What is wrong with being a Conspiracy Theorist?

Is your sensitivity to this topic due to the fact some members on this forum have expressed the opinion that YOU are a conspiracy theorist and you simply do not want such negative definitions to apply to yourself?

eh... possibly to a small degree as with most people... however to the degree you imply... nope!

I'm sorry if this is hitting a sore spot for you. I read what you said about your brother in the other thread. I have had my own unpleasant interactions with psychologists and mental illness. So I do empathize with you.
I have no particular issues regarding my brothers death nor his fathers and my mothers for that matter, these days.... it was a long time ago and whilst I might be a 'tad sensitive to bullying and irrational accusations etc and jump in to help someone if they are being battered by posters with a taste of blood in their mouths like I did for Neverfly and others I generally don't have much of a problem..I don't threaten others with ostracision or iggy such as what you are doing. I don't withdraw my friendship and associations on a whim or use it as some sort of extortion. I am even friendly with Alphanumeric believe it or not... Balerion is taking a bit of an effort but we will get there. You ...well that's up to you... iggy as much as you feel you want to. But I shall not iggy any one, even if they betray a trust as your husband did when he renegged on an agreeement to his own resolution.
I don't let on every thing I note or take into consideration nor do I talk of all the secrets I hold. I have learned to keep silent in certain times out of respect for those who seem to take pleasure in tempting me to reveal.

You presume too much, Darth Vador once said....

It is afterall your presumptions about me that empower me... so presume away....
what else are you presuming about me...
Of course I am a conspiracy theorist, probably the most outrageous one at that, but then agian I write books and screen plays as well... and a few of them a really hot conspiracy theories ..or so I have been told.
Nothing than a good conspiracy to get the adrenal system fired up...eh?

Now did I tell you the one about the space shuttle Challenger, you know the one that blew out of the sky killing 8****** people onboard? :) see 'tis easy to create conspiracy theories... no problem..set formula and away you go...
So you said that a person suffering from either DID or schizophrenia can be more than one person and conspire with themselves. Not only does this have nothing to do with conspiracy theorists, it's completely wrong as well.
and you have proved that I am incorrect yes? are you sure?

Every thread. It's happened a few times in this very thread.
if you want to think so sure...

Was the little boy who yelled out "The Emperor has no clothes on!"... guilty of a conspiracy against the Emperor?

well was he?

When the crowd around him were all conspiring to protect the Emperor from being embarrassed about his nakedness the boy turned whistleblower... and I mean whistle blower....ha you know blowing the whistle...[chuckle] no but the crowd and the emperor were...conspiring to keep his nakedness from being an embarrasment.

Shall I go on?
sure why not you seem to get so much pleasure in making a fool of yourself don't let me stop you...

I tend to think that your devotion to spellchecking, grama checking and making sure I dont make a mistake etc is a bit if a tall poppy syndrome thingo... and I gotta thank you in a way because it tends to stop be getting too slack...Oh and I do make mistakes but unfortunately you are too focussed on trying to humiliate me that you miss them.
If I am not mistaken you are or have been saying that a conspiracy theorist has to be more than one person. yes?

The term "conspiracy theory" is used to indicate a narrative genre that includes a broad selection of (not necessarily related) arguments for the existence of grand conspiracies.[1] The term is frequently used by scholars and in popular culture to identify secret military, banking, or political actions aimed at "stealing" power, money, or freedom, from "the people".[citation needed] Conspiracy theories are based on the notion that complex plots are put into motion by powerful hidden forces.[2] Less illustrious uses refer to folklore and urban legend and a variety of explanatory narratives which are constructed with methodological flaws or biases.[3] Originally a neutral term, since the mid-1960s it has acquired a somewhat derogatory meaning, implying a paranoid tendency to see the influence of some malign covert agency in events.[4] The term is sometimes used to automatically dismiss claims that are deemed ridiculous, misconceived, paranoid, unfounded, outlandish or irrational.[5] A proven conspiracy theory, such as the notion that Nixon and his aides were behind the Watergate break-in and cover-up, is usually referred to as something else, such as investigative journalism or historical analysis.[6][7]

why do you feel a conspiracy theorist has to be part of a group of more than one?

Just to clarify the discussion.
"I am a solitary conspiracy theorist, I see conspiracies involving groups of people every where I go
I have no one to talk to about these theories in my head and I am alone and acting alone..."

does the above sit with you as correct or false according to your understanding.
If I am not mistaken you are or have been saying that a conspiracy theorist has to be more than one person. yes?

See? More egg. All anyone has been saying is that a conspiracy requires more than one person. A conspiracy theorist is, by definition, one person. They can be part of a group, like the Troothers, but it is not required.
and you have proved that I am incorrect yes? are you sure?

SeaGypsy did, yes.

if you want to think so sure...

Was the little boy who yelled out "The Emperor has no clothes on!"... guilty of a conspiracy against the Emperor?

well was he?

When the crowd around him were all conspiring to protect the Emperor from being embarrassed about his nakedness the boy turned whistleblower... and I mean whistle blower....ha you know blowing the whistle...[chuckle] no but the crowd and the emperor were...conspiring to keep his nakedness from being an embarrasment.

Perfect example of you just not being able to comprehend simple concepts. I want you to look this part again and answer your own question: Was the boy who yelled out that the boy had no clothes guilty of a conspiracy or no?

sure why not you seem to get so much pleasure in making a fool of yourself don't let me stop you...

I take pleasure in watching you make a fool of yourself. It's uncanny, I have to admit.

I tend to think that your devotion to spellchecking, grama checking and making sure I dont make a mistake etc is a bit if a tall poppy syndrome thingo... and I gotta thank you in a way because it tends to stop be getting too slack...Oh and I do make mistakes but unfortunately you are too focussed on trying to humiliate me that you miss them.

No, I catch your mistakes. And it's not a devotion to spelling and grammar, it's simply noticing that yours is often so bad that your writing is impenetrable.
Look wires crossed at some point, this is undeniable. Reading back over the thread since I entered it I can see errors of judgement on my part. I agree. The issue of Multiple personality disorder and schizophrenia was originally confused which is one reason they decided to differentiate them more so. As were most mental illnesses confused and forced into inapproriate categories, at the time, if you like.

The point that has "sea gypsy" concerned about, is the issue of how a single person can conspire with themselves.
She believes that they can not.
I believe that they can.
I provided two videos as a way of demonstrating how a single individual can conspire with himself in a disorded state of Paranoid Schizophrenia, which is now redefined as NPD.

The whole purpose of including this line of thought in the thread was to expand on the notion of what a a commonly referred to c'ter is.

Most c'ters are suffering from serious mental disturbances and most are self-conspiritorial. It isn't hard to see the association with their inner condition and their perception of the same in the outer.
The classic symptom of paranoid Schizophrenia is not just about hearing voices or seeing things or yelling at themselves but belief in being persecuted, treated unjustly and ..you guessed it a strong belief in conspiracy [inner and outer]. In fact, paranoia is primarilly about conspiracy...
I hope that clarifies things abit...
Was the little boy who yelled out "The Emperor has no clothes on!"... guilty of a conspiracy against the Emperor?
it's a question Balerion. Not a statement.

All anyone has been saying is that a conspiracy requires more than one person
are you saying that every one reading this thread believes that a person can not in isolation conspire to act against another person?
in context.
"I am a terrorist for a one man army, I am hiding in this house conspiring to destroy the statue of liberty"
The judge said, "You are guilty of conspiring to destroy the statue of liberty"

hmmm ... I just checked a couple of online dictionaries and I am incorrect in the usage... yet it is quite common to see it and hear it used in this manner...

the word "conspire" can be defined simply as "plotting" "planning" which is generally how I would have used it...it requires no second person.
Regardless I feel I owe you both an apology...mainly for not joining in the conversation at the time in the vain that it was running.
next time I shall make sure I read the thread first before posting.....
Here's something to think about:

“There’s a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot.”

- President John F. Kennedy
7 days before his assasination
Here's something to think about:

“There’s a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot.”

- President John F. Kennedy
7 days before his assasination

Except that Kennedy never said that...it's a made up quote.

The quote does not exist in any book indexed by Google, or Amazon. Zero results. Compare that with the "Monolithic and ruthless conspiracy" quote, which gets over 1,520 results in Google books. This means the "quote" is so new that it's not even got into any conspiracy books yet. And not only is there no record of him having said it, there's no record of anyone even claiming he said it.

Seven days before his Nov 22 1963 assassination would be November 15th, 1963. On Nov 14th JFK gave a news conference: where he said nothing at all like that quote. That news conference is sometimes attributed to Nov 15th, as it appeared in the NYT the following day. Actually on Nov 15th, JFK gave two speeches.

The first was to the AFL-CIO labor organization, and was a generally upbeat assessment of American industry.

The second was the to Catholic Youth Organization, and is slightly closer in tone, but still nothing like what is claimed. The following is an actual quote from JFK in that speech, and is the only thing of record that he said that day that remotely resembles the claimed quote:

Quote Content from external source:

The world is engaged in the most difficult and trying struggle in its long history. All of the great epics which have torn the world for the last 2,000 years pale in comparison to the great ideological gulf which separates us from those who oppose us. It is our responsibility not merely to denounce our enemies and those who make themselves our enemies but to make this system work, to demonstrate what freedom can do, what those who are committed to freedom and the future can do.

The invented quote could possibly be an extreme corruption of this, but is more likely a paraphrasing of elements of the April 27th 1961 "conspiracy" speech that led to other mis-quotes:

I did a little digging to try to find some possible origins of the "enslave", and the earliest usages:

Earliest full mention on Usenet: 4/10/2004
it's a question Balerion. Not a statement.

I understand that. I want you to answer that before we continue.

are you saying that every one reading this thread believes that a person can not in isolation conspire to act against another person?

Correct. Conspiring requires more than one person.

in context.
"I am a terrorist for a one man army, I am hiding in this house conspiring to destroy the statue of liberty"
The judge said, "You are guilty of conspiring to destroy the statue of liberty"

Only if there was more than one terrorist.

hmmm ... I just checked a couple of online dictionaries and I am incorrect in the usage... yet it is quite common to see it and hear it used in this manner...

the word "conspire" can be defined simply as "plotting" "planning" which is generally how I would have used it...it requires no second person.

It's never used that way. Except perhaps by idiots, but of what consequence is the rambling of idiots? We're talking about usages, both correct and popular. "Conspire" as an solo act is neither. The word itself comes from a word meaning "to act in harmony."

Regardless I feel I owe you both an apology...mainly for not joining in the conversation at the time in the vain that it was running.
next time I shall make sure I read the thread first before posting.....

Remember that thing about egg on your face? Anyway, I appreciate the apology, but it's not necessary. Just make sure you read the posts before jumping in.
Anyway, I appreciate the apology, but it's not necessary. Just make sure you read the posts before jumping in.

I agree with Balerion, the thought is appreciated by me as well, but when things like this happen, and we make a mistake that could have been avoided, the only one we owe an apology to is ourselves.
I wondered about conspiracy theorists and am curious of how they choose which conspiracy to believe in, do they go in for one's that fit their own world veiw, maybe one's they find plausable for a particular reason, most people would accept the idea that when you're interested in something and thus take the time to learn about it you end up more informed and become able make better judgements in that field. However strangely when it comes to conspiracy theories most people always think they are better informed and capable of better judgement than say a theorist who might have spent his every waking minute for the last 40 years studying every aspect of conspiracies.

Why is that?

There is only one conspiracy theory which everything is filtered through.
The idea is that the planet is under the control of (or battling for control) by a certain set of people who
want to enjoy the world for themselves, and enslave the rest of the world population. All the ''conspiracies'' that
occur are simply acts to enhance their agenda.

There is only one conspiracy theory which everything is filtered through.
The idea is that the planet is under the control of (or battling for control) by a certain set of people who
want to enjoy the world for themselves, and enslave the rest of the world population. All the ''conspiracies'' that
occur are simply acts to enhance their agenda.

What does/would the existence of such a conspiracy theory say about God's character (given that God does/would allow for such a group of people to exist who want to enslave others)?
There is only one conspiracy theory which everything is filtered through.
The idea is that the planet is under the control of (or battling for control) by a certain set of people who
want to enjoy the world for themselves, and enslave the rest of the world population. All the ''conspiracies'' that
occur are simply acts to enhance their agenda.

It is actually very interesting that you should say that..
As a behaviourist one would have to conclude that if that was the case then possibly there is some underlying subconscious reason for it all... may be people literally smell a proverbial rat and can't quite work it out. Maybe too many people have witnessed unusual behaviour that can only lead to one conclusion but are scared sh*tless in talking about it until the issue becomes overwhelming to their mental stability...
the old saying "where there is smoke there is fire" might have some bearing here.
But it is interesting that nearly all conspiracy theorists seem to focus on this mind control thing, which is a major symptom of clinical psychosis If I am not mistaken. Is the reality of the mind control issue the causation of psychosis or is the psychosis the causation of their mind control issue one wonders.?
But either way so many people around the world have a heightened concern about mind control, brain washing, excessive influence etc..and as a behaviourist this says something...
For example: Most person partcipating in the Occupy Movement would no doubt talk about excessive influence yes? The Assange case of wiki leaks and so on...
There is only one conspiracy theory which everything is filtered through.
The idea is that the planet is under the control of (or battling for control) by a certain set of people who
want to enjoy the world for themselves, and enslave the rest of the world population. All the ''conspiracies'' that
occur are simply acts to enhance their agenda.


While not literally true, I certainly agree that many conspiracy theories are rooted in the "NWO" mythology.
Quantum Quack,

It is actually very interesting that you should say that..
As a behaviourist one would have to conclude that if that was the case then possibly there is some underlying subconscious reason for it all... may be people literally smell a proverbial rat and can't quite work it out.

Or maybe it's right in front of their faces, and they actually now acknowledge it.

Maybe too many people have witnessed unusual behaviour that can only lead to one conclusion but are scared sh*tless in talking about it until the issue becomes overwhelming to their mental stability...

Or it could be something as simple as the difference between a battered wife who tries to make excuses, and the moment she wakes up and say... enough is enough.

...the old saying "where there is smoke there is fire" might have some bearing here.

Hmmm! Maybe there is something to all those thousands and thousands, and thousands of UFO eyewitness sightings.
We'll know, when the scientists tell us. :D

But it is interesting that nearly all conspiracy theorists seem to focus on this mind control thing, which is a major symptom of clinical psychosis If I am not mistaken. Is the reality of the mind control issue the causation of psychosis or is the psychosis the causation of their mind control issue one wonders.?

I suppose if they didn't control minds, they wouldn't be able to carry out their agendas without opposition.


I take it you don't believe there is a plan to bring in a NWO?

Just out of interest, what are the conspiracy theories which are not rooted in the ''NWO mythology''?
