What religion for the future?

As well as a vast number of beautiful art, cathedrals, celebrations, and culture. You don't have to be religious to appreciate the beautiful literature found within the Book of Myths I call the Bible.

Yet, I find boatloads of very well-written literature elsewhere, far better than the bible. The bible is an interesting read into the minds of medieval men, but that's pretty much it.

It's emotional. Without any worship or religiosity about it, it isn't there. So it's basically to amplify it.

Nonsense, one can follow a guidebook with getting emotional.

Maybe build massive Human statues and shrines to the Human species, etc

I don't see any point in that. There are far more worthwhile endeavors than worshiping idols.
Its easy. Scientology. Especially once an alien race is met, Scientologists will sit back and say "Ah-Ha! Told you so"
Yet, I find boatloads of very well-written literature elsewhere, far better than the bible. The bible is an interesting read into the minds of medieval men, but that's pretty much it.
On the contrary, the Bible is an exceptional case of extremely well done metaphor. The Bible does have meaning, regardless of whether or not you believe it literally. You also seem not to have much respect for ancient man.

Nonsense, one can follow a guidebook with getting emotional.
Perhaps, but emotion makes it oh so much better and easier

I don't see any point in that. There are far more worthwhile endeavors than worshiping idols.
Don't you see? It glorifies the Human species; it establishes, as you say, idols to look up to. It amplifies the Human will. This has always been the goal of religion, except we can do it without need for gods or the supernatural.
On the contrary, the Bible is an exceptional case of extremely well done metaphor. The Bible does have meaning, regardless of whether or not you believe it literally.

Some think comic books are sophisticated reading, too.

Perhaps, but emotion makes it oh so much better and easier

For the emotionally charged, maybe. I'm sure if you wish to smother the system in wanton emotions, feel free, but do it in private, behind closed doors, please. And, we don't really need to hear the details. Thanks.

This has always been the goal of religion, except we can do it without need for gods or the supernatural.

Then, that would give us even more reason not to worship. Why the fuck would we want to emulate the goals of religion? That's just insane.
What about Archaea?

Carl Woese was doing phylogenetic taxonomy with 16S rRNA on bacteria, when a friend of him gave him some bacteria to work on. He discovered that they were radically different, genetically, more different than animals and plants. No one believed him. The microbiologist community tore him apart for his proposal. Took 20 years of battle to convince everyone that some bacteria, despite being morphologically similar to others, are 2 or 3 billion years distant. Took about another 10 to make it into textbooks.

Ha! Or Jennings sticking his vaccine into his kids? Think the IRB would go for it now?

I meant that the Milgram experiment demonstrates that people do what they are told to do, because we're GODDAMN DIRTY APES. It's demonstrative of how to make people commit immoral acts. Whether it's men in lab coats or men in priest robes, if they're perceived as authority, you'll do what you're told, your personal beliefs be damned.

You know the common variation- "don't blame me; I just work here."
Carl Woese was doing phylogenetic taxonomy with 16S rRNA on bacteria, when a friend of him gave him some bacteria to work on. He discovered that they were radically different, genetically, more different than animals and plants. No one believed him. The microbiologist community tore him apart for his proposal. Took 20 years of battle to convince everyone that some bacteria, despite being morphologically similar to others, are 2 or 3 billion years distant. Took about another 10 to make it into textbooks.

Have you ever seen an Archaea culture plate? They look like gorgeous miniature crystals. My fave cultures:D

The media is a pain to prepare though, too many salts that are heat labile so no autclaving. Manual sterilie filtration for everything, ugh. :mad:

I should put up some pics. :p

I meant that the Milgram experiment demonstrates that people do what they are told to do, because we're GODDAMN DIRTY APES. It's demonstrative of how to make people commit immoral acts. Whether it's men in lab coats or men in priest robes, if they're perceived as authority, you'll do what you're told, your personal beliefs be damned.

You know the common variation- "don't blame me; I just work here."

Yeah, I had to learn to cultivate that mentality.