What is Zionism?

The idea that Israel, as described in the bible, is rightfully the land of the Jews.
It is a movement for the re-establishment of the state of Israel. Zion is the promised land.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No it isn't. That's called Anti-semitism.

A Jewish movement that arose in the late 19th century in response to growing anti-Semitism and sought to reestablish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state of Israel.

1: a policy for establishing and developing a national homeland for Jews in Palestine [syn: Zionism] 2: a movement of world Jewry that arose late in the 19th century with the aim of creating a Jewish state in Palestine

I challenge you to find one reference to Zionism implying anything like world domination in the the Wikipedia entry:
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in recent years, the zionist movement has become the banner under which rabid advocates of Israeli expansionism have gathered. although nominally zionists are defined by a belief in the need for and support of a jewish homeland in israel, many of them are in fact, little more than racists who seek to expand israel to include all of what is left of palestine and continue on into other arab lands with some sort of "manifest destiny" type zeal.

you can deal with dictionary definitions all you like, but the truth is that the zionist political factions in israel are responsible for the destruction of palestinian homes and subsequent establishment of the illegal settlements in gaza and the west bank that were recently evacuated due to the fact that they were nothing more than a flagrant encroachment on other people's land.
I would hardly call some border disputes the same thing as world domination.

Within Zionism, there is the concept of the biblical Israel (as I said), the borders of which do not coincide with present political boundries. I challenge you to find an example of any Zionist who feels Zionism justifies expansion into any area other than the ancient Jewish lands.
spidergoat said:
I would hardly call some border disputes the same thing as world domination.

Within Zionism, there is the concept of the biblical Israel (as I said), the borders of which do not coincide with present political boundries. I challenge you to find an example of any Zionist who feels Zionism justifies expansion into any area other than the ancient Jewish lands.

who cares what ancient jewish lands were? thats no justification for bulldozing arab people's homes and building jewish ones on the land where they once stood. the biblical israel is as much a ficticious creation as the bible itself, and the zionists seize upon it as fact to justify their goal of colonizing arab land. when a person subscribes to the belief that a plot of land should be set aside and made sovereign so that one race or ethnic class of people can live in it together in a culture "untainted" by outside influence, i believe that is racism or at least racially based elitism. the muslim palistinians and the christains also have a "biblical" claim to some of the holy places located in israel, but there hasnt been a christian movement since the 13th century to expand into those biblical lands and take them back. the palestinian muslims are treated like trash on the side of the road by the israelis despite the fact that the land those jews are living in belongs rightfully to the palestinians and was taken from them at the whim of the Allied Powers after WWII due to manipulation of "holocaust guilt" by european jews. zionism is a newer, less powerful naziism.
Whatever dude. I'm not debating the rightness or wrongness of Zionism, just it's definition.
spidergoat said:
Whatever dude. I'm not debating the rightness or wrongness of Zionism, just it's definition.

an essential part of its definition is the actions taken by its so-called adherents. the book definition of something means little when the thing itself is observably different.
Most of the actions you attribute to Zionism are in fact merely people charged with running and defending a modern nation that also happen to believe in the right of Israel to exist. Can you imagine someone in the Israeli government who doesn't believe in the right of their own nation to exist? In a very real sense, there is no Zionism anymore. Zion has already been established, albeit under controversial circumstances. The renewed popularity of the term Zionism is mostly due to it's use as a propaganda tool by the enemies of Israel, who feel that it's existence is still negotiable.
loki_ghost said:
Can you tell me what Zionism is? Some kind of Religion?



Zionism is just another word for "Nazi."
Take the facade off a Zionist and you will always find a Nazi.
Take the facade off a Nazi and you will always find a Zionist.

The only people who have been caught painting swastikas onto synagogues have all been Rabbis -
More bullshit propaganda.
The Arabs actually collaborated with the Nazis, and Islam has more in common with fascism than the largely liberal and secular population of Israel.
spidergoat said:
Most of the actions you attribute to Zionism are in fact merely people charged with running and defending a modern nation that also happen to believe in the right of Israel to exist. Can you imagine someone in the Israeli government who doesn't believe in the right of their own nation to exist? In a very real sense, there is no Zionism anymore. Zion has already been established, albeit under controversial circumstances. The renewed popularity of the term Zionism is mostly due to it's use as a propaganda tool by the enemies of Israel, who feel that it's existence is still negotiable.

do you think the facist government of Nazi Germany was not strikingly similar? the agents of nazi cruelty were merely people charged with running and defending a modenr nation that believed in its right to exist. nazi propagandists perpetuated a story that their country's existence was being threatened from within by certain subversive elements, mainly jews. do you see the danger in that type of justification? they are one and the same. israel may have a right to exist, but it came into existence under dubious circumstances and was created out of other people's possessions. one set of people were deprived and driven into denegration so another set could rise up and finally reclaim what was "theirs" (if you believe that it ever really was to begin with). israel's existence may be non-negotiable, but its size certainly isnt, and neither does it have the right to deprive palestinians of an equally ancient and rightful claim on "their" land.
No, I don't think they are similar, Israel has no ethnic cleansing or delusions of empire. Israel has Arab citizens, as well as Christians, and Christian Arabs. I think most Arabs who oppose Israel are carrying out an eye-for-an-eye vendetta, avenging their brothers and grandfathers. There is plenty of blame to go around on both sides. It was not evil to settle Jews in their ancestral homeland, where Jews already lived. It was not evil to want some autonomy. Both Jews and Arabs committed atrocities in Israel's war for independence. To think that only Arabs deserve to live there is as fanatical as thinking only Jews do. After all, the area in which Arabs live all around the middle east dwarfs the area inhabited by Jews many times over. I believe Israel and the Palestinians need to comprimise on borders and religious landmarks without comprimising security. Even people that used to be uncomprimising now realize this political reality.