you so totally... ...


... ...attractive to me!
If I caught her in bed with another man I would definitely go berserk. But I would not mind if I caught her in bed with another woman. Not at all. I would be fascinated, and I would make careful observations. :D

Wait, did that sound a bit sick??
What should we do......

I think we should give the rapist the axe so they should rape anymore and make them an example.