What Kind Of Beast Can Petrify 100 Starlings In Mid Flight?

Here are some more reports about the strange things that can happen during turbulent weather conditions.

Dozens of dead birds have occasionally been seen plummeting out of the sky, sometimes partly frozen. These poor animals were probably swept up high in the powerful updrafts of a thundercloud, then frozen like hailstones before gravity took over. Even stranger, a report in a 1930 issue of the magazine Nature tells us about a severe hailstorm in Vicksburg, U.S.A. where a gopher turtle, 6 inches by 8 inches, and entirely encased in ice, fell with the hail.

Other objects can rain out of the sky. In July 4, 1995 people in Keokuk, Iowa found soft drink cans that a tornado had lifted from the Double Cola Bottling Plant in Moberly and dropped about 150 miles north. Perhaps most bizarre are the ‘rains of blood' which have been reported all over the world ever since biblical times. An important clue to their cause came in July 1968 in southern England, when a shower coated everything in red gritty dust. It was fine sand blown up from the Sahara and carried over a thousand miles inside a massive high pressure system before falling in a rain shower. In some dry areas, ‘dust devils' (dust storms) are very common with debris falling out of the sky.

from http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/weatherwise/living/severe/

It is not rare at all for us to get a summer storm that leaves a deposit of fine yellow Saharan sand over everything, so I've seen a rain of custard, but I've never seen a rain of blood.
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Here are some more reports about the strange things that can happen during turbulent weather conditions.

Dozens of dead birds have occasionally been seen plummeting out of the sky, sometimes partly frozen. These poor animals were probably swept up high in the powerful updrafts of a thundercloud, then frozen like hailstones before gravity took over. Even stranger, a report in a 1930 issue of the magazine Nature tells us about a severe hailstorm in Vicksburg, U.S.A. where a gopher turtle, 6 inches by 8 inches, and entirely encased in ice, fell with the hail.

Other objects can rain out of the sky. In July 4, 1995 people in Keokuk, Iowa found soft drink cans that a tornado had lifted from the Double Cola Bottling Plant in Moberly and dropped about 150 miles north. Perhaps most bizarre are the ‘rains of blood' which have been reported all over the world ever since biblical times. An important clue to their cause came in July 1968 in southern England, when a shower coated everything in red gritty dust. It was fine sand blown up from the Sahara and carried over a thousand miles inside a massive high pressure system before falling in a rain shower. In some dry areas, ‘dust devils' (dust storms) are very common with debris falling out of the sky.

from http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/weatherwise/living/severe/

It is not rare at all for us to get a summer storm that leaves a deposit of fine yellow Saharan sand over everything, so I've seen a rain of custard, but I've never seen a rain of blood.

There was a similar event to the one in Vicksburg - this time it was in central Mississippi and happened in 1972. Thousands of fish were spread over a 2 square-mile area that a tornado had lifted from a medium-sized lake nearby. The lake was almost completely drained before the rain with the storm began partially refilling it.
Surely it was the light reflected off Venus that disoriented them. ;)

Unless it was a Giant Mutant Hyrax hitching a ride on a Flying Manta Ray.
OMG. Literally, for real, that was like - awesome. Truly, actually ROFLMAO...
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I say that the birds died due to a sudden change in altitude temperature. The change in temperature would have possibly startled them, then, a sudden wind pattern change would have caused them to plummet to the ground.
I say that the birds died due to a sudden change in altitude temperature. The change in temperature would have possibly startled them, then, a sudden wind pattern change would have caused them to plummet to the ground.
Why isn't this effect seen elsewhere then. It should happen more than once.
I say that the birds died due to a sudden change in altitude temperature. The change in temperature would have possibly startled them, then, a sudden wind pattern change would have caused them to plummet to the ground.
Why isn't this effect seen elsewhere then? It should happen more than once.
those are clone birds of the real birds that got abducted by bird aliens, they were genetically faulty clones and now they can't bring back the real birds cause that would be suspicious to the friends of the dead birds if they were suddenly to come back to life as if nothing happened so now the real birds are living their lives out on a hostile alien world trying to get back to earth.
If I may be so bold, speculating on so little information on what caused the birds deaths (Swamp gas- which I took to be in humor, CO[sub]2[/sub], fright/petrification) is as bad as speculating that it was a Passing UFO, an ultra secret government experiment or Alfred Hitchcocks ghost.

What caused their death is unknown at this time and the clues given in one brief news article are entirely too vague, prone to interpretation and lacking in substance to base any serious speculation on.

This occurrence is quite strange and I hope more information comes to light that enables us to deduce a likely cause with much greater certainty than guesswork.
I think it is interesting what happens in a dearth of information. Some people assume that it must be one of the contested phenomena and others assume that it must be something we already know about, something banal.

Both assumptions seem as nutty to me.