What is your view of death, afterlife (or lack of), heaven?

I didnt believe in life after death until i experienced being in a room with someone close to me who had just died. As I kissed her goodbye and later i felt her presence. I knew she was not gone.

Similarly, I knew it was wrong to kill myself at a younger age, from an appreciationt hat came upon me of the miracle of life and its asacredness and how disrespectful it would be to kill myself when we are so lucky to have happened to be alive and experiuence consciousness and fit into the environment as we do.
well thats the difference between first hand experience and belief isnt it. when i see a farmer that actually experienced an anal probe i cant argue that, he saw/felt it (hes either crazy or its true but until i see something like it it will be hard for me to accept).

In my case i have had no other-worldly experiences to base a spiritual belief on. If my grandfather floats through my wall to talk to me, then ill change my tune.
Originally posted by SnakeLord
It is depressing to think that when i die everything i know, everything i've seen, everything i've done will die along with me but that's what all the evidence points to. As such i write, (stories, diaries, poems, etc), so perhaps one day someone can sit down and get a part of me, a part of my life.
I prefer not to think of it as depressing, but merely a fact of life that I have learned to accept and become content with. I certainly appreciate, and share, your desire to write in order to express a part of yourself that will hopefully survive your time here and influence others in a positive way.

Originally posted by ele
Similarly, I knew it was wrong to kill myself at a younger age, from an appreciationt hat came upon me of the miracle of life and its asacredness and how disrespectful it would be to kill myself when we are so lucky to have happened to be alive and experiuence consciousness and fit into the environment as we do.
I feel the same way. :)