What religion for the future?


Salam Shalom Salom
Registered Senior Member
Although I am not religious myself, I don't want to see religion go away, mainly because it has been a foundation of many things for so long, including culture, practice, and tradition. Not to mention that religion serves key social and psychological needs.

The problem with atheism is that it is the lack of belief. Therefore, while I am not claiming atheists can't tell right from wrong, there is nothing to verify or amplify morality within society. That is one role religion plays. There is also not the peace of mind that religion can bring, not to mention all of the celebrations and cultural enhancement that religion has brought.

It is my position that religion ought to remain in society. However, there is nothing stating that religon has to be faith in the supernatural or unprovable.

I think we should have a religion that, while serving the same function that religions might do today, operate more as philosophies, or at least, their focus is something which we know to be true. For instance, why not a religion that epitomizes and worships Humanity?
Why worship anything?

Buddha was one of the greatest spiritual luminaries of all time...and never worshiped anything.

Worship isn't necessary; I simply believe the spiritual aspect of religion, and it's psychological and social functions, ought to be preserved. It doesn't have to involve the supernatural though. If to worship anything, why not the beauty and superiority of Humanity?
Can you love a great work of art...without worshiping it?

Again, we don't have to, but why not? Humans are real; Humans are the best. Combine two and two, and you get the conclusion that we can worship Humanity.
I think they should all stick around. In fact, we should revive the ones that have been allowed to die out. Variety is the spice of life
Roman, science can't answer questions like right and wrong, and it can't be taught philosophically.
You don't know much about science or scientists, do you.

I know plenty about both; I happen to be a big admirer of Dr. Michio Kaku and Einstein.

What I am saying is that science isn't a religion. It doesn't deal with moral or spiritual issues. Science also isn't going to give you celebrations or culture.
I know plenty about both; I happen to be a big admirer of Dr. Michio Kaku and Einstein.

Have you ever worked in a scientific field? Studied with scientists? Talked shop with scientists? Gone to school for science?

What I am saying is that science isn't a religion.

Not quite yet. But this is "what religion for the future?"

I suggest:

Since it's the most likely to deliver.

It doesn't deal with moral or spiritual issues. Science also isn't going to give you celebrations or culture.

Morality is arbitrary.
Have you ever worked in a scientific field? Studied with scientists? Talked shop with scientists? Gone to school for science?
No, but I am very interested in the sciences, primarly genetics and cosmology.

Not quite yet. But this is "what religion for the future?"
That's just it, religon can't be a religion. It doesn't give meaning to anything.

Morality is arbitrary.

It is, for the society as a whole; however, once it's been layed down, religion becomes a useful tool for amplifying and encouraging it.
No, but I am very interested in the sciences, primarly genetics and cosmology.

That's good. You'll come to find that science is quite dogmatic, and full of just as many people as any other field. You should read Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions. I think you'd find it interesting.

That's just it, religion can't be a religion. It doesn't give meaning to anything.

Religion's where you pt your faith. I put my faith with the god who delivers the most miracles.

Guess who's miracled the most, in my lifetime? It wasn't Allah, and it's not Buddha....

It is, for the society as a whole; however, once it's been layed down, religion becomes a useful tool for amplifying and encouraging it.

Science is better at implementing a morality that is best for the society, since it's rational. Morality is really just a way for a society to self-regulate destructive behaviors to keep the society perpetuating. Science is also better at manipulating those morals.

Or at least, it could be.
That's good. You'll come to find that science is quite dogmatic, and full of just as many people as any other field. You should read Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions. I think you'd find it interesting.
Science isn't dogmatic; apart from the core principles of the scientific method, and what can be considered science, there is no one way of going about doing science.

Religion's where you pt your faith. I put my faith with the god who delivers the most miracles.

Guess who's miracled the most, in my lifetime? It wasn't Allah, and it's not Buddha....
It's not simply where you put your faith, but what you get out of it; religions today can answer questions no science can ever answer, and that's meaning.

Science is better at implementing a morality that is best for the society, since it's rational. Morality is really just a way for a society to self-regulate destructive behaviors to keep the society perpetuating. Science is also better at manipulating those morals.

Or at least, it could be.
Science can't answer moral questions. It needs to be testable and provable, and morality isn't, so it's outside the realm of science. Only philosophy and religion can answer such questions. So again, why not worship Humanity?
Science isn't dogmatic; apart from the core principles of the scientific method, and what can be considered science, there is no one way of going about doing science.

Oh lord, you are so naive.
All I have to say is, wait and see.
You know any probability theory? About normal distributions, the 5% rule for significance? Accepted sampling methods? What about the discovery of the X-ray, the kingdom Archaea, the denunciation of phlogistan?

It's not simply where you put your faith, but what you get out of it; religions today can answer questions no science can ever answer, and that's meaning.

Hummm, electricity, cars, atom bombs, vaccinations, computers, interwebs.... Nah, I think I'll huddle in the dark, cold and hungry, worshiping Baal.

Religion's answers are meaningless.
Jesus died for our sins? Ok? That helps me pay my bills how...?

Science can't answer moral questions. It needs to be testable and provable, and morality isn't, so it's outside the realm of science. Only philosophy and religion can answer such questions. So again, why not worship Humanity?

Ever hear of the Milgram experiment?
Morality in the lab.
Oh lord, you are so naive.
All I have to say is, wait and see.
You know any probability theory? About normal distributions, the 5% rule for significance? Accepted sampling methods? What about the discovery of the X-ray, the kingdom Archaea, the denunciation of phlogistan?

I can always tell who really works in a lab. ;)

What about Archaea?
Ever hear of the Milgram experiment?
Morality in the lab
Ha! Or Jennings sticking his vaccine into his kids? Think the IRB would go for it now?
according to some prophecies, islam will become greater than christianity in the future, and they might merge into one religion called chrislam. later when people realize that all religions come from the same spiritual source, all religions will merge together into one new world order religion. even later, religion (and also atheism) will disappear because we will realize that we are "god".

children need rules, but when we grow up we don't need to follow religions anymore.