What is your passion?


Kicks ass
Valued Senior Member
Okay, I'll admit, Im bored. I was just wondering, are they any people in here who work in the field they actually wanted to work in when they were young? Im 25, and still have no clue what I want to be when I grow up. Ive read self-help books, took careers classes, and still nothing. Do you just know? Or does it just hit you one day? Any insight???
I cant take working in administration the rest of my life!!!:D

Groove on
I'd suggest abandoning the idea of 'becoming something'. To hell with planning your life. Do what feels good in the moment. That's probably the best heuristic for finding contentment.
In spite of all your planning, life has a way of finding it's own path for you. You plan, think you know, and one day wake up and find somehow things happened. They weren't what you planned, it just is. That's the way it goes. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. Talk to people and you will see what I mean.
I always knew what I wanted to become since a small child, a singer, and I´m working on it, making music now. But I have ignored it for a long time and done other things to try to replace that original urge...:p, that´s why I have a clothing label and lots of paintings lying around at home. But they have given me some money to survive anyway...
Byt maybe some people find their callings later in life, maybe you will get suprised instead, obsessed with something, and then you will know.
Anyway, don´t worry about it, it will come, meanwhile , have fun. :)

Oh no, I understand about the planning part. I NEVER plan anything. Not even weekends. But, I am in school now, and I just dont want to pick something I hate. But thanks guys for your input:)

I always knew what I wanted to become since a small child,

I just think thats just great! I really envy that. I hope you finally get to fulfill all your dreams:)

Groove on
I've always known I wanted to become someone who just stumbled on a bunch of money so that I'd never have to work, and thus I'd have time to do fun things at my own pace. So far I'm afraid I haven't made any progress, but the whole plan is that it's supposed to happen by luck anyway... one of these days, Bill Gates will have a sudden urge to write me a check for maybe $10 million (pocket change to him). ;)
Originally posted by *stRgrL*
What is your passion?
My Wife. My dogs.
Work is just something that takes up my off hours.





You lucky dog! You have a beautiful wife AND not so shabby dogs!:D No, your dogs are beautiful too. Ya, I guess I should focus more on my life than my career. It is just a paycheck. But wouldnt it be nice to have a career that you love AND a life that you love.... Wishful thinking:D

Groove on and thanks for sharing
I'm getting a PhD in computational/systems/developmental biology and am very passionate about it. Personally I see everything that ever interested me reflected in the order and organization of organisms. Not to mention the interesting context it places on my own biological life. (Not to propagandize for my passion or anything ; )

I certainly didn't get here by planning, but following short term interests while keeping a loose idea of what things you consider important to sustained happiness is a good way to have the short term transition into the long term.

I'm only 26 though and could see myself not going into academia even though what I love the most is learning and research gives you a lifetime of learning new things - some new to everybody. That was my main criteria - a job that was in a constant state of birth and renewal - the cycle of life - always similar never the same.
Well here is the story of a particulary frustrated person:
(so *stRgrl* you were right lol - auch)

I have a passion for philosophy of mind. Actually: I am intrigued by humankind: the cultures, works of art, development of languages, mythologies, religions, and so on.

As a child I always knew I was to be a scientist or philosopher. BUT there are no jobs here in the field. I have contact with all. So, after some time working in a men's fashion shop (being bullied around by a chef with half my capacaties) I am sitting home again desperately looking for a job. Especially in the Netherlands there are very few carreer opportunities for sientists.

On top of that, the girl I wanted to marry left me (that's some time ago now, but it still hurts a bit). No new love yet.
There are so many interesting things to do in life. If you must have a career, pick one that earns good money; otherwise, enjoy your life. If you are very lucky, you will choose the <b>one</b> which you will enjoy <b>for the next 20 to 30 years.</b>
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I'm only 19, so I haven't worked out what I wanna do yet. My passions are so varied that I just can't decide- science, arts, business, politics, travel, entertainment.......now, if only I could find some way to combine all those I'd have a dream job.
Recently I've stopped worrying about it, at the moment I'm just going with the flow, and making the most of life as it is.

goofyfish- I love your dogs :) (especially the bouncy one, cool photo)

I was thinking about this same thing last night. About passion for what you do. It was all sparked by a trip to Florida a couple of weeks ago...

It was really more about the idea of work, compared with life.

My Uncle was raised on a small farm in Pennsylvania. At the age of 17, he was the only person in his high school ever to have held the position as president of both the national honor society and future farmers of america. He went to school, he studied agriculture, he got his PHD. He now grows food in space for NASA. Truly an interesting man. I don't think he has any concept of work though. Agriculture is in his blood, so he just does what he LOVES all day - growing plants (just in zero gravity and at weird radiant light ratios).

So I thought about this too, how nice it would be if I didn't think of work as work - but rather something they NEED me for. Something that is my purpose and something that I just do well because I love it. Something that I could care less about working for 12 hours straight on. I'm only 25 too, and I work as a journalist, writer, editor - and (much to my dismay) marketer of things.

Hopefully, at some point, I'll be doing what I love - and won't even think of it as work - but that's the dream I'm chasing at the moment. hope you all are too...

Think of your favourite pastimes or what really intrigues and fascinates you and go for a career centered around one or more of those ideas, but whatever you decide to do you must aspire to be amongst the best at it. It's true that things rarely go to plan at daily or detail level but if you can paint a big enough picture in your mind, you could realise a good impression of it with good planning; I did it so I know it's possible!
Ever since my childhood, I wanted to be a renaissance person. It has been a difficult journey, but I am getting there....

Someone said: The universe does not give you more than you can carry.

Be happy....