What is Zionism?

Zionism is still a movement although it has far less Jewish support than it once did. It is still a movement because the modern state of isreal only controls a portion of the land of ancient Israel. The objective of Zionism is the re-establishment of a modern Israel covering the same territory as ancient Israel.

Of course once the present Israel was established most Jews accepted the current Israel as the achieved Zion, they are willing to trade land and give up the occupied territories. So for them the Zion movement is finished because it has achieved the desired result (a Jewish state.) But for a minority The objectives of Zionism will not be achieved until all the lands of ancient Israel are within the borders of Modern Israel.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
you know its funny to hear a bunch of people saying that there arent that many zionists out there when Ariel Sharon is in danger of losing most of his political support in the israeli government because he formed a moderate party that favors negotiating with the palestinian leaders. the israeli people elect their government and they have elected governments over and over again that represent zionist idealism by continuously and illegally expanding the jewish state even after the end of the 1967 conflict. even the United Nations came up with a resolution that declared the settlements illegal, but israel refused to comply by withdrawing until a few months ago. the israeli government forces many of its arab citizens and most palestinians coming over the border to go to work on a daily basis to undergo degrading searches and detainments. the israeli army shoots and kills young palestinian boys for being out after curfew or throwing rocks at soldiers. it is a sign of the degradation in which palestinians live that they resort to killing themselves in order to damage their occupiers. i agree that the average israeli may not be a rabid zionist, but they do support a government made up of many hardline zionists, and they turn a relatively blind eye to the destruction of the palestinian government, culture, and economy caused by their "security measures".
spidergoat said:
No it isn't. That's called Anti-semitism.

A Jewish movement that arose in the late 19th century in response to growing anti-Semitism and sought to reestablish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state of Israel.

1: a policy for establishing and developing a national homeland for Jews in Palestine [syn: Zionism] 2: a movement of world Jewry that arose late in the 19th century with the aim of creating a Jewish state in Palestine

I challenge you to find one reference to Zionism implying anything like world domination in the the Wikipedia entry:

first off, using wikipedia as a reference for ANYTHING is retarded.
second, yes to the mind of common americans, when they hear the word "zionist", they think of jews trying to control everything.

i am jewish, and have been the subject of those words many times over in my life. dont tell me what i have experienced is made up. also, its not very "intelligent" to argue just for the sake of arguing.

i challenge you to poll 100 people in your hometown as to what they think zionism means. i think you will be surprised.
charles cure said:
you know its funny to hear a bunch of people saying that there arent that many zionists out there when Ariel Sharon is in danger of losing most of his political support in the israeli government because he formed a moderate party that favors negotiating with the palestinian leaders. the israeli people elect their government and they have elected governments over and over again that represent zionist idealism by continuously and illegally expanding the jewish state even after the end of the 1967 conflict. even the United Nations came up with a resolution that declared the settlements illegal, but israel refused to comply by withdrawing until a few months ago. the israeli government forces many of its arab citizens and most palestinians coming over the border to go to work on a daily basis to undergo degrading searches and detainments. the israeli army shoots and kills young palestinian boys for being out after curfew or throwing rocks at soldiers. it is a sign of the degradation in which palestinians live that they resort to killing themselves in order to damage their occupiers. i agree that the average israeli may not be a rabid zionist, but they do support a government made up of many hardline zionists, and they turn a relatively blind eye to the destruction of the palestinian government, culture, and economy caused by their "security measures".

The fact remains that most Isrealies do not support the ultimate goal of Zionisim. The reason they vote for conservative parties is that they precieve that they are safer from terrorisim by voting for political leaders who are more hard line towards the people that they fear. Fear is a great way of getting people to vote in radical governments.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
The fact remains that most Isrealies do not support the ultimate goal of Zionisim. The reason they vote for conservative parties is that they precieve that they are safer from terrorisim by voting for political leaders who are more hard line towards the people that they fear. Fear is a great way of getting people to vote in radical governments.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

i think that the point im getting across here is that whether a majority of jews in israel are zionists or not, as an ideological force, it has a relatively dominant role in forming their country's foreign policy. you cant downplay its influence by sayin oh well, the majority of israelis arent zionists so that makes it harmless. the conservative zionist elements in their government give power to the ideas whether the people agree with them 100% or not, and in addition to that, you dont see a lot of israeli jews out on the street protesting the awful things their government does. youd think if most of them werent zionists and thought there was something wrong with it, there would be some national debate on the issue, or maybe some people protesting something other than being kicked out of the homes they built on palestinian soil.

the reason this bothers me is because my country (the US) has, for some reason, a policy that requires unwavering support of israel and their expansionist, racist goals. if it were not for our foolish backing of israel, i doubt there would have been a 9/11 or a global war on terrorism. the truth is that the israelis deserve a lot of what they get from the palestinian "terrorists", because they have been engaged in a protracted war with them for the last 30 years. the only reason it isnt called a war is because the western powers seeking to legitimize the existence of israel after they created it wont give creedence to any claim that they stole land from other people. they allow israel to occupy palestine and degrade their people to some type of second class citizen status, and when those people rise up and attempt to take back some semblance of their autonomy, they call it terrorism instead of rebellion, insurgency, revolution, or any of the other words with positive or neutral connotations that could be used to describe the palestinian uprising. the truth of the whole situation is that if palestinians are terrorists, the the israelis are just terrorists with more money and a bigger army, and zionism is a root cause of the entire situation.
The Devil Inside said:
...to the mind of common americans, when they hear the word "zionist", they think of jews trying to control everything.
That's because they're retards, and probably only recall the "Protocol of the Elders of Zion" hoax.
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charles cure said:
i think that the point im getting across here is that whether a majority of jews in israel are zionists or not, as an ideological force, it has a relatively dominant role in forming their country's foreign policy. you cant downplay its influence by sayin oh well, the majority of israelis arent zionists so that makes it harmless.

Well i have never said that the effects of Zionisim is not harmless. And of course the influence of Zionists far outweigh their actual numbers in proportion to the population. But it is always the way of the world that the people who are most passionate about their beliefs and causes lead those who are apathetic.

the conservative zionist elements in their government give power to the ideas whether the people agree with them 100% or not, and in addition to that, you dont see a lot of israeli jews out on the street protesting the awful things their government does.

Well they see the awful things that their radicalized islamic enemies do so they tend to see the actions of their own government as necessary while at the same time many are uneasy i their conscience about it.

youd think if most of them werent zionists and thought there was something wrong with it, there would be some national debate on the issue, or maybe some people protesting something other than being kicked out of the homes they built on palestinian soil.

Well there is a big protest movement in isreal for the peace process and the founding of a Palestinian state also there are a lot of Israelis who are refusing to do military service. So a protest movement does exist. But this movement is always undermined by the next bus bomb or the next speech by the Iranian president.

the reason this bothers me is because my country (the US) has, for some reason, a policy that requires unwavering support of israel and their expansionist, racist goals.

Well your government is controlled by a group of people who seek to pave the way for the coming of the anti-christ. They seek to support isreal (not because they love the Jews, because they hate the Jews) to bring about the re-building of the temple, A temple necessary for their deceivers goal. Isreal has been re-gathered to be fooled. Isreal in the end is not so much the refuge of the Jews but the final concentration camp. So there is a conspiracy but it is not for the benefit of the Jews but for their eventual extermination.

if it were not for our foolish backing of israel, i doubt there would have been a 9/11 or a global war on terrorism.

Maybe Isreal brought forward 9/11 in time. But it has always been the objective of Islam to bring the whole world under the control of islam through jihad, So 9/11 or something similar was inevitable, irrespective of what happens to isreal the drive for global conquest by true islamists comes from the korans call for them to fight until all the infidels acknowledge allah as God.

the truth is that the israelis deserve a lot of what they get from the palestinian "terrorists", because they have been engaged in a protracted war with them for the last 30 years. the only reason it isnt called a war is because the western powers seeking to legitimize the existence of israel after they created it wont give creedence to any claim that they stole land from other people. they allow israel to occupy palestine and degrade their people to some type of second class citizen status, and when those people rise up and attempt to take back some semblance of their autonomy, they call it terrorism instead of rebellion, insurgency, revolution, or any of the other words with positive or neutral connotations that could be used to describe the palestinian uprising. the truth of the whole situation is that if palestinians are terrorists, the the israelis are just terrorists with more money and a bigger army, and zionism is a root cause of the entire situation.

Well whatever one calls people in the end people are killing other people and people will continue to kill other people because hard-liners on both sides cannot accept any negotiated compromise. They’ll continue to fight and undermine any reconciliation until they have achieved their goal. For one side that is the establishment of Zion and for the other it is driving all Israelis back into the sea. A two-state solution is an abomination to both sides.

They will continue to fight and terrorism will grow world wide until the world under the command of the anti-christ destroys the islamic nations.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
Well your government is controlled by a group of people who seek to pave the way for the coming of the anti-christ. They seek to support isreal (not because they love the Jews, because they hate the Jews) to bring about the re-building of the temple, A temple necessary for their deceivers goal. Isreal has been re-gathered to be fooled. Isreal in the end is not so much the refuge of the Jews but the final concentration camp. So there is a conspiracy but it is not for the benefit of the Jews but for their eventual extermination.
All Praise The Ancient Of Days

youre kidding right? is this a real response? youve been reading too many books from that "left behind" series.
I have never read the left behind series of books. And yes it is a serious response.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
I have never read the left behind series of books. And yes it is a serious response.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

oh, sorry i didnt take it seriously, its just that the ridiculous conspiracy you described is really similar to the story arc of a series of poorly written fantasy books that also try to pass themselves off as being semi-reality based.
c7ityi_ said:
everything is based on reality. reality can be divided into many parts.

right but some things are more reality based than others.
charles cure,

Religious books may seem to be fantasy but that doesn't mean it is so. Maybe it is due to your lack of understanding about such things as God. Surely, you would not say that ALL those who believe in God are delusional? It is only a matter of understanding what God is. Truly I tell you, God is the self within all things. Gain knowledge of yourself and you will understand God and religions.
loki_ghost said:
Can you tell me what Zionism is? Some kind of Religion?


It's the political idea that the jews should have thier own country. It certainly pissed off a lot of arabs.
c7ityi_ said:
charles cure,

Religious books may seem to be fantasy but that doesn't mean it is so. Maybe it is due to your lack of understanding about such things as God. Surely, you would not say that ALL those who believe in God are delusional? It is only a matter of understanding what God is. Truly I tell you, God is the self within all things. Gain knowledge of yourself and you will understand God and religions.

actually i would say that everyone who believes in god is deluded, if not delusional. the only way to "understand" what god is, is to believe in something that you cant see hear taste touch or smell and can be quantified in no other way. most of the time when adults believe in things like that (other than god) they are institutionalized or at least ridiculed. i just happen to see no difference between them and people who believe in god.
spidergoat said:
More bullshit propaganda.
The Arabs actually collaborated with the Nazis, and Islam has more in common with fascism than the largely liberal and secular population of Israel.

George Bush's Grandfather, Prescott Bush, collaborated with the Nazi's.

What is your point?