What Makes A Good Person?

Cris said:
It is good that you now understand that nothing can happen without time but you are still very confused about the concepts of infinity. Infinity is not a numerical quantity that can be manipulated like other numbers. Infinity is something that has no boundary. You are tying yourself in knots when you talk about “an infinite amount of time” since you are thinking of infinity as a large number. When we say the universe has always existed then that means there was no beginning boundary condition. We cannot say anything meaningful about the quantity of time before the present – it remains undefined.

Once you correct your erroneous concept of infinity then an infinite universe and our place in it will start to make sense.

Take care
By "infinity" I meant exactly what you said. I'm not thinking a large number. Even because if infinity is a large number, it is still a definite number. If infinity was a large number, and there was an "infinite" amount of time in the past, then the present would be possible because the universe would have to wait a large number of years to come to existance, but it would come eventually. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that there was an undefinite amount of time in the past, which makes the present impossible. Hence, there was no beginning boundary condition.
Get rid of your idea of explosions and implosions. Exploding and imploding is one and the same thing, (just like any other "opposites") and none of them have an absolute existence. It's not "happening", it "is". Everything just IS, we think something is HAPPENING, but it's not happening! In reality, nothing has ever happened. But in our dualistic and "free" minds things seem to happen. We think that things are different because we use different words from them, to "explain" them, but we're just confusing ourselves. Everything is just "existence".

I'm saying that there was an undefinite amount of time in the past, which makes the present impossible.

Why? That is a non sequitur. The amount of time that has passed has no connection with the present instant.

Hence, there was no beginning boundary condition.

Another non sequitur: And a conclusion that appears from nowhere!!!!


It's not "happening", it "is". Everything just IS, we think something is HAPPENING, but it's not happening! In reality, nothing has ever happened. But in our dualistic and "free" minds things seem to happen. We think that things are different because we use different words from them, to "explain" them, but we're just confusing ourselves. Everything is just "existence".

You are simply trying to ignore time. Things do “happen” since time allows a change of state.
Someone who doesn't think religious belief is inheritable. What I mean by this, are those who don't allow their own children to come to their own conclusions, but instead force feed them their own beliefs before the child can even walk.

A 'good person' would not do this, but would understand and recognise that their child is a unique individual who has the right to use his/her own brain to come to his/her own conclusions.

That's what defines a good person.
Haha, there is no absolute time! Time is an illusion of the human mind! When there is no observer there is no change.
mis-t-highs said:
what makes a good person?

top three things, that make a good person, and why.

1 love of freedom (lets you and everyone free!)
2 the ability to go past the appearances (no judgement, no mistake, no worry!)
3 faith in the oneness within the essence of all things (ego-transcendence, no harm to others, peaceful mind!)
It's up to a person whether he considers himself good or bad. But as far as I've observed, many claim to be "good". I don't know what instance in their lives seem to be good if there isn't any single :rolleyes: type of system of life they've followed.