What should be done with rapists?

What is a suitable fate for rapists?

  • The chop. Remove their genitalia. Put them in prison for ever.

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • The chop. Remove their genitalia. Leave them in public as a visible example to society.

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Some form of reversible castration. Put them in prison for ever.

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Some form of reversible castration. Leave them in public as a visible example to society.

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Death.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Exile.

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 10 34.5%

  • Total voters


the amount of rapes and sexual abuse of CHILDREN seen in the paper is APALING

statitory rape is one thing, REAL rape is another

there maybe excuses for staitory rape (like she told me she was 16) for rape there is NO EXCUSE
An interesting notion that just hit me

the amount of rapes and sexual abuse of CHILDREN seen in the paper is APALING
The good news is that we're not really seeing an increase in the abuse of children. The bad news is that we're merely finding out how bad it always was. A footnote from history:
Volenti non fit injuria, is a maxim of the law. To the willing, no injury is done. That is, no legal wrong. And every person who is sane, compos mentis, capable of exercising reasonable discretion in judging of the truth or falsehood of the representations or persuasion to which he yields his assent, is "willing," in the view of the law,; and takes upon himself the entire responsibility for his acts, when no intentional fraud has been practised upon him.

This principle, that to the willing no injury is done, has no limit, except in the case of frauds, or of persons not possessed of reasonable discretion for judging in the particular case. If a person possessed of reasonable discretion, and not deceived by fraud, consents to practise the grossest vice, and thereby brings upon himself the greatest moral, physical, or pecuniary sufferings or losses, he cannot allege that he has been legally wronged. To illustrate this principle, take the case of rape. To have carnal knowledge of a woman, against her will, is the highest crime, next to murder, that can be committed against her. but to have carnal knowledge of her, with her consent, is no crime; but at most, a vice. And it is usually holden that a female child, of no more than ten years of age, has such reasonable discretion, that her consent, even though procured by rewards, or promises of reward, is sufficient to convert the act, which would otherwise be a high crime, into a simple act of vice.°

• • • • •

° The statute book of Massachusetts makes ten years the age at which a female child is supposed to have discretion enough to part with her virtue. But the same statute book holds that no person, man or woman, of any age, or any degree of wisdom or experience, has discretion enough to be trusted to buy and drink a glass of spirits, on his or her own judgement! What an illustration of the legislative wisdom of Massachusetts!
From Lysander Spooner, Vices are not Crimes: A Vindication of Moral Liberty, 1875

In other words, making a prostitute out of a 10 year-old was legal in Massachusetts in 1875. It's a sad history we must face honestly in order to divorce ourselves from it in practice, and not merely through moral revulsion.

Amazing, isn't it?
i am thinking we should bring back the spanish inquisition, they were VERY talented from what i hear
There's a tremendous amount of irony in that, you know. :D

Tiassa :cool:
yes i know

an ex catholic who is against the DP as a punishment saying we should use the spanish inquisition as a punishment for rapests
Rapists? Choppy choppy. Public example. Preferrably with their pants off :mad:

There is no other retribution for the loss of dignity and self confidence involved in getting raped.
Do something like in Scarlet Letter, make them wear something that separates them from society. So no one goes near them or socializes with them. They aren't allowed to go here and there, discriminate against rapers (ie raping children and so on, the horrible rapes).

They don't deserve to live like humans, they are lower despicable life-forms.

If it could be shown that the wearing of burkahs would reduce the incident of rape in the general female population by, let's say 50%, what percentage of females do you think would wear them voluntarily?

I've been baited, here is my response -

If it could be shown that castration of men would reduce the incident of rape in the general female population by, let's say 100%, what percentage of males do you think would be castrated voluntarily?

Take care.
Teri 2 ...

Interesting response. Am I to take it then that you equate the inability of a female to display her body to male castration? Otherwise why would you reply to my question in that particular manner? But since you did, my reply would have to be: An equal percentage no doubt.

Oh, and by the way, castration, unless total, does not prevent rape. Just thought you should know perchance you try to convince your SO to go that route.

Take care ;)
Am I to take it then that you equate the inability of a female to display her body to male castration? Otherwise why would you reply to my question in that particular manner? But since you did, my reply would have to be: An equal percentage no doubt.

What causes rape? The desire to fuck or the desire to dominate?

Or both? Or neither?
Who cares whta causes it? Everyone has free will. They choose to do it. Kill them.

Or maybe lock them away. Whatever.
Hi Chagur

I'm not sure what you mean by your first question, but it wasn't meant to equate castration to hiding the female body in any way.

My response originated from the suggestion that women should have to cover themselves up to possibly obtain a 50/50 chance of not being raped by a male who has no self control.

No one has mentioned in this thread that rape is usually about power. And for a man to overpower a woman and think himself strong or powerful, in any sense, just shows his own ineptness (if that's a word). I wanted to put the word 'stupidity' there but I need to think that through, because I'm not sure it's the appropriate adjective for this debate.

Peace to you.

PS. How have you been, my friend?

I care and think it should be studied. And if you don't agree, well, you just suck. :p

Seriously, I'm all for your solution. But will that solve the underlying problem?
hey all

what an immotive response by the supposed intellectuals!!!

you amaze me again by your ballanced rendering of such
missdirected revenge.

i can only hope someone read it and understood it and then could only but learn.
QUOTE FROM...??? well you know who.
No one has mentioned in this thread that rape is usually about power. And for a man to overpower a woman and think himself strong or powerful, in any sense, just shows his own ineptness
this is by no means pointing the finger but mearly a reminder to me of an important point i feel is over looked.

this concept actualy reinforces that women are not equal to men!!!
yet maybe the auther did not mean /understand it exactly...
(i hope)

you know the one thing i think no one has asked yet is...

likewise the FATHERS.

when women stop smacking babby boys then men will stop smacking baby girls!!!!!!!

but for some reason women like to be able to smack/slap/hit
men and think they should be able to "take it"
untill this issue is addressed you havn't a hope in hell of redressing the issue.

self defence is a completly different issue.

once people are not affraid to face thier own mental illnesses then we can start to deal with all the others

Chagur... once again you hit a nail on the head :D
there are many nails in this one!
girl is taught by her big sister or mother what she has to do to attract a boy!
and she looks to the magazines to see what she has to wear!
BUT she wants to walk down the main street as a 12 year old wearing a mini skirt giving sexual come on signals but only wants the perfect "one" boy to look at her!
when are you going to put 1 and 1 together?
if you foster an enviroment of mental illness why be supprised at all the crazzys that come out of the wood work???

and then... you have the other issue that "big brother/bussines"
uses sexuality to promote insecurity to sell products!!!

now you know your ABC s'
do you choose to walk and risk the fall or do you just want to be a victim soo bad because it takes away the responsability to fix the worlds problems from your own "back yard, starting line"???
the grass is only greener because of the mental illnes most carry!

good luck all
it would be nice to see government finacial support to all rape crissis centres but that just isnt the capitalistic way...is it!!!

groove on all :)
peace, love, and missery to all greed merchants~!
This poll was a little biased - only the extremes seemed to be represented. Exile? Is that a viable punishment these days?

It's well and good to philosophize about rapists, as if they were a class of people, but it's another to see it happen. I never have, but if my wife was being attacked (such a safe synonym), that man would die. So much the better if I had a gun in my hand. I'm pretty liberal, but I'm not stupid liberal. We have a gun (a gun, one only, not a fetish) in our house, and I support guns for the reason that the founders of the country gave me that right, and that I do have a family. Every other right these days has just about been taken... Ditto a burglar. I can't take the chance he's armed, and then me and then my whole family is in danger. For a married man to think otherwise is just dumb.

Rape is a crime second only to murder in my opinion but it is also a form of mental abberation that society has every right to correct AND punish. It shouldn't be cruel, as in pain, but it should be mental and coercive.

That being said, I'm not fully sold on the death penalty. We can put men on the moon and stand as a brilliant culture in some ways, but we can't come up with a way for a man to suffer hard labor for a long time, if for life even? Is the best we can do having them do operator assistance for telephone companies and do laundry? Is is so difficult to make him actually PAY for what he did, in man-hours.? We don't like to think of man-hours, a person being useful. We like them to rot, HARD time, but they either get raped themselves in a culture of rot, meantime a harmless kid wo ripped off a car is getting raped. This is another form of rape we don't like to think about, because we like to think everyone is prison deserves what they get but the truth is they don't. All we do is end up dumping more rotten trash on the street, most of them for another cycle of violence and crime. Besides hard labor, I tell you what I also believe in: chemical castration and chemical brain manipulation for violent, and violent only criminals. He gave up the right to his mind the minute he committed the crime, or more ethically, the second he is pronounced guilty by a fair jury trial. If this guy's only got the drive and mental capacity of a eunuch, programmed to bag groceries the rest of his life after twenty years of hard labor and brainwashing, then I'm just fine with that. The man was lucky because there was no one with a gun nearby. If that sounds harsh, then picture the person you love most suffering this grave crime. This society's so backward in places, a rapist can get out of prison in a few years, while a judge has got his hand tied to sentence a harmless punk with a sheet of acid to ten years or more.

Pick a better country, he says.

I know the above sounds like a slippery slope, and I say that's reality, it's never flat and level. Will our society ever reach the maturity and restraint to separate violent and non-violent crime?

John Le Coq
here here
on most counts
except to mention one more idiotic point most seem to gloss over

what level of proof is needed to convic a murderer or rapist?
the testomony of a 5year old.
when will we see total recal in public use?

i know its out there its just a tool for the quaks at the mo to play with.

surely if we combine the high tech non destructive methods of interigation allong with ?

well it just seems that we must always take the womens word for it.
we need more of them shot in the act!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just like home invasion
all we have to do is have a
"off the front garden path rule after businnes hours"
and then give the money that would have been spent on the incarsiration to the victim.
but we must identify who is the victim
if that is the wife and kds of the rapist then so be it.
or do we shoot them aswell?
how many women know thier husband or boy friend is a violent offender?
that is the issue women don't want to takle!!!

and i think you have the right idea ...almost ...
about the hard labour thing
if we want to have our pound of flesh then make the jews pay for it!!!
if we want justice make the criminal produce in a island type jail and all the profit goes to the victim or victims family...
money profit that is!!!
and they never come back to civilisation....
much like the poor people in the slums all over the world :/
and we could have very easy to follow rules
everywhere is on camera in the jails
no privacey at all
and if you try to escape you are shot on sight
if you start a fight you are shot on sight
if you threaten anyone you are shot on sight
BUT THEY ARE NOT SO WE cannot HAVE true justice untill the truth is the law in public society.
and we all know "big bussines" wil never have that!!!
so where does that leave us???
sorry to sound if im closing out the conversation.

groove on all


Guns=acidantly killing you wife or husband because your pissed or pissed OFF

Murder is the LESSER crime of the 2. After all, we ALL will die


anyone read the power of one?

GOD that is a powerful book

Rape IS the worst crime there is (especially rape of a child)
It would hard to be ethically argue against what is worse, murder or rape. There are varying degrees of each. Which is worse: a rape of a small child or the murder of a battering husband? The rape of a woman by her own boyfriend, or the premeditated murder of a small child? Now ask yourself: would you rather be killed or raped? Perhaps my statement :second only to... is meaningless, yet I did not mean they were far apart in most cases.

Now for the equation guns=accidentally killing...

Cars=accidentally dying by the thousands, in greater numbers



Do you have a family?

Guns in the hands of citizens = that last final step the government has to get over to achieve totalitarianism.

Yes it would be nice if no one had guns. However, the world is saturated with them now, no thanks to the U.S. I know, but I see a pistol in the hands of a competent citizen (I do support background checks) far less of a threat than most other artifacts of the industrial age.

John Le Coq
"girl is taught by her big sister or mother what she has to do to attract a boy!
and she looks to the magazines to see what she has to wear!
BUT she wants to walk down the main street as a 12 year old wearing a mini skirt giving sexual come on signals but only wants the perfect "one" boy to look at her"

Ug. Didn't we drive this 'It's her fault!' sentiment out of Alabama long ago?

it is not men who force women to wear what they wear!

try not to be the victim all your life!

you need to take responsability for your actions!!!

i did not say it "is her fault she got raped"
that is a fear in your heart that has been exploited by homosexual feminists!

its just that the average citizen is not intelegent enough to understand the total psyche of what drives the bigger picture...
and thats only if you could find someone who cared to spend the time researching it in a fare and unbiased manner.

most people just dont give a damn and think you are rude to even bring up the subject
and then try and label you as a pedophile for thinking about it!!!

now you have imasculated all the men you dont have any big brothers or fathers to go and deal to the trouble makers!!!

happy now???

or are you looking for the american G.I bad boy gangster to be your turnaround "god deciple" so you can pretend to have a consience by twisting a criminal into a perverted criminal?

or is that a hipocritical christian....?
sorry i loose track of what they call themselfs!
most women these days (men aswell) have no idea what virtues are or honour and think that if they can just do nothing then they are contributing to the world!
think once
think twice
think good old american bad boy gangster hero!!!
what a total F__KUP of a cultural role model.
no wonder the chineese/muslim/hindu/on and on, like you soo much (sarcasim)
how many enemys does the U.S.A have?
notice they are all mostly from ALL religions!

and the cow jumped over the moon(rediculouse coment in respect of rediculouse situation)
can we change either of them? (impossible of coarse)
you cant help those who dont want help!!!!
but i hope you continue to think about it and grow and learn.

why do you think big bussiness pushes individuality soo much???
it fosters sales from security systems to an extra car!!!!

groove on all
peace...love...and missery to all greed merchants.


