What is your passion?

And if all else fails find yourself a rich, handsome caring lovable millionare and spend till ya faint:D

You can do anything you want !!!
And if all else fails find yourself a rich,
handsome caring lovable millionare and spend
till ya faint

Dude, that was the plan all along:D Im just pretending to want to be somebody:D I really want to be like Anne Nicole Smith:D Did anyone hear? She got a whoppin 88 million granted to her for being married for like 11 months to a 90+ year old. Wonder if he has a brother..... :D:D
Even that is hard work too. You have to find the right circle to get in. Most (60%) of my students in the yoga class wanted to do that - it is easier to get a degree than search for the few....but statistically doable....
hobbies vs. work

Here's something to think about.

Be very careful what you wish for, you may get it.

There is very little as disappointing as getting a job doing something you love and after years of highly stressed, underpayed toiling you find that you can no longer stomach the thing you used to love.

I don't know if it is just me but this has happened to me several times in my life. I have played with computers since I was in high school back in the early seventies. I loved programming and designing programs. I was obsessed with it for years. I was either thinking about or designing/coding/debugging in every free moment. Then I got a programming job. BAD MISTAKE. After 5 years of working my poor little brain cell into a coma writing code and designing systems that changed the way the company did business and saved them millions of dollars I was so burned out that I was glad to lose the job and change careers. Something that I loved to do for a big chunk of my life is now about as much fun as pulling my own teeth out through my ear.

Later on I found a hobby that I loved : woodworking and woodcarving. I really got into it and had the great idea of using the hobby to pay for the tools I would need to advance myself in it. That part of the plan worked. I did a few things for some friends who told some friends etc. Next thing I know I am swamped in things I HAVE to do. I got my tools but I also got so burned out that had I not suffered a house fire that destroyed everything I would have totally lost the love of carving as well. Too much of a good thing destroys that good thing. I now carve for myself and a very select group of friends and family and refuse to do any work for anyone else. I only do it when I want to and make sure that I don't HAVE to do it at all. This keeps it fresh and enjoyable for me.

What I am trying to say is: The problem with having a profession that you love is that you cannot leave work at work. It follows you everywhere. If you are not careful it gets in the way of your relationships, crowds out other interests, and totally takes over your life. Suddenly you find yourself a lot older than you remembered being and hating the things you used to do for love. Sometimes, I think, it is better to get a job you hate but can leave at work, and to do the things that you love during your own time and at your own pace. That way the stress of work doesn't turn the things you do to relax into just another source of frustration in your life. There is way too much of that going around to begin with.
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Hey thanks, that makes a lot of sense. And welcome, you must be new, Ive never seen your name before.

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!!!!!:D
Thanks for the Welcome stRgrl but I have been a member for a couple of months now. I tend to be a lurker rather than a poster. It takes me so long to formulate what I want to say in a way that makes sense that 90% of the posts I want to make are effectively made by someone else before I finish getting my words straight. I am working up ideas for a couple of topics I want to get started so you will probably see me around from time to time. This is a most excellent forum.
What chipsanddust said is something that I have always been wary of. I guess I have known it for a long time.

I love woodwork and do it as a hobby. I enjoy it. I do not want to make my living at it and lose the enjoyment of it. I have steadfastly refused to do anything for anyone because of that very reason. I wish to continue to enjoy it and if it was work then it wouldn't have it's appeal for long. When you go to sinking in money for tools that is a commitment you better want. It would be a shame to lose that love of wood for a dollar.
Woodwork is the thing I learned a bit in Carpentery shop during my Workshop days,there was welding shop(Gas welding mainly.),smithy shop,sheet metal shop(where we learned to make Funnels,of thin metallic sheets,also small boxes etc),lathe shop etc...

it was fun,really...

To offset the logic life of my engineering profession, I took up hobbies such as teaching yoga/meditation, photography including darkroom - now digital, music etc. This keeps me in balance....and fun too.

teaching yoga/meditation

One of my dreams is to open my own yoga shop! I want to teach yoga, they have a good school in SF I would like to go to. Too busy with regular school though. Anyhoo, Im going to call my yoga shop "Elysian Fields"! Pretty cool, huh? Hey! Nobody better not steal my idea:D

Yog on!

I used to have some

Have what??? Dreams??? Well now you HAVE to tell us! One of the reasons I started this thread was to get to know people a little better. Come on..... do tell! Its fun:D
Yeah I used to have dreams and passions but these days I feel more like .."everything is broken"

Broken lines, broken strings,
Broken threads, broken springs,
Broken idols, broken heads,
People sleeping in broken beds.
Ain't no use jiving
Ain't no use joking
Everything is broken.

Broken bottles, broken plates,
Broken switches, broken gates,
Broken dishes, broken parts,
Streets are filled with broken hearts.
Broken words never meant to be spoken,
Everything is broken.

Seem like every time you stop and turn around
Something else just hit the ground

Broken cutters, broken saws,
Broken buckles, broken laws,
Broken bodies, broken bones,
Broken voices on broken phones.
Take a deep breath, feel like you're chokin',
Everything is broken.

Every time you leave and go off someplace
Things fall to pieces in my face

Broken hands on broken ploughs,
Broken treaties, broken vows,
Broken pipes, broken tools,
People bending broken rules.
Hound dog howling, bull frog croaking,
Everything is broken.

Bob Dylan

Yeah I used to have dreams and passions but these days I feel more like .."everything is broken"

Im so sorry you feel that way:( I also feel that way many of days. Its just so sad to actually hear someone else say it. You ever feel that your the only one that feels this way?? I honestly believe sometimes that Im doomed for unhappiness. I think thats why I take so lightly to most things, (Im not a very serious person). And I never plan, and I usually quit alot of things I start, thinking, why not? Whats the use of trying? I dont know, I have good days and I have blue days. Im truly sorry you feel that way, but its also nice to hear that Im not the only one:) Take care

Oh, and I really like that poem. Ive never heard it before, but I never got too into Dylan either. Thanks for sharing
I have to disagree. How much more would you hate a job that you hated to begin with? You would have to be constantly changing jobs and that is totally unproductive in terms of getting set up in a career.

I think it sounds like you have trouble finding balance in your everyday life and that leads to burning out on things. That says very little about whether one should find a job they love.

I've been working in the same field for 3 years and like it more each day. I'm not sure it will last my whole life, but that is no reason not to work on it as long as I like it.

I do agree that for many people it might be hard to find one specific thing that you want to do for your whole life, but that just underscores the fact that one should try and build skills that are useful in all jobs:
-> communication
-> critical thinking
-> creativity (harder to build, but most here seem to have the needed basics)
-> leadership skills
-> time managment

If the world was ever perfect it would stop, the universe moves towards equilibrium or balance. The surprising thing is that things can unbreak by natural processes. Keep hope and think of how you can jury rig things until there is a true solution.