What is Zionism?

Adstar said:
The fact remains that most Isrealies do not support the ultimate goal of Zionisim. The reason they vote for conservative parties is that they precieve that they are safer from terrorisim by voting for political leaders who are more hard line towards the people that they fear. Fear is a great way of getting people to vote in radical governments.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

The fact remains that the majority of the people have nothing to do with the actions of a country. A small minority of people willing to murder for control of the country decides what the country does. It makes no difference what the people think or feel.

All Fart in Adstars General Direction
spidergoat said:
Maybe people that believe in God really do sense Him somehow. No way for you to know.

no, but by that same logic, theres no way for me to know anything. how can i be sure that i know what color Green is? what if everybody else sees it a bit differently and i dont really know what it is? what if some people can really read other people's thoughts or can communicate with horses? the whole point is that you can only trust your own perception and to a lesser extent, some things that can be commonly agreed upon through analysis, observation, and proof. so because i dont sense god in some way, and because nobody can show me in any way that i see as valid, how they are sensing god, then my conclusion stands as reasonable and acceptable for me.
charles cure said:
actually i would say that everyone who believes in god is deluded, if not delusional.

Yet you don't even understand what God (the self) is.

the only way to "understand" what god is, is to believe in something that you cant see hear taste touch or smell and can be quantified in no other way. most of the time when adults believe in things like that (other than god) they are institutionalized or at least ridiculed. i just happen to see no difference between them and people who believe in god.

It is because of your ignorance of such things.
You don't understand mental things, you don't understand yourself.
You think that only the things "outside" your mind are real.
how can i be sure that i know what color Green is? what if everybody else sees it a bit differently and i dont really know what it is?
You can't. In fact that is a good example, since I am color blind and I really don't see the same colors that most people do.
Happeh said:
The fact remains that the majority of the people have nothing to do with the actions of a country. A small minority of people willing to murder for control of the country decides what the country does. It makes no difference what the people think or feel.

bravo...if only i could convince all the europeans i meet of the same thing happening in america, eh?

you hit that shit right on the head.
Happeh said:
The fact remains that the majority of the people have nothing to do with the actions of a country. A small minority of people willing to murder for control of the country decides what the country does. It makes no difference what the people think or feel.

All Fart in Adstars General Direction

Well not 100% correct. The powers that be know that it makes things easier if the population is apathetic. They also know that it is very desireable for their masses to be persuaded to desire the government carry out the actions that the controling small minority want done.

Like: let us take away your freedoms for a little while, and we will be able to keep you safe from terrorists. ;)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days