What religion for the future?

Worshipping humanity is tantamount to self praise. There is no need for religion, and humans are on the way to realising it. Not quickly enough in my opinion, but we're getting there.
As I see it , there will always be religion/superstition of some sort because there will always be stupid, ignorant people in the world. In exchanges on this site there seems to be the implicit belief that interlocutors are equals. Nothing could be further from the truth.
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Surely it is perfectly possible to bring children up to be 'decent' human beings without threatening them with hell fire and brimstone, loss of a 'god's love' or any other afterlife disincentive/incentive? If you help children develop their innate skills; the ability to think critically; to reason and to empathise with others they should then have the capacity to live their lives and make appropriate decisions without causing devastation on a mass scale. Are humans truly so pathetic that they cannot raise children properly or live a reasonable life without constantly requiring a third party intervention?
Hummm, electricity, cars, atom bombs, vaccinations, computers, interwebs.... Nah, I think I'll huddle in the dark, cold and hungry, worshiping Baal.
Again, science cannot provide cultural or moral answers; yes, it can help you build and grow, in terms of information and technology, but it isn't any spiritual or moral bassis. Science is neutral.

Religion's answers are meaningless.
Jesus died for our sins? Ok? That helps me pay my bills how...?
I truly feel sorry for you if you don't have any spirituality in your life

Worshipping humanity is tantamount to self praise. There is no need for religion, and humans are on the way to realising it. Not quickly enough in my opinion, but we're getting there.
And self praise is bad? Again, religion helps to establish common ground among the people. It's that one thing which is the cohesive of society, and it amplifies and encourages the social will and morality.
As I see it , there will always be religion/superstition of some sort because there will always be stupid, ignorant people in the world. In exchanges on this site there seems to be the implicit belief that interlocutors are equals. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The worship of Humanity involves no superstition or ignorance, while delivering all the benefits of religion.

Surely it is perfectly possible to bring children up to be 'decent' human beings without threatening them with hell fire and brimstone, loss of a 'god's love' or any other afterlife disincentive/incentive? If you help children develop their innate skills; the ability to think critically; to reason and to empathise with others they should then have the capacity to live their lives and make appropriate decisions without causing devastation on a mass scale. Are humans truly so pathetic that they cannot raise children properly or live a reasonable life without constantly requiring a third party intervention?
Religion isn't a requirement, but it's useful. Therefore, why not have a religion based on truth, that can still meet all the social and psychological functions of the other religions not based on truth?
Surely it is perfectly possible to bring children up to be 'decent' human beings without threatening them with hell fire and brimstone, loss of a 'god's love' or any other afterlife disincentive/incentive? If you help children develop their innate skills; the ability to think critically; to reason and to empathise with others they should then have the capacity to live their lives and make appropriate decisions without causing devastation on a mass scale. Are humans truly so pathetic that they cannot raise children properly or live a reasonable life without constantly requiring a third party intervention?

Of course it can be done. Children learn by example. I know lots of children , my own included, who have been brought up unencumbered by the trappings of religion and they seem none the worse for it.

I suggest that it is those who have had a religious upbringing who cannot understand how morality is possible without religion.
Of course it can be done. Children learn by example. I know lots of children , my own included, who have been brought up unencumbered by the trappings of religion and they seem none the worse for it.

I suggest that it is those who have had a religious upbringing who cannot understand how morality is possible without religion.

Morality is possible without religion, but the usefulness of religion is that it amplifies morality within society. Otherwise, there is no actual accepted social morality because it becomes an individual thing.
Morality is possible without religion, but the usefulness of religion is that it amplifies morality within society. Otherwise, there is no actual accepted social morality because it becomes an individual thing.

Hence the suicide bombers etc.
Religion will definately need to evolve to accomodate the massive advances in technology that is expected in the years ahead. Current main stream religions originated when man was significantly less advanced technologically. It has only been in the last two hundred years that significant technology advancements have occured and religion is still wrestleing with these rather small (compared to what is anticipated) but signficant changes in technology.
Although I am not religious myself, I don't want to see religion go away

Why not? When the car was invented the horse and buggy went away. When electricity was invented candles and gas lights went away. So when things change why can't other things go away and let something better take over? Where is advancement if we keep seeking Gods help all of the time when we all know it doesn't exist in reality but only in a belief. :shrug:
Morality is possible without religion, but the usefulness of religion is that it amplifies morality within society. Otherwise, there is no actual accepted social morality because it becomes an individual thing.

The existence of religion has not lead to shared morality; there are different sects or denominations and moral divisions within every faith you care to name. Same goes for any group of individuals right down to the level of families.

Individuals can and do have common moral outlooks which may lead to the greater benefit. A 'live and let live' attitude can also work but imposed 'sets' of morals rarely last; certainly not beyond a generation, unless strict societal controls are in place to punish those who are judged to stray from the 'party line'. In such societies evidence of hyposcrisy will always be a real threat to the status quo.

'Do as I say but not as I do' has been the undoing of the morally rigid. Tripping up on whilst on the moral high ground can lead to a very painful fall.
The future belongs to science, Norsefire, not medieval cults, which you belong and will eventually go the way of the dodo.

Such is evolution.
Ironic, but religion must evolve or die. My bet is on evolution...it has a winning track record.
Hence the suicide bombers etc.
Those are extremists. I've seen my fair share of atheist assholes and extremists, who are no better than those they accuse of extremism.
The existence of religion has not lead to shared morality; there are different sects or denominations and moral divisions within every faith you care to name. Same goes for any group of individuals right down to the level of families.
If it is accepted socially, for instance like Roman Catholicism when it was in Europe, then it does act as an amplifier and guide

Individuals can and do have common moral outlooks which may lead to the greater benefit. A 'live and let live' attitude can also work but imposed 'sets' of morals rarely last; certainly not beyond a generation, unless strict societal controls are in place to punish those who are judged to stray from the 'party line'. In such societies evidence of hyposcrisy will always be a real threat to the status quo.
Problem is, how do you teach morality? If everyone has their own individual moral code, society can't operate.

The future belongs to science, Norsefire, not medieval cults, which you belong and will eventually go the way of the dodo.

Such is evolution.

Apparantly you didn't read my OP; yes, likely Abrahamic religions will die. So we can replace them with religions founded on truth, so that they can still serve the same functions without denial of science.
Apparantly you didn't read my OP; yes, likely Abrahamic religions will die. So we can replace them with religions founded on truth, so that they can still serve the same functions without denial of science.

Religion serves no valued function, only functions that would hinder mankind and the pursuit of knowledge.

Sorry pal, won't happen. Religions, the worship of the supernatural, will be toast. Get used to it. :cool:
Religion serves no valued function, only functions that would hinder mankind and the pursuit of knowledge.
Only a fool denies that it serves valuable functions, both at the personal and social level. Again, it is common ground among the people, which means common morality and a level of conformity necessary for a society to function.

Sorry pal, won't happen. Religions, the worship of the supernatural, will be toast. Get used to it.

Yes, perhaps the worship of the supernatural; however, religion does not have to be the worship of the supernatural. Why not the worship of Humanity?
Only a fool denies that it serves valuable functions, both at the personal and social level. Again, it is common ground among the people, which means common morality and a level of conformity necessary for a society to function.

Theist bullshit.

Yes, perhaps the worship of the supernatural; however, religion does not have to be the worship of the supernatural. Why not the worship of Humanity?

Why worship anything?
Er, no. The world is what it is today because of religion.

Most certainly, a vast array of problems in the world would find their roots in religion, while any improvements to our lifestyles and longevity came strictly from science.

Why not? If we introduce a religion that is pro-rationalism, and pro Humanity, we can gain the benefits of conformity without the denial of science.

Again, since you didn't answer the question, why worship? The 'system' you wish to introduce is interesting, but why worship it?
Most certainly, a vast array of problems in the world would find their roots in religion, while any improvements to our lifestyles and longevity came strictly from science.
As well as a vast number of beautiful art, cathedrals, celebrations, and culture. You don't have to be religious to appreciate the beautiful literature found within the Book of Myths I call the Bible.

Again, since you didn't answer the question, why worship? The 'system' you wish to introduce is interesting, but why worship it?
It's emotional. Without any worship or religiosity about it, it isn't there. So it's basically to amplify it.

And we can do it about Humanity, so therefore no need for supernatural anything. Maybe build massive Human statues and shrines to the Human species, etc