What published scientific evidence proves HIV causes AIDS?

Retrovirology. 2005 Feb 16;2(1):10 [Epub ahead of print]

Molecular strategies to inhibit HIV-1 replication.

Nielsen MH, Pedersen FS, Kjems J.

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is the primary cause of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), which is a slow, progressive and degenerative disease of the human immune system. The pathogenesis of HIV-1 is complex and characterized by the interplay of both viral and host factors. An intense global research effort into understanding the individual steps of the viral replication cycle and the dynamics during an infection has inspired researchers in the development of a wide spectrum of antiviral strategies. Practically every stage in the viral life cycle and every viral gene product is a potential target. In addition, several strategies are targeting host proteins that play an essential role in the viral life cycle. This review summarizes the main genetic approaches taken in such antiviral strategies.

PMID: 15715913 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Anything other than absolute proof that AIDS is caused by HIV means that I can hold the position that it simply isn't? That's gotta be fallicious.

I don't think you will find what you are looking for in this article, it doesn't directly relate to what you want, but I posted it because anyone can view it while it's ahead of publication. Pretty interesting.

Here's the link to the pdf.

Mosley A.
Does HIV or poverty cause AIDS? Biomedical and epidemiological perspectives.
Theor Med Bioeth. 2004;25(5-6):399-421. Review.
PMID: 15690942 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Gah, don't have access to this one. Crappy university.
bizzaroSquirrel said:
Retrovirology. 2005 Feb 16;2(1):10 [Epub ahead of print]

Molecular strategies to inhibit HIV-1 replication.

Nielsen MH, Pedersen FS, Kjems J.

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is the primary cause of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), which is a slow, progressive and degenerative disease of the human immune system. The pathogenesis of HIV-1 is complex and characterized by the interplay of both viral and host factors. An intense global research effort into understanding the individual steps of the viral replication cycle and the dynamics during an infection has inspired researchers in the development of a wide spectrum of antiviral strategies. Practically every stage in the viral life cycle and every viral gene product is a potential target. In addition, several strategies are targeting host proteins that play an essential role in the viral life cycle. This review summarizes the main genetic approaches taken in such antiviral strategies.

PMID: 15715913 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Anything other than absolute proof that AIDS is caused by HIV means that I can hold the position that it simply isn't? That's gotta be fallicious.

I don't think you will find what you are looking for in this article, it doesn't directly relate to what you want, but I posted it because anyone can view it while it's ahead of publication. Pretty interesting.

Here's the link to the pdf.

Mosley A.
Does HIV or poverty cause AIDS? Biomedical and epidemiological perspectives.
Theor Med Bioeth. 2004;25(5-6):399-421. Review.
PMID: 15690942 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Gah, don't have access to this one. Crappy university.
No, the lack of unambiguous scientific proof of an assertion does not prove the converse, hence there is no "jusitification" for asserting the converse. This is a rediculous notion. The lack of unambiguous scientific proof in the background of strong and foricibly stated assertions to the contrary does, however, cast a doubting shadow over those claiming such proof has been made.

Further, in the background of all the intrigue and nystery of Gallo's scientific fraud, Montaignier's fraudulent paper published in "Sciene" in 1982, the massive propaganda effort by the various Departments of the NIH, contradicting and false claims of micro-photographic evidence o HIV, fraudulent double blind test regarding AZT that was nevertheless granted a "passing" mark by the FDA, personal and professional attacks on the effort of qualified and proven scientists voicung disagreement with the standard model of 'HIV/AIDS', and a host of other reasons indicates to me that not all is well in the Land of Oz.

Thank you for the post BizzaroSquirrel, but I remind you your italicized paragraph is in abstract form and therefore conclusory. Reading the abstract I concluded the paper does not qualify as unambiguous scientific proof that I seek.

Don't get me wrong I am not seeking proof of any causal HIV-AIDS connections in order to reach a state of peace of mind. At this point it is obvious that such requested proof is nonexistent, otherwise it would have been referenced by those powers issuing contrary claims. Surely I cannot use that offered by the mainstream generators of the HIV/AIDS scenario after inferrentially alleging many of them as systematic co-conspirators in a massive criminal activity. All participants in the distorted HIV/AIDS story are not aware of themselves as mere innocent tools of a monsterous undertaking.

Faith and trust in the system, ah yes, what ever happened to the slogan, "In God we trust, others pay cash"?

Persol said:
No, it has been observed... not completly isolated. Nothing ever is. If you wish to argue over semantics you should try another forum.
Then you wouldn't mind providing links to the studies and expaining why they are nonsense? Calling you an idiot is much less work... and just as correct as doing your research for you.

The simple fact is that all the anti-retroviral drugs currently used to combats AIDS/HIV are designed to combat HIV..;. and only stop working due to mutations. Are you honestly going to try and claim that HIV doesn't cause AIDS, but destroying HIV still stops AIDS?
Do you know that this is expected with vacines?
Come on troll... at least provide us some links from Geocities....
And? HIV has been grown in vitro, and is infectious is injected. The worst that can happen from your claim is a false positive (assuming your claim of 'common' was even true). This fullfills Koch's postulates.

Oh, my fault. I forgot that the government and thousands of AIDS researchers are all out to get you. I must need to make a new tin-foil hat.

Persol said:
The simple fact is that all the anti-retroviral drugs currently used to combats AIDS/HIV are designed to combat HIV..;. and only stop working due to mutations. Are you honestly going to try and claim that HIV doesn't cause AIDS, but destroying HIV still stops AIDS?

AZT was designed and developed in the late 50, eary 60s as an anti-cancer drug. The logic went: If we can prevent the natural splitting of cancer cells we can prevent the spread of these cells. Well AZT does exactly that, it interfers with cell division, a natural born killer. The tests of AZT on terminal cancer patients was aborted midsream in the test when the pain and misery of the deaths directly related to the AZT proved more gruesome than he death from cancer (and chemotherapy). If you do not know this you are afraud.
link to AZT story
A chaptr in the history of AZT
According to “The Prostitute Paradox” by Robert Root-Bernstein, female prostitutes in Africa who often have 200 to 300 sexual partners per year are assumed to have higher rates of exposure to HIV and AIDS than most heterosexuals. The women could be presumed to be a prime method of transmission of the disease. No heterosexual epidemic of AIDS has occurred, and no evidence of female prostitution transmitting HIV or AIDS into any heterosexual community or any nation on earth has occurred.
Another reference re AZT- the source of the paragraph above.
And yet another

Persol your entire post was not written, nor even generated by yourself. You are standing in for some others, those with a clear agenda to distort the truth iof the AZT poison and AIDS victims.

You are standing in for some others, those with a clear agenda to distort the truth iof the AZT poison and AIDS victims.
I'm assuming you realize that AZT isn't the only anti-viral drug used... hell... it's not an anti-viral at all. It stops part of the process of replicating nucleic acids. That's the reason it was used for cancer, and also the reason it's so dangerous. Regardless, several anti-viral drugs have developed in the last few years. Your response is just a diversionary tactic away from this fact.

Do you have any proof at all that HIV and AIDS are not related? Up to now all you are doing is complaining....
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geistkiesel said:
Did you know that in year or so afer massive polio vacines had been effectively provided the largest outbreak of polio ever occured? Similarly history tells of many instances where smallpox had decimated towns and villages that had been innoculated, while neighboring towns relying on isolation and cleanliness suffered minisicule numbers of smallpox cases. Go figure that one out HR

geistkiesel said:
Surely I cannot use that offered by the mainstream generators of the HIV/AIDS scenario after inferrentially alleging many of them as systematic co-conspirators in a massive criminal activity. All participants in the distorted HIV/AIDS story are not aware of themselves as mere innocent tools of a monsterous undertaking.

This is absolutely priceless! <img src="http://www.fadzter.com/smilies/roflol.gif"> All that remains now is for you to warn us about the dangers of water fluoridation and how the fluoridation of public water supplies is a massive conspiracy that allows industry to sell its toxic waste as a health measure. <img src="http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/yellows/freak6.gif"> Oh yeah, and there’s the one about how water fluoridation is a government conspiracy to keep the populace semi-sedated and doped. (You did know that fluoride salts are used as a cheap rat poison, don’t you?) For good measure you could throw in that the MMR vax causes autism and that genetically modified crops cause cancer and the stereotype would be complete! All that remains is for you to construct a new tin foil hat and listen carefully for the black helicopters. (Your communications are being monitored by the “powers that be”. :eek: ) Perhaps you could do all this from your remote log cabin while you write your manifesto. <P>
Hercules Rockefeller said:
This is absolutely priceless! <img src="http://www.fadzter.com/smilies/roflol.gif"> All that remains now is for you to warn us about the dangers of water fluoridation and how the fluoridation of public water supplies is a massive conspiracy that allows industry to sell its toxic waste as a health measure. <img src="http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/yellows/freak6.gif"> Oh yeah, and there’s the one about how water fluoridation is a government conspiracy to keep the populace semi-sedated and doped. (You did know that fluoride salts are used as a cheap rat poison, don’t you?) For good measure you could throw in that the MMR vax causes autism and that genetically modified crops cause cancer and the stereotype would be complete! All that remains is for you to construct a new tin foil hat and listen carefully for the black helicopters. (Your communications are being monitored by the “powers that be”. :eek: ) Perhaps you could do all this from your remote log cabin while you write your manifesto. <P>

Herc, You know and I know that my posts did not take the for you just described in your post. I gave references sufficient for you to checki t out. Are you cabale opf doing that? Can you research the Polio reference the small pox reference. Or are one of those that was a born trusting in what ever high and mighty the "powers that be" decided to tell you what the truth is?

Is everything perfect in your world at least perfect to the extent that the US Governementn,in the guise of the NIH are an organized pack of truth tellers? Is there any action you would take a that would be recognized as a reaction to the bad news? If your government was either as incompetent as I suggestd (and others have suggested) or were consciously aware of and amplified the crimilality cosnciously would you do anything? At all?

Now you tell me the powers that be are monitoring my posts, what is that information syuupposed to do, create mind numbing fear? I met a man who was on Omaha Beach june 6, 44. He told me that I could not comprehend the extent of dfeepley rooted fear that infectected all of his being. He told me ."I had it fugured out, I stay where I am I am a dead man. If I can make it acriss 76 80 yards, whatever of beach I had dsome cover and a chance to live," He said he got his ass in gear and headed for the promised land. He told me he never got scratch in all of that day or later and he was always scared out of his pants.
Fear can be worked through, kit isn't the strongest of emotions.,

AS an example of a derisive and near rude post Ivery mild by my standards, you didn't even include any useful material only posting some material that must have started crawling into some dark portal of your physical being and made you scratch?

Expalain to me why the story on AIDS gets your ire, but if I discussed the scientific errror that led to massiveout breaks in instances of sea gull
diarreah you would probably laugh.

Is it what the majority belives, the mainstream, the ones crossing the i's and dotting the t's that defines the limits of your mental ability to criticize anad analyze, defines your persona? You aave no growth to accomplish? You are an adult and for adults the playing field is flat and all the mountains and the abysses obseved in our insane and mispent youth have been crossed, climbed an avoided and finally your have made it?

I am curious, are you satisified with it all? Why do you spend time in the "science forum" to learn about scentific progress, or to use the scientific method, to explore, challenge and to make right what you perceive as wrong?
HerculesRockerfeller, what a handle.
Expalain to me why the story on AIDS gets your ire, but if I discussed the scientific errror that led to massiveout breaks in instances of sea gull
diarreah you would probably laugh.

Is it what the majority belives, the mainstream
It's because you have nothing but your conspiracy theory. You have no proof, and that which you have shown us has been explained very easily.
geistkiesel said:
If you do not know this you are a fraud.
In my self-appointed role policing interesting threads for cheap debating tricks and flawed logic, can you explain how ignorance of a fact makes one a fraud?
Ophiolite, you must be really, really bored. I mean really bored. You would be far better off doing some overtime at work, or reading an interesting book, or just about anything else. I presume youve seen Geistkiesels debating tactics about relativity?
Persol said:
It's because you have nothing but your conspiracy theory. You have no proof, and that which you have shown us has been explained very easily.

Oh you can explain very easily why there are no published scientific journals proving the causitve link re HIV abnd AIDS? Exactly, 100%, this this is all I have, and of course the foot notes to the lies, intrigue, huge bueacratic insititutions sucking money for no ratioal purpose, supported by huge and far reaching propaganda system,chemical/drug industry in obscene relation with government regulators, faulty science, scentific fraud, incompetence and stupidity, and all I have really is the conspuracy, which is elevated above the level of mere conspiraccy theory, there is the void in published scientific proof of the HIV AIDS connection.
There was one error that I did spot in your post. where you say "you have shown us". I haven't shown you anything persol you're just a thug name, typist really, with a name , a low level opeatve a part of an action cell, a criminal. I have shown your m asters though, haven't I?
^Thanx Persol,

It is becoming much clearer now, after your input.
Idle Mind said:
No one can provide proof of this. What we can provide, is evidence that supports the claim that HIV is present in AIDS cases. Here are some articles I found at PubMed in a quick search.

First, using the terms HIV, AIDS, and the Boolean qualifier AND to connect the two (HIV AND AIDS).


And another, using T-cells AND AIDS



AIDS is the depression of the immune system. HIV kills host immune cells at an astonishing rate. While it may not be the only reason that a hosts immune response may be diminished, it is certainly a high contributor based on the prevalence of the virus. Why is this so hard to accept?

What do you say to these geistkiesel?
Idle Mind said:
What do you say to these geistkiesel?
I'll get back to you on what they say Idle Mind but not Idle Fingers doing their walking through the web site pages n' cest pas?

guthrie said:
Ophiolite, you must be really, really bored. I mean really bored. You would be far better off doing some overtime at work, or reading an interesting book, or just about anything else. I presume youve seen Geistkiesels debating tactics about relativity?
Not really Guthrie (I have a very high boredom threshold.) I just like reminding ass-holes that they are recognised as such by anyone with half a brain. It's not especially constructive, but it keeps me off the streets.
I'm off to look at the relativity threads now.. Thanks for the pointer. :)
Idle Mind said:
What do you say to these geistkiesel?
I looked at the links but unfortunately was unable to get farther than the abstracts, which are, unfortunately, conclusory and do not contain the information required for proof. Each link did make the claim of finding HIV but I suspect that a close look at the full published vesion would not provide the information needed to establish, one way or the other, the truth of the matter.
What else can I say?
Thanx for the response.
Ophiolite said:
In my self-appointed role policing interesting threads for cheap debating tricks and flawed logic, can you explain how ignorance of a fact makes one a fraud?
Opiolite -
You are a fraud if you assert the truth of the matter, and have no inforamtion ,one way or the other as tio the truthfulness of the fact asserted, then the ignorance (I dunno the facts maam) of the matter would placethe publisher in the catagory of "fraud".

Suppose you , or someone, predicted some condition based on fact that was not known, one way or the other, to the publisher of the material. Somene relying on the fact was injured due to the error in fact asserted as true.

Again, the publisher of the erronneous fact has no inforamation, one way or the other yet he asserts the fact true period.[spice this up with: that the information regarding the asserted fact was easily available which would have negated the absoluteness of the truth of the fact as asserted in the publication, or would have cast doubt on the asserted truth, or proved the asserted fact as speculative].

Are you suggesting a "freedom odf speech" theory to avoid any penalty relating the erroneous fact to the injury to the publisher?

Persol said:
I'm assuming you realize that AZT isn't the only anti-viral drug used... hell... it's not an anti-viral at all. It stops part of the process of replicating nucleic acids. That's the reason it was used for cancer, and also the reason it's so dangerous. Regardless, several anti-viral drugs have developed in the last few years. Your response is just a diversionary tactic away from this fact.

Do you have any proof at all that HIV and AIDS are not related? Up to now all you are doing is complaining....
I am not complaining certainly not to you, I am merely stating the fact that no published scientific documents prove the HIV and AIDS causal connection.

What I have read about the HIV-AIDS hypothesis has led me to delevop doubts about it as well. Frankly, I'm not knowledgeable enough on the topic to have developed a particularly strong opinion.

Having said that, as long as those discussing the issue don't encourage anyone to - e.g. casually abandon the condoms (after all, there are other STDs even IF the HIV/AIDS assertion is a hoax), I see little or no justification for the hindering of the discussion or debate about the issue. After all, if the HIV-AIDS hypothesis is correct, what do it's proponents have to fear? I personally have no agenda to fulfill - I'm only interested in the truth.

Personally, I think it might be worth keeping an eye on reports from sites such as http://www.aliveandwell.org/. It's founder tested HIV-positive in 1992, and is apparently still not showing signs of AIDS. Seeing how her case progresses over the years might be worthwhile. Then again, if she is still doing well in a few years, she might just be one of those patients in whom the virus allegedly remains 'latent' (is that an appropriate term?) for longer periods than in others.
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Hey geistkiesel

Perhaps your right!
Just to be sure why not fuck a HIV +ve individual, stay off the retrovirals and wait a few years.
Should tell you all you need to know.

Do it for science!
Dee Cee
DeeCee said:
Hey geistkiesel

Perhaps your right!
Just to be sure why not fuck a HIV +ve individual, stay off the retrovirals and wait a few years.
Should tell you all you need to know.

Do it for science!
Dee Cee
Why donm't you do it fopr sciemce. Where I come from if you find a prblem fix it.

This thread is asking for published scienific documentation that HIV causes AIDS.
Is this so difficult for you to understand? If it is too difficult to undersand then you have been speaking from a position if unconditional and abject ignorance,. If this be the case you can go fuck yourself- duhyasea DC?

Do you want to exchange fuck posts or do you want to point to some published scientic material that proves HIV is caually significant in the etiology of AIDS. Preferable to this wuld be the Director of the NIH or the FDA publicize the published scientific documentation proving the causal relation of HIV and AIDS. Does this seem an unreasonable request? I mean to ask these directors to indicate the scientific rationale for the generation of a massive governmental AIDS policy based on the assumption that HIV exists and is the causal, the putative pathogenic agent in the etiology of AIDS is fair is it not?


geistkiesel said:
Reading the abstract I concluded the paper does not qualify as unambiguous scientific proof that I seek.
Just to give us a feel for what constitutes unambiguous scientific proof could you tell me if the following are proven or not
  • The Big Bang
  • Global Warming
  • Plate tectonics
  • Manned lunar landings
  • abiogenic oil reservoir replacement