What is wrong with being a Conspiracy Theorist?

Quote Originally Posted by Quantum Quack View Post
Do you have a problem with apology Balerion...
It is only a seven letter word yet you know it is so hard for some people to make use of...
When lying in your hospital palliative care unit bed in agony wishing that science had researched cancer better maybe then you might extend an apology, but then again maybe not....
Should I take that as an apology, QQ?
You can take it any way you choose to....unfortunately the truth is a different matter...
So if everything God ''created'' is good, then He didn't create evil, therefore evil is not a thing that is created, but a human condition.
So where's the problem?


God created humans as well, no? So if his creation is capable of doing evil, then his creation is not good.

Try again.
You can take it any way you choose to....unfortunately the truth is a different matter...

I'm well aware that I can take it any way I want. That's why I asked you how I should take it. Is this your sheepish attempt at a non-apology because you're embarrassed from apologizing so much lately, or are you trying to be defiant in the face of yet another astounding blunder on your part?
I'm well aware that I can take it any way I want. That's why I asked you how I should take it. Is this your sheepish attempt at a non-apology because you're embarrassed from apologizing so much lately, or are you trying to be defiant in the face of yet another astounding blunder on your part?
That's why I asked you how I should take it
hey read my lips...
any way you choose to take it...
or are you incapable of thinking for yourself?
Quantum Quack,

Of course it would be to any one who is motivated towards seeking out hypocracy and paradox in anothers words as the only vehicle with which to improve their own position.

Or anyone who is up for a good discussion or debate instead of being completely anal.

I mean this with no disrespect as just about all posters to these fora are prioritised that way.. to look for mistake, contradiction and paradoxical posting behaviour.

That's the nature of debate.

The biggest crime that Jesus committed from a universal perspective was that he attempted to remove responsibility for acts of "sin" and therefore remove the need for a
"soul" to suffer it's own eternal evolution towards maturity.

The spiritual master (Jesus) does not ''remove sin'' from the body. The sinful activity is weeded out because the focus of the student changes.
However, due to the responsibility of the relationship (guru & student), the guru accepts any sins which have been committed by the student which is
why spiritual master choose carefully.

To inspire people to believe that through worshiping Jesus instead of God directly, ones sins will be forgiven.

We don't know how to worship God directly which is why we need guidance.

Therefore "robbing " individual souls of their need to suffer according to their actions.

Without that kind of help, we would be on this wheel with no hope of getting off. Material nature is too overwhelming.

Of course it is up to mankind to determine what is and what is not a sin beyond the ten commmandments so Christ has disempowered people of the power to seek individual redemption and suffer accordingly, and now the power belongs to a church in the providing a monopoly on such.

Mankind doesn't know shit, when it comes to spiritual enlightenment, without the help of God.

From a universal perspective it is little wonder he paid such a high price for the sin of monopolising Gods forgiveness.

From his perspective it wasn't a high price, it was just a moment in time used to give an example of how to live.
The fact that WE think it is a high price, form a large part of reason why we are in the conditional life.

So whilst the evangelists misguided intention is to "save my soul" all I can say is that no one can save my soul other than my self.

The only way you can save your soul, is to give that responsibility to someone who is already saved.

It is my responsibility to seek redemption through my own hard work and sacrifice [ crucifixion ] and not "passing the buck" of regret and remorse onto the shoulders of someone else.

It is your responsibility, but you don't know how to save your own self.

The whole story of the Christain Church can be put down, if one chooses to be cynical, to clever power marketing.

The church is an institute not a place to develop God consciousness.

I have had to assist in three persons extraction from this organisation's "mind control regime" and it is truly tragic to see the incredible damage done to their inner psychology and emotional health. If you think people recovering from typical "cult" type emmeshments are pretty bad then the aformentioned extractions would blow you away. "Obey or die" is the command line they use...

On the other hand it can be very liberating as people lose their fear and anxiety.

So I see value in the psychotic ramblings of persons who feel the influence of this particular organistion, as psychosis and serious mental health/behavioural issues are an outocome of those who resist their infleunce.

You've simply created a bad scenario, then stated that you see no value in that. Isn't that a strawman argument?

f all human needs there is only one primary need that transcends all others. It is the only need that a human being will willingly sacrifice his life for whether that be by suicide or war and that is freedom to choose as they need to choose. Free will. The freedom to determine their own individual destiny. "Self determination - freewill" All wars are fought, all suicides are attempted, all conflict engaged.. the same basic need applies - Freewill.

Nobody can take away your freewill, they merely lessen the playing field.

The immorality of someone forcing their morality upon someones else stands as the most immoral act one can commit against another due to the fact that the quest for freedom is so innate and signficiant in a person life.

I wouldn't say ''the most immoral act'' as there are worse things.

There can be no true peace with out freedom and ultimately there can be no true freedom with out peace.

Define ''freedom'', define ''peace''.

Thus a conspiracy theorist is a person who has felt an infuence he can not properly understand and spend his life attempting to do so as his freewill is being compromised and he needs to know how and why and attempt to work out how to stop it. It is utterly impossible not to as existential freewill is a fundamental of human existance.

I like the way you try to stand aside from the notion of such a person as though such states of contemplations never apply to you. The same as the atheist in relation to dogma, yet you automatically had a go at that evangelist without any reason, based on a preconceived idea.

A conspiracy theorist is a person who is not satisfied with what the authorities are telling him.

Spidergoat's first post, basically.
Skepticism is healthy.

But there are always those who can't see the forest for the trees. Conspiracy theorists should just go watch "Pi". It might help them get some perspective.

Spurious blah.
A conspiracy theorist is a person who is not satisfied with what the authorities are telling him.

Or that's the delusion he's operating under, being driven by at least mild mental imbalances. Some of the ones I've noticed include a narcissistic sense of having outsmarted the conspirators (who tend to be smart people to begin with) coupled with a highly naive perception of inner workings of the issue itself, and particularly of the way the alleged conspirators acted.

This is different I think to the legitimate forms of critical investigation into authority. The Karen Silkwood story is one that comes to mind. Silkwood was generally dismissed as a nut and conspiracy theorist, but was able get a little traction and of course the truth came out long after it was too late for her.

For a person who thinks they've outsmarted the smart people, their best hope is to be smart about bringing the evidence, so that they may more easily distinguish themselves from the nuts.
Or that's the delusion he's operating under, being driven by at least mild mental imbalances. Some of the ones I've noticed include a narcissistic sense of having outsmarted the conspirators (who tend to be smart people to begin with) coupled with a highly naive perception of inner workings of the issue itself, and particularly of the way the alleged conspirators acted.

This is different I think to the legitimate forms of critical investigation into authority. The Karen Silkwood story is one that comes to mind. Silkwood was generally dismissed as a nut and conspiracy theorist, but was able get a little traction and of course the truth came out long after it was too late for her.

For a person who thinks they've outsmarted the smart people, their best hope is to be smart about bringing the evidence, so that they may more easily distinguish themselves from the nuts.
I think the Bible has ample evidence that the God that is worshiped is utterly insane.... the worship of violence is not something I hold in high regard for starters.
And to tell children that it is somehow ok to string someone up on a cross after being beaten half to death is something to worship as some sort of pseudo deliberate act of self flagellation and expect them to reject violence is absurd. To then state it as a "fact" when absolutely no evidence is available to support it is even more absurd.

Authorities should always be subject to and open to being questioned.. always...

"How dare you question my authority!!!!?" the Emperor said , as his subjects cut of his head...

Nah the "God" [ universe ] I worship is quite sane and open to being questioned....and what is more there is ample evidence of it's existance...
Proof of God is everywhere all the time, if one chooses to see what they are looking at.
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I don't need to try again, read your own examples, therein lies the answer.


Classic non-answer from Jan.

If the day ever comes when you happen upon your integrity, let me know.

QQ said:
hey read my lips...
any way you choose to take it...
or are you incapable of thinking for yourself?

In other words, you have no answer.

You and Jan are cut from the same cloth. Two people playing at intellectualism.
In other words, you have no answer.

You and Jan are cut from the same cloth. Two people playing at intellectualism.

hey read my lips...

my answer is: any way you choose to take it...

or are you incapable of thinking for yourself?
The whole reason why the scifroums "skeptics society" is so anti religion is they believe in a Global religious conspiracy to corrupt the minds of school children, and adults into becoming mindless, unthinking, no-questioing authority, religious nutters.
They are the most ardent conspiracy theorists of this forum membership.
The whole reason why the scifroums "skeptics society" is so anti religion is they believe in a Global religious conspiracy to corrupt the minds of school children, and adults into becoming mindless, unthinking, no-questioing authority, religious nutters.
They are the most ardent conspiracy theorists of this forum membership.

More unsubstantiated BS from QQ.

Support your claim or retract it.
So you can't support your claim, then? I'm calling you out on it, and this Wynn-esque evasion you're pulling right now is evidence that you're just making noise.
So you can't support your claim, then? I'm calling you out on it, and this Wynn-esque evasion you're pulling right now is evidence that you're just making noise.
but you are.,....'tis true.. you are sooooo predictable....what proof do you want...?
Reckon the odds are pretty high that most readers could guess what your next post is going to be...
Classic non-answer from Jan.

You said,

''The bible, for one. Not only does it say God himself is good ("Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone." --Mark 10:17-18) but also says that everthing God created is good ("For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving," --Timothy 4:4). Have at it. ''

With this information, how is it that God created evil?

In genesis we see that God created Adam and Eve. Were they evil?

You should give answering questions with your own mind, a shot, it can be quite liberating.

You and Jan are cut from the same cloth. Two people playing at intellectualism.

And you you're playing at intelligentism.

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Just curious, does anyone remember what the OP was about? Multiple pages of tangent lost me.

Well, modern atheists are the biggest, and most open conspiracy theorists around, so we can still keep the intention of the thread alive. Hopef

What is your take on conspiracy theorists?
