What is your passion?

for what it is worth

My dream for many years was to become an Astronomer. At the age of 25 I eventually realised only a very few, fortunate people got that position after years of hardship or they got lucky. My will gave out at the last. I faced another two years getting a Masters then another 3-5 years on the Ph.D. An old friend of mine is still finishing his doctorate at 35 yrs old and wants out of the field.

So, now I do computers. Probably I'm better at it and I actually enjoy the work. It's not a drudge.
My dream has always been to sell everything, remove myself from society and live like a hermit in the woods. What could be better than that? If I got bored or lonely, I would just start a cult.LOL:D

If you don’t have a clear idea at this point then you need to try a few things.

Whatever you do find something that you enjoy doing. Sounds easy huh? But it isn’t. Unless you are independently wealthy you will probably need to earn some money. And there lies the real problem. Usually the things most people would really like to do don’t attract much money.

Decide now: Do you want to be wealthy or do you want to be happy with your work?

The two do not often go together, but if you are really lucky then they might, but don’t depend on it.

I think the worst thing someone can do with their life is to spend long hours working and long hours traveling to and from work, and hating every minute of it, even though the money is good. You can probably expect to spend 10 hours of each day involved with work. That includes being there, traveling, and thinking about it in your own time.

That’s a big chunk of your life to waste if you hate it.

Find something you really enjoy and find a job that will exploit that desire. Forget about the money. If you end up being really good at something and that can be easier than you think if you really enjoy it, then the money may well follow.

I think having a job you love is more important than the money issue. Since when have the rich ever been happy?:D
Money is useful stuff, but in the end it's only little bits of paper and plastic. What I've found with my girl is about the most important thing I've ever found. The only reason I want to finish off my degree at the moment is so I can get all set up nice for her. That's my passion.
I wish...

I can leave something useful / beneficial for people, for centuries, before I die, or disapear in the woods... :rolleyes:

Oh, I agree with you. Money has never interested me. I would like to own my own home and put my daughter through college, stuff like that, but I would much rather be happy doing something than being rich. Maybe I could hold a job that pays the bills and do things on the side I love. Like astronomy, photography, archeology. I just cant see a future in those fields, so Im deathly afraid to go to school for that stuff if I cant use it when I graduate. Why is planning the future soooo hard??? Thanks again for your comments.

Groove on
You can't plan the details of the future, just bias things in the direction you want. Focus on skills and perspectives that can be used in many areas. Much of science and engineering is like this because of the problem solving and critical analysis features. If you like math applied math can be applied flexibly to many situations. There are also always double majors or minors to consider.

Then again why do you feel you need to have your future planned out? I think the perspective that one should focus on the journey not the destination is intelligent because it is such processes that shape the future in the first place.

My guess is your daughter wasn't planned and she is probably one of the most wonderful things in your life (If I'm wrong and you find that statement offensive I apologize. I personally just wouldn't have intentionally had a kid at this point in my life and tend to project my preferences on others by default when I don't know them well).
Alright. I have a little prob and maybe some of you could help.

I want to go to study for computers . I have found one good program (e-commerce, electronic money transfers, database building, network administration, economy and management all and smth more in one course), the course is called e-commerce, but there are many possibilities.
so the problem is with my mother. she thinks tht I nead to take more pure ecconomy/business field so I get paid more and she thinks of mine chosen fieldtht I won't become amth more thn a simple_worker/geek sitting all his life by pc. but I LOVE messing with computers. it's how you say - my passion.
is she right about tht worker thingie, because I'd like to have some vacations by nature also (nature is my oth passion)

help to choose? advice in convincing her (is she's not right)

gladly to hear your advice Cheers

R U phychic? Really, everything you said, hit home with me. See the thing is, I NEVER plan or planned the future before and Im starting to scare myself a little. I was thinking by now, I would of known of what I wanted to do, but I dont. I started in crim. just. - because I have the most knowledge in that field. That didnt interest me too much, so now Im majoring in IT. Which interests me, but not passionately. I guess Ill keep changing majors till I find one:D

Groove on

Im tryin to figure out which IT to major in. Theres network administration, programming, and database management. (these are the only ones offered at my college). I also want to know, which one makes more money, and which one if funner. What if you wanted to get into computer security, what is that called? That sounds interesting. Good luck avatar! Ill let ya know if I find out anything.

Groovin on...
computer security is smth to do with system administration - you have to protect your network.

You may try for database and get an Oracle certification. Everybody need a DBA. Databases are getting bigger all the time. It will be there in the next 50 years. Good money too.


Check out jobs in your area and who makes what. A business degree without good computer knowledge is useless. If you get a job easily from the business degree, then add some computer courses and you will get ahead faster.

At fifteen when i left school i wanted to be a farmer, and i did and i still do, but this one i work on is mine, so i dreamed a dream and i made it come true,if you have a dream then go for it, i started at fifteen and i am now forty two, and i love the outdoors.
I certainly hope I'm psychic. I have yet to obtain any indisputable evidence. Find something you like before you settle in a major. Even if you take longer to graduate (within reason - your degree doesn't lock you in to anything) you will probably be happier in the end.

It's really useful to talk to older students and people who work in the field before deciding. Learning about how to do something is much different than what the job consists of day in and day out. Keep that in mind.

(Grooving ; )