What is your belief regarding the existence of "God"?

What is your position regarding the existence of "God"?

  • God exists and created the universe through the laws of nature.

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • God exists, and created the universe/world in seven 24-hours periods.

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • God doesn't exist, the idea was invented by man to address the unknown.

    Votes: 18 64.3%
  • I don't know, and choose not to posit a belief.

    Votes: 5 17.9%

  • Total voters
Not to worry...:mufc: No sweat, but what have you read to educate yourself?

Origins of Species?

Only part of it, but I am extremely familiar with natural selection and evolution in general.

Darwin's Black Box?

Sounds familiar - is this about irreducible complexity?

The God Delusion?

I think so, but not entirely sure.

Breaking the Spell?


God is not Great?


Letter to a Christian Nation?

Yes (and absolute tripe)

Why I am not Christian?

Again, sounds familiar...

or just the bible?

For you to even suggest that strongly indicates you haven't read my posts.

There is a conflict between science and religion. Science and religion are not, nor will they ever be compatible.

Also tripe, indicating you haven't been reading my posts at all. Feel free to dissect them as you see fit.
And yet we are to believe that nailing a Jew to a cross somehow makes up for our natural behavior?

he's the way out of what is wrong with it. the whole genetic thing...remember?

think about this...

in the garden, communion with god was hindered by adam and eve ingesting something.

now consider the communion ceremony. communion with god is restored by ingesting something.

jesus is the correction for whatever happened to us in the garden.
And yet we are to believe that nailing a Jew to a cross somehow makes up for our natural behavior?

If it serves to provide a source of absolution to guilt, most definitely. Our natural behavior isn't what needs to be fixed (according to the Bible, it can't be); it is our guilt that is a problem. So, if faith in Christ's crucifixion serves to absolve believers of their guilt, then obviously it works.
What sounds more logical to me is that everything that occurs happens according to God's intention. What you see as "amendments" were God's plan all along.
Do you pray? If so, why?

I mean if it's all part of god's plan, and he has our best interests at heart - then, logically, he already knows what you want/need and has already taken it into consideration.

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
But we can't know god. Are you claiming that by studying something that is unknown and can not be known is going to advance our understanding about something that can't be known, by definition god can not be known. ”

It is the premise of each faith that there is an understanding of God that has been revealed to one or more individuals. These people claim specific insight into the nature of God, and if one is to ascribe to a particular faith, they are saying that they believe that person or those people when they say that have divine insight. Once that faith is exercised, then studying those messages would be part of better knowing the God that is being claimed. For you to claim we cannot know God, you are saying that you do not believe any of the faiths to date are correct in their claims. That is of course your own prerogative, but it is my belief that the God outlined in the Bible is "The God" and as such I can better know that God by studying The Bible and practicing its tenets.

Back on post 30 you responded.

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
You example is flawed. Is god possible to know or IOW provide evidence of. So unlike chasing theories and hypothesis about the universe and everntually determining the validity of such, with God, there can only be faith. Never can there be knowledge. ”

Agreed, and such is the basis for Christianity.

Now the claim is that some may know god. To one or more individuals, through divine intervention ?

Can we know god or not ? If we are basing the ability to "better know" a god that apparently can't be known except for a few chosen ones, on religious texts, then those texts are pretty damn important don't ya think ?

Yet, the only thing you can do with the texts is to re-interpret them to fit the new evidence.

Doesn't add up.

You're going to have to back this statement up with some verses. There is nothing in the Bible that claims to explain "how" we came to be



the references to scripture being the "word of God" is subject to textual analysis

Of course, allowing interpretation of the words that say the bible is the word of god is the perfect out when the next finding further undermines the texts.

We are not just moving goal posts at this time, we are moving them around behind each other.

nothing suggests that God spoke while a human transcribed - but yes, is does provide some blueprints to finding "the kingdom of God" and Christ did claim that his message was the only way to find the Kingdom of God

Yep, one and only one way.

I think it is a legitimate argument to say that his message too was time-based, and may no longer be the ONLY way... but I haven't heard anyone make a claim yet that I would consider to be a legitimate alternative

LOL. Of course not. What could be more legitimate than a baby born to a virgin.

Why do you need an alternative.

With this thinking if you were not a christian you would be a muslim.

You don't need an alternative. We don't need to put a god where one was not needed.

Remember these are questions that we don't have answers to, why make one up.

I don't see how the Bible claims to know HOW anything happened at all. It makes claims about WHAT happened, but the scientific mechanics are not described.

It's not a science book granted. But it is still claiming to know how it happened in the sense of who did what when.

Here you are simply confusing religion with theology. I've already presented an interpretation of Genesis that works just fine with what we know about evolution. Are you rejecting it simply because it doesn't fit your argument? Or was there something to it that you found fault with?

But only in your mind. Which was all based on your interpretation of the words to fit your beliefs.

How is it hypocritical to interpret scriptures that you believe to be inspired by God? How else are we to understand the message, except through interpretation? Do you seriously expect me to pretend language hasn't changed at all in 5,000 years?

What you should be doing then is learning the lanquage of the time so that you can best understand what they mean't.

Changing the meaning to fit todays model is meaningless, unless the sole desire is to back up the belief with faulty data.

Because a creator must exist before its creation does, and if the creator exists before its creation, then it exists "somewhere". It's creation then exists "somewhere else". I'm not sure how I can be more plain about this one. Give me an example of the contrary and I may better understand what you are thinking.

We are talking about an omnipotent/supernatural being. Exactly, why not ?

Why does it need to be outside of the creation. It could have made this huge playground around itself to play in.

Or like I suggested, we could be a part of it, IOW god is the universe.

We are gods creation and part of it as well.

So again, do we make the choice, which affects things down the line aside from God's input ? ”

From our perspective, yes.

Perspective ???. Damn you SolusCado Damn you.

Originally Posted by jpappl
Or do we only have the illusion of making the choice, IOW god makes the choice for us but allows us to believe we are making the choice and thus we can have no affect on our future by our own choice ? ”

I can't keep saying the same thing. God doesn't make choices because choice implies time reference, which doesn't apply to God. This is like asking me if the color red is wet or dry. The very function of choice is only valid given our inability to see the future. If you are asking me if our future is already written, then yes. Does that impact our ability to choose? No.

Our future is not written in the past. It is written in the future. The decisions we make today affect our future in as much as we can affect the future.

What I have been trying to clear up with you is that if god has chosen our future, our destiny and that our decisions, our perceived choices do not impact our future.

Is that you position.
Do you pray? If so, why?

I mean if it's all part of god's plan, and he has our best interests at heart - then, logically, he already knows what you want/need and has already taken it into consideration.

Yes, I pray, and you are correct. That is why my prayers are always for God to "change my heart" to be in line with his will - not some wishes to a genie to change things in the world. If there is something I am worried about, I pray that God removes the worry and prepares me for whatever is coming. If I feel anger or resentment, agitation or annoyance, I pray that God replace those feelings with love, peace, patience, etc.
If it serves to provide a source of absolution to guilt, most definitely. Our natural behavior isn't what needs to be fixed (according to the Bible, it can't be); it is our guilt that is a problem. So, if faith in Christ's crucifixion serves to absolve believers of their guilt, then obviously it works.
Guilt? What do you feel guilty of?

Yes, I pray, and you are correct. That is why my prayers are always for God to "change my heart" to be in line with his will - not some wishes to a genie to change things in the world. If there is something I am worried about, I pray that God removes the worry and prepares me for whatever is coming. If I feel anger or resentment, agitation or annoyance, I pray that God replace those feelings with love, peace, patience, etc.
If it was part of god's plan that your heart be changed, or that you not be worried - then wouldn't he have already taken care of that for you... After all, he already knows what you need/want.
Why don't you just rewrite the entire bible to fit your needs then(?) Many other loons have done just that,
but pleeeease don't join a science forum, and expect no one to disagree with you, for Christ's sake...:mufc:

Think about what you are saying. Out of all the people , including those that have lived before you, you're this absolute genius, who can reconcile science and religion. :crazy:

I'll be back later to dispute your spew...line by line!
Back on post 30 you responded.
I was referring to the existence of God. It is impossible to know God exists.

Now the claim is that some may know god. To one or more individuals, through divine intervention ?

Can we know god or not ? If we are basing the ability to "better know" a god that apparently can't be known except for a few chosen ones, on religious texts, then those texts are pretty damn important don't ya think ?

Yes, in the sense that there is an entity defined by certain characteristics that it IS possible to know. Those characteristics (and thus the god) are defined by those who have claimed to have specific spiritual insight - something I do believe some have.

Yet, the only thing you can do with the texts is to re-interpret them to fit the new evidence.

Doesn't add up.

It depends on what we are talking about. The chapters that deal with the natural world are relatively minor in the greater scheme of the Bible. Those that deal with the spiritual world don't require reinterpration as knowledge of the physical world changes. Those that deal with the physical world do.

That's a what, not a how.

Of course, allowing interpretation of the words that say the bible is the word of god is the perfect out when the next finding further undermines the texts.

We are not just moving goal posts at this time, we are moving them around behind each other.

I just mean to say that the very notion of the "Word of God" is a phrase that has come to mean something very particular in our vernacular, based on the Church's application. Every Christian I know believes that scripture is a message written by men inspired by God. I am comfortable with that definition being applied to the phrase "Word of God". If you want to challenge that, feel free to do so.

LOL. Of course not. What could be more legitimate than a baby born to a virgin.

Why do you need an alternative.

With this thinking if you were not a christian you would be a muslim.

You don't need an alternative. We don't need to put a god where one was not needed.

That there is no God is in fact an alternative. It does not make more sense to me than the things I have chosen to believe.

Remember these are questions that we don't have answers to, why make one up.

The same reason we have as a nation strove to understand space, the Big Bang, what lies beyond the edge of the world, etc.

It's not a science book granted. But it is still claiming to know how it happened in the sense of who did what when.

I still maintain that who, what, and when, is not a how.

But only in your mind. Which was all based on your interpretation of the words to fit your beliefs.

No, it was an interpretation of the words to fit what we have learned scientifically. Why are you so quick to claim Christianity is wrong because Christians ignore science, but then faced with a Christian that doesn't ignore science you are so slow to accept that reality? From my perspective, it isn't that you want Christians to acknowledge and appreciate science, but that you just don't want them to believe the Bible.

What you should be doing then is learning the lanquage of the time so that you can best understand what they mean't.

I agree, a subject I continue to study. That said, ancient languages STILL had no knowledge of modern science, so I wouldn't expect to find modern science in ancient texts.

Changing the meaning to fit todays model is meaningless, unless the sole desire is to back up the belief with faulty data.

How does incorporating modern data make the data faulty?

We are talking about an omnipotent/supernatural being. Exactly, why not ?

Why does it need to be outside of the creation. It could have made this huge playground around itself to play in.

Or like I suggested, we could be a part of it, IOW god is the universe.

We are gods creation and part of it as well.

A playground built around God assumes that God lives in the same plot of land as the playground - and thus the analogy breaks down. God would have created the land as well (and so on ad infinitum).

Perspective ???. Damn you SolusCado Damn you.

Yes, which is all that matters when it comes to free will. Our perspective.

Our future is not written in the past. It is written in the future. The decisions we make today affect our future in as much as we can affect the future.

Not necessarily true. Our future exists "simultaneously" with our present and our past. Such is the nature of spacetime and special relativity. Read Brian Greene's "The Fabric of the Cosmos" to get a more in-depth explanation.

What I have been trying to clear up with you is that if god has chosen our future, our destiny and that our decisions, our perceived choices do not impact our future.

Is that your position.

Yes, I would agree to that statement. Our future cannot be changed.
Why don't you just rewrite the entire bible to fit your needs then(?) Many other loons have done just that,
but pleeeease don't join a science forum, and expect no one to disagree with you, for Christ's sake...:mufc:

Think about what you are saying. Out of all the people , including those that have lived before you, you're this absolute genius, who can reconcile science and religion. :crazy:

I'll be back later to dispute your spew...line by line!

Technically, we are currently in the "Religion" forum, but I do acquiese to the fact that the site is "SCI" forums. Regardless, I don't expect people to not disagree with me. That's WHY I joined the site. What I DO expect is for people to disagree with ideas, and to do so with some specificity. What I DON'T expect is ad hominem attacks.
Guilt? What do you feel guilty of?

I don't feel guilty of anything. (I have accepted God's forgiveness.)

If it was part of god's plan that your heart be changed, or that you not be worried - then wouldn't he have already taken care of that for you... After all, he already knows what you need/want.

Now you're talking about my soul, which I don't believe is part of the physical universe. I believe it is something that traverses our universe (both space and time), and how it grows is the only thing that really matters in the spiritual scheme of things.
Why don't you just rewrite the entire bible to fit your needs then(?) Many other loons have done just that,
but pleeeease don't join a science forum, and expect no one to disagree with you, for Christ's sake...:mufc:

Think about what you are saying. Out of all the people , including those that have lived before you, you're this absolute genius, who can reconcile science and religion. :crazy:

I'll be back later to dispute your spew...line by line!

science and religion are not attempting to answer the same questions. science may answer "how?", and religion may answer "why?"

Yes, in the sense that there is an entity defined by certain characteristics that it IS possible to know. Those characteristics (and thus the god) are defined by those who have claimed to have specific spiritual insight - something I do believe some have.

Just don't give them any money

It depends on what we are talking about. The chapters that deal with the natural world are relatively minor in the greater scheme of the Bible. Those that deal with the spiritual world don't require reinterpration as knowledge of the physical world changes. Those that deal with the physical world do.

Why don't you need to interpret those of the spiritual world as well. If the words don't work with our modern lanquage.

Originally Posted by jpappl

That's a what, not a how.

It's really a who, what and when etc etc who cares. It's an explanation or a claim of how it all went down. The who, what, where and when. I am not claiming they are trying to explain any scientific detail.

Every Christian I know believes that scripture is a message written by men inspired by God. I am comfortable with that definition being applied to the phrase "Word of God". If you want to challenge that, feel free to do so

No worries.

That there is no God is in fact an alternative. It does not make more sense to me than the things I have chosen to believe.

You're of course entitled to your beliefs.

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
It's not a science book granted. But it is still claiming to know how it happened in the sense of who did what when. ”

I still maintain that who, what, and when, is not a how.

How can be used to bring all of them together. Example. How did it happen ?

Well Joe, threw the ball at the window last night and broke it.

That's how the glass got broken.

Originally Posted by jpappl
But only in your mind. Which was all based on your interpretation of the words to fit your beliefs. ”

No, it was an interpretation of the words to fit what we have learned scientifically.

No you have this backward. You are fitting what we have learned scientifically into your religious texts by interpreting the words to match what we have learned scientifically.

How you can't see that I am not sure.

The problem is the religious texts are not science texts. So why try to match the two views.

Essentially you have to make things up for it to work.

Why are you so quick to claim Christianity is wrong because Christians ignore science, but then faced with a Christian that doesn't ignore science you are so slow to accept that reality?

As I said I am happy to converse with you about this because you don't ignore the science, otherwise like I said you might as well work at a creationist museum.

But what you are finding is that you have to put the texts through a roller coaster ride to get them to fit with our modern understandings.

There are lots of christians who accept and work in the sciences. I am not slow to accept that reality.

From my perspective, it isn't that you want Christians to acknowledge and appreciate science, but that you just don't want them to believe the Bible

I want them to question the bible. I want all theists to question their religious texts.

I think it is funny that theists claim atheists are arrogant, when all we are saying is that we don't know. Christians are claiming to know the way, a specific way or path. And I ask how can you know that.

Then you say it is only faith. But it is still a claim that this is the only way.

IOW a claim of knowledge hidden in faith.

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
What you should be doing then is learning the lanquage of the time so that you can best understand what they mean't. ”

I agree, a subject I continue to study. That said, ancient languages STILL had no knowledge of modern science, so I wouldn't expect to find modern science in ancient texts.

Then why are you creating interpretations of the texts to fit modern science or the other way around. Either way it doesn't make sense. It's not a science book.

Changing the meaning to fit todays model is meaningless, unless the sole desire is to back up the belief with faulty data. ”

How does incorporating modern data make the data faulty?

The faulty data is the re-interpretation of the texts, to match what modern science says, in this way you are merely backing the belief with faulty data, that being the re-interpretation of the texts.

A playground built around God assumes that God lives in the same plot of land as the playground - and thus the analogy breaks down. God would have created the land as well (and so on ad infinitum).

Why ? It is omnipotent/supernatural, it can live within or without, doesn't matter. It can do whatever it wants. Period.

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
Our future is not written in the past. It is written in the future. The decisions we make today affect our future in as much as we can affect the future. ”

Not necessarily true. Our future exists "simultaneously" with our present and our past. Such is the nature of spacetime and special relativity. Read Brian Greene's "The Fabric of the Cosmos" to get a more in-depth explanation.

Nothing has shown that our choices and actions do not impact our future. In fact it has been shown that our choices and actions do affect our future.

They always have and always will.

What I have been trying to clear up with you is that if god has chosen our future, our destiny and that our decisions, our perceived choices do not impact our future.

Is that your position. ”

Yes, I would agree to that statement. Our future cannot be changed.

Our future cannot be changed or we can not change the future ?

One last question on this I hope.

Can or does god make mistakes ?
I don't feel guilty of anything. (I have accepted God's forgiveness.)
Of course you have... :rolleyes:
Let me rephrase that, what has god forgiven you for?

Now you're talking about my soul, which I don't believe is part of the physical universe. I believe it is something that traverses our universe (both space and time), and how it grows is the only thing that really matters in the spiritual scheme of things.
And once again, soul? What makes you think you have a soul? :bugeye:

Yes, I would agree to that statement. Our future cannot be changed.
If this is true, then there is no point in discussing or trying to understand anything. It's already been decided.

Good bye.
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But face it, if it's not the word of god, then what's the big deal? Why would you model your life after a piece of fiction?

there is a problem i have with your term 'model my life'...

there is a validation to have the bible 'influence' my life..

and if you argue with why do i let fiction influence my life i will point out how many fictional books have influenced society..IE Issac Asimov,Gene Roddenberry, just off the top of my head..

... for believers, there is belief. For those in the middle, there is whatever. For knowers, there is knowing.

Can there be any doubt?

I mean... such a perfection!

It's not knowledge of Jesus we need, but Knowledge of God which is going to
correct those things which happened/happen to us in the/this Jungle.
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there is a problem i have with your term 'model my life'...

there is a validation to have the bible 'influence' my life..

and if you argue with why do i let fiction influence my life i will point out how many fictional books have influenced society..IE Issac Asimov,Gene Roddenberry, just off the top of my head..
I believe the key word here is FICTION.

The philosophy in it may be fine (as long as you pick and choose). But you don't see many (seemingly) rational people joining the Church of all Worlds just because they read Stranger in a Strange Land. Or praying to Yoda and Obi Wan because they watched StarWars.
Just don't give them any money

:) A sure sign they are NOT from God.

Why don't you need to interpret those of the spiritual world as well. If the words don't work with our modern lanquage.

They must still be interpreted, but I don't think they are subject to constant reinterpretation, as the other things we learn in life don't affect them as significantly. The question of free will is an excellent example. Religious leaders debated seemingly contradictory scriptures for centuries because they were operating under an invalid assumption regarding the nature of the universe. Discovering the nature of spacetime fundamentally changed that argument, and the verses no longer contradicted themselves - but that kind of insight doesn't occur every twenty years.

It's really a who, what and when etc etc who cares. It's an explanation or a claim of how it all went down. The who, what, where and when. I am not claiming they are trying to explain any scientific detail.

I agree; it really is a who and what - but as for when and how, nothing is really declared (other than "In the beginning", but since it doesn't even say the beginning of what, it really doesn't say much regarding when).

How can be used to bring all of them together. Example. How did it happen ?

True. And since the Bible is silent on such subjects, there is no need to pit it against Science in trying to figure such things out.

No you have this backward. You are fitting what we have learned scientifically into your religious texts by interpreting the words to match what we have learned scientifically.

You just said the same thing I did. I agree with you on this. And I think such reinterpretations on the things regarding the physical world are an ongoing need.

Essentially you have to make things up for it to work.

To say I am making things up is ... well, I'm not sure what it is, but it's not right. Archeaologists are constantly refining their theories regarding the things they find from ancient cultures, in an attempt to better understand what that culture was like. Why should Biblical interpretation be any different? Again, it's as though you want to hold everyone who DOESN'T believe the Bible to one standard, and everyone else to another.

But what you are finding is that you have to put the texts through a roller coaster ride to get them to fit with our modern understandings.

I would hardly call it a roller coaster ride. It may be new to you, but it isn't that radical.

I want them to question the bible. I want all theists to question their religious texts.

Something I too have been saying. (See above regarding ongoing interpretation.)

I think it is funny that theists claim atheists are arrogant, when all we are saying is that we don't know. Christians are claiming to know the way, a specific way or path. And I ask how can you know that.

Not true. Christians are claiming to believe (which be definition means you don't know). Agnostics are claiming they don't know. Atheists are claiming to not believe - but most do so from a perspective that Christians are idiots to believe, and that's where the arrogance comes in.

Then you say it is only faith. But it is still a claim that this is the only way.

IOW a claim of knowledge hidden in faith.

You're really trying hard to get me to say something that I don't agree with, aren't you? I BELIEVE it is the only way. It is a matter of conviction, not knowledge.

Then why are you creating interpretations of the texts to fit modern science or the other way around. Either way it doesn't make sense. It's not a science book.

Agreed, but it is my belief (as we've gone over already) that the Bible (or at least the OT) is inspired by God - which means the message must be true in some sense. So, as science helps us understand more about the physical world, I must continually refine how I interpret the Bible in the sections where it describes the physical world.

The faulty data is the re-interpretation of the texts, to match what modern science says, in this way you are merely backing the belief with faulty data, that being the re-interpretation of the texts.

Again, you are applying a double standard. Why is it okay for every other area of human discovery to adjust, refine, hell - "reinterpret", their findings, equations, etc. - but it isn't okay for Biblical understanding? I would argue that the "faulty data" is the mainstream interpretations, which clearly don't mesh up with scientific findings. That's how it works in all other areas.

Why ? It is omnipotent/supernatural, it can live within or without, doesn't matter. It can do whatever it wants. Period.

Ok; I suppose that is as valid a view of God as any other, but it doesn't make as much sense to me as my view - though why you would try to get me to see God that way when you don't even believe in God I don't understand. Is it because seeing God that way would open up some other line of argument for you?

Nothing has shown that our choices and actions do not impact our future. In fact it has been shown that our choices and actions do affect our future.

They always have and always will.

Not true at all. Read up on special relativity, time cones, Einstein-Minkowski spacetime, and GPS satellites. (GPS satellites only work because of the incorporation of special relativity, which validates Einstein-Minkowski spacetime and time cones, which in turn describe a universe where multiple points in time (i.e., the past, present, and future) must exist simultaneously.

Our future cannot be changed or we can not change the future ?

See above; the future cannot be changed.

One last question on this I hope.

:) Good, 'cause I haven't gotten ANY work done lately.

Can or does god make mistakes ?

If "God" can or does, then He/She/It isn't the God described in Judeo-Christian religions.
Of course you have... :rolleyes:
Let me rephrase that, what has god forgiven you for?

My many "sins" or "transgressions". In other words, all the things I've done "wrong" that have prevented me from be a perfect person. But who are you to suggest that I still have guilt for such actions? You don't know me. :p

And once again, soul? What makes you think you have a soul? :bugeye:

The same thing that makes me think so many other things I've been talking about here... FAITH.

If this is true, then there is no point in discussing or trying to understand anything. It's already been decided.

I don't seek knowledge and understanding in an attempt to change the future. Though one COULD say it is done in order to "fulfill" the future, that isn't why I seek knowledge and understanding either. I do so in order to grow as a person. To become more Christ-like. And, because I have a human drive that compels me.