What is wrong with being a Conspiracy Theorist?

Nothing except when the person starts to believe that the theory is more than JUST a theory....
Ever day people speculate on all manner of things, and most of the time people can dstinguish between speculation and fact. A conspiracy theorist who fails to see this distinction is commonly what is being referred to in this thread as a paranoid nutter... and well ....because they can not distinguish betwenen fantazy and reality then I suppose that could be a reasonable, abeit simplistic,assessment.

The whole point of the burden of evidence, innocence until proven guilty, the benefit of the doubt etc is to maintain a sense of perspective and a base line from which to eventually find out a truth or a lie.

I think we can all agree that a conspiracy theorist is not simply someone who speculates about the unknown, or intellectually understands that what they have is a "feeling" rather than an actual, viable theory. A conspiracy theorist is precisely the person who isn't rational, and instead delusional, and often egomaniacal. How many times have you seen a CT act as if the "real" answer is so obvious to him that others must be stupid or corrupt to not see it?
Here is a hot to trot conspiracy theory currently emmerging...

USA Government attempts to cover up the significant possibility of a Melt down at Fukushima to protect it's vested interests in it's own nuclear industry. Also to cover up the possibility of massive planetary damage casued by a possible melt down.

The article:
Though the mainstream media has long since abandoned the issue, the precarious situation at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility in Japan is only continuing to worsen, according to a prominent Japanese official. During a recent interview, Mitsuhei Murata, the former Japanese Ambassador to both Switzerland and Senegal, explained that the ground beneath the plant’s Unit 4 is gradually sinking, and that the entire structure is very likely on the verge of complete collapse.

This is highly concerning, as Unit 4 currently holds more than 1,500 spent nuclear fuel rods, and a collective 37 million curies of deadly radiation that, if released, could make much of the world completely uninhabitable. As some Natural News readers will recall, Unit 4 contains the infamous elevated cooling pool that was severely damaged following the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami that struck on March 11, 2011.

According to the Secretary of former Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan, the ground beneath Unit 4 has already sunk by about 31.5 inches since the disaster, and this sinking has taken place unevenly. If the ground continues to sink, which it is expected to, or if another earthquake of even as low as a magnitude six occurs in the region, the entire structure could collapse, which would fully drain the cooling pool and cause a catastrophic meltdown.

“If Unit 4 collapses, the worse case scenario will be a meltdown, and a resultant fire in the atmosphere. That will be the most unprecedented crisis that man has ever experienced. Nobody will be able to approach the plants … as all will have melted down and caused a big fire,” said Murata during the interview. “Many scientists say if Unit 4 collapses, not only will Japan lie in ruin, but the entire world will also face serious damages.”

Because there are 31 nuclear units of a similar type to Unit 4 in the U.S., the American government has been downplaying the disaster to protect its own reputation, alleges Murata. This is, in fact, the primary reason why so little has been reported on the severity of Fukushima following the disaster. The American empire, in other words, does not want the world, nor the American people, to know that there is the possibility of literally dozens of Fukushima situations occurring on American soil, should the right disaster situations arise.
the article in question:
Ask A Better Question:

What is the difference between a Conspiracy Theory and a Scientific Theory?
None. Both have to be supported by solid facts before they can be accepted as being the most likely and truthful answer.

"Conspiracy Theory/Theorist" is a derogatory term applied by the corporate-owned mainstream mobster media to label anyone who calls their fake reports into question. Slime-bag "comedians" like Bill Mahr do a very similar thing. It is a way to shut off debate by using a simple emotional control over the weak-minded masses.

The method that these scum bags use is very similar to racists attacking a person because of the color of their skin. No matter how much a person with a different skin color protests & tries to explain that they are no different than everyone else, the mindless crowds will listen to the chastising of the biggest blow-hard in the room and call them the N**** Word.

If you follow the herd, you will eventually be carried by the herd over a cliff. Think about it.

http://www.sciforums.com/images/smilies/leaf.gif__Free The Weed
What is the difference between a Conspiracy Theory and a Scientific Theory?
None. Both have to be supported by solid facts before they can be accepted as being the most likely and truthful answer.

"Conspiracy Theory/Theorist" is a derogatory term applied by the corporate-owned mainstream mobster media to label anyone who calls their fake reports into question. Slime-bag "comedians" like Bill Mahr do a very similar thing. It is a way to shut off debate by using a simple emotional control over the weak-minded masses.

The method that these scum bags use is very similar to racists attacking a person because of the color of their skin. No matter how much a person with a different skin color protests & tries to explain that they are no different than everyone else, the mindless crowds will listen to the chastising of the biggest blow-hard in the room and call them the N**** Word.

If you follow the herd, you will eventually be carried by the herd over a cliff. Think about it.

http://www.sciforums.com/images/smilies/leaf.gif__Free The Weed

You make some very good points and relevant points. Thanks.

(from article):

This is highly concerning, as Unit 4 currently holds more than 1,500 spent nuclear fuel rods, and a collective 37 million curies of deadly radiation that, if released, could make much of the world completely uninhabitable.

True. After all, Chernobyl exploded and released even more radiation into the air - and everyone in the world died.

(What? You don't think everyone died? You must be swallowing the government/media coverup!)
Estimates of Chernobyl's radiation release range from 50 million to 9 billion curies. But the biological effect of radioisotope release into the environment depends strongly on which isotopes we are talking about.
Since there was a reccent response:
What is the difference between a Conspiracy Theory and a Scientific Theory?
No. While the term "conspiracy theory" doesn't have an inherently derogatory meaning, it is used in a derogatory way to refer to theories that are not scientific. Moreover, since a "conspiracy" is an event, it shouldn't need to be a theory. It either happened or it didn't. So it is better related to scientific data than scientific theory. Ie, Watergate actually happened. It was a real event. A real conspiracy. There's no "conspiracy theory" about it because it is known to be real.
Since there was a recent response:
No. While the term "conspiracy theory" doesn't have an inherently derogatory meaning, it is used in a derogatory way to refer to theories that are not scientific. Moreover, since a "conspiracy" is an event, it shouldn't need to be a theory. It either happened or it didn't. So it is better related to scientific data than scientific theory. Ie, Watergate actually happened. It was a real event. A real conspiracy. There's no "conspiracy theory" about it because it is known to be real.
Hi Russ,
I tend to think that is in the actual hiding of scientific data that leads to the opinion that a conspiracy is taking place.
for an abstract example:
Abstract conspiracy theory:
"That global warming therefore climate change is caused by the overall warming of the planet from with in, by causes yet to be determined leads those that know [ governments] to falsely yet with credibility blame human activity for climate change to avoid world wide panic"
"When a searcher attempts to seek out data to confirm or refute the idea that the planet as a whole is gaining in temperature and meets a fire wall of obfuscation and "seemingly" deliberate misleading information, that the person seeking the info starts to believe there MAY be a conspiracy to hide crucial data from the worlds general population. [even with good intention]
and say for example, when confronted with tectonic plate activity figures that indicate significant rises in magnitude and frequency of earthquakes the conspiracy theorist is "justified" even if incorrectly so.

The example of Watergate:
The data needed to confirm Nixon's innocence was missing. Hence someone developed a conspiracy theory that Nixon was hiding something which turned out to be found to be true and valid.
Watergate started out as a conspiracy theory no doubt based on a a suspicion due to data gained and data that was missing.
True. After all, Chernobyl exploded and released even more radiation into the air - and everyone in the world died.

(What? You don't think everyone died? You must be swallowing the government/media coverup!)
ahh if only those spent fuel rods were the same rating as Chernobyl had stored... we wouldn't have a problem. but I "believe" that the highly enriched and refined fuel rods are considerably more potent than those used in Chernobyl. [ by many orders of magnitude]
Since there was a reccent response:
No. While the term "conspiracy theory" doesn't have an inherently derogatory meaning, it is used in a derogatory way to refer to theories that are not scientific. Moreover, since a "conspiracy" is an event, it shouldn't need to be a theory. It either happened or it didn't. So it is better related to scientific data than scientific theory. Ie, Watergate actually happened. It was a real event. A real conspiracy. There's no "conspiracy theory" about it because it is known to be real.

Just a thought in passing: While the words "conspiracy" and "theory" are a bit of grammatical/factual blunder when combined - much as you said - the thing is that the term has come into frequent usage for so long that pretty much everyone knows exactly what it means when they hear/see it. Keep in mind that languages evolve all the time and common usage leads to acceptance. Such is the case in this instance. So, like it or not, we're stuck with it now. ;)
Better said than how I put it, so let me expand along those lines:

A mash-up of the two root words produces a result that it cumbersome at best, but since definitions are arrived at via consensus, most people understand the actual intended definition of the term: a non-scientific alternate explanation for a historical event.

Conspiracy theory lives in the holes in data, whether real or imagined. That's what makes it inherently unscientific. Data is fabricated to fill gaps in the data to point to the theory. And most fail because what the conspiracy theorist thinks is a hole in which the conspiracy theory would fit, it isn't a hole, just a misunderstanding of the data or worse a lie.

A conspiracy theory usually involves a conspiracy because of the need for a coverup to explain the lack of evidence or contradicting evidence, but conspiracies are not necessarily required, if the accepted/historical data is thin enough on its own.
Better said than how I put it, so let me expand along those lines:

A mash-up of the two root words produces a result that it cumbersome at best, but since definitions are arrived at via consensus, most people understand the actual intended definition of the term: a non-scientific alternate explanation for a historical event.

Conspiracy theory lives in the holes in data, whether real or imagined. That's what makes it inherently unscientific. Data is fabricated to fill gaps in the data to point to the theory. And most fail because what the conspiracy theorist thinks is a hole in which the conspiracy theory would fit, it isn't a hole, just a misunderstanding of the data or worse a lie.

A conspiracy theory usually involves a conspiracy because of the need for a coverup to explain the lack of evidence or contradicting evidence, but conspiracies are not necessarily required, if the accepted/historical data is thin enough on its own.

Very well said, excellent! :)

We're aware, of course, that conspiracies do exist. From a local city board member doing shady deals with contractors all the way to the White House and members of congress. But things that people can imagine have no bounds. Outlandish stuff like the government holding secret alien technology, etc.

Seems to me there are generally two classes of people who buy into this nonsense: those with a poor education and overlapping with the second group who lead such mundane lives that they'll believe almost anything to add some excitement to their boring existence. And, of course, many people seem to thrive on scandals anyway - as evidenced by the popularity of all the tabloids and thousands of crackpot sites on the Web.
If you READ about the evidence of UFOs from the fifties and on , you will find the evidence of a cover up by the CIA , NSA and the air force

And how the mainstream media was a part of this cover up

Cover up of what, exactly? They felt a need to cover up the fact that there has never been a single credible piece of evidence that UFOs(as you mean it)have ever visited Earth? That's the very definition of a Conspiracy Theory(belief in a conspiracy DESPITE the fact that it has no factual support). There are conspiracies, no doubt. The Nixon Watergate breakin and coverup was a conspiracy, the President resigned because of the facts that exposed that conspiracy(not because someone had a theory). The Moon Landings Were Faked conspiracy, on the other hand, is nutjobbery, the facts just don't support it no matter how much the Conspiracists want it to be true. Same for 911 Truthers, Birthers, Their Coming to Get Our Guns freaks, the whole Glen Beck lexicon, Breitbart Inc., Micheal Moore(often, not always)...

The problem comes when the Conspiracists believe so many things that just ain't so that they become incapable of seeing the real thing, or they have already lost so much credibility with their ravings about nonsense that no one will believe anything they say, even if it is true. And with all the noise about the ridiculous CTs fogging up the media any real conspiracy gets lost or discounted(or is actively camouflaged by the hubbub, dismissed as just another "Conspiracy Theory"). To paraphrase the Bible, there will always be conspiracies and rumors of conspiracies. Wisdom is the ability to discriminate between what is factual and what is imagination. Conspiracy Theorists lack that wisdom(often they have been actively misinformed by the media), the name is more a comment on that lack of discernment, rather than a blanket dismissing of the existence of conspiracies. Conspiracy Theorists are more interested in promoting the theory rather than finding the truth, they might actually succeed in exposing a conspiracy by that method, but it will be completely accidental and they will have no way of knowing when they were right(a stopped clock is right twice a day, but how will you know when that will be?). All inquiries start with the facts, and it is the facts that indicate a conspiracy, not the other way round.

I think conspiracy theories (some not all), regardless of whether or not they
are true, allow us to take notice of the world and it's leaders in a way that we wouldn't
have before.

Is that so bad?

Please discuss.

there is nothing wrong with being a "conspiracy theorist", it's the degree you take it to is what counts.
i consider it a necessary first step in keeping things legit.

Cover up of what, exactly? They felt a need to cover up the fact that there has never been a single credible piece of evidence that UFOs(as you mean it)have ever visited Earth? That's the very definition of a Conspiracy Theory(belief in a conspiracy DESPITE the fact that it has no factual support). There are conspiracies, no doubt. The Nixon Watergate breakin and coverup was a conspiracy, the President resigned because of the facts that exposed that conspiracy(not because someone had a theory). The Moon Landings Were Faked conspiracy, on the other hand, is nutjobbery, the facts just don't support it no matter how much the Conspiracists want it to be true. Same for 911 Truthers, Birthers, Their Coming to Get Our Guns freaks, the whole Glen Beck lexicon, Breitbart Inc., Micheal Moore(often, not always)...

The problem comes when the Conspiracists believe so many things that just ain't so that they become incapable of seeing the real thing, or they have already lost so much credibility with their ravings about nonsense that no one will believe anything they say, even if it is true. And with all the noise about the ridiculous CTs fogging up the media any real conspiracy gets lost or discounted(or is actively camouflaged by the hubbub, dismissed as just another "Conspiracy Theory"). To paraphrase the Bible, there will always be conspiracies and rumors of conspiracies. Wisdom is the ability to discriminate between what is factual and what is imagination. Conspiracy Theorists lack that wisdom(often they have been actively misinformed by the media), the name is more a comment on that lack of discernment, rather than a blanket dismissing of the existence of conspiracies. Conspiracy Theorists are more interested in promoting the theory rather than finding the truth, they might actually succeed in exposing a conspiracy by that method, but it will be completely accidental and they will have no way of knowing when they were right(a stopped clock is right twice a day, but how will you know when that will be?). All inquiries start with the facts, and it is the facts that indicate a conspiracy, not the other way round.


There is proof of the cover up by the government of UFOs if your willing to be curious enough to read about the goings on back in the fifties and to now

Richard M. Dolans book is good because he presents the facts , no theories , he leaves that up to you , it is an important read

The reason that the cover up started in the first place , was because they didn't know the origin of these craft , were they Russian for instance

And they had NO ability to stop this activity , hence a national security problem to say the least

Further this was and is a world wide problem , not just US problem

Pilots and military pilots as well as radar has observed this objects and clocked them at enormous speeds , from a thousand to eighteen thousand miles per hour , which is from .29 to 5 miles per second , blink of an eye acceleration

There is a conspiracy and it is backed with facts

There is proof of the cover up by the government of UFOs if your willing to be curious enough to read about the goings on back in the fifties and to now

Cover up of what? There has never been evidence of visits by aliens to Earth, period.

There is a conspiracy and it is backed with facts

No, there are no facts supporting the contention that aliens have ever visited Earth. The physics involved make such visits unlikely, ever, anywhere. The secrecy and actions of the USAF at Tenopah and the atomic bomb effort were not about hiding UFOs and LGM. When such facts come to be found in the real world(as opposed to the World of Woo)you will know because every newspaper, news show and channel will be talking about nothing else for days and weeks.

Was this man a conspiracy theorist?

and apparently according to some the next President to even allude to secret society issues was brought down by an exposed sexual misconduct in the oval office... namely Bill Clinton and M. Lewinski...
and one notes the potential for a massive scandal evolving right now in the Vatican....hmmm... conspiracy theory for sure...
Quantum Quack

Was this man a conspiracy theorist?

Conspiracies exist, and when evidence of their existence is real then those who have theories about them are not what "Conspiracy Theorist" has come to mean.
Again, if it is evidence that leads to the conspiracy, the conspiracy theory can be legit, but when the theory is born of no evidence, false evidence or manufactured evidence and clung to despite contrary evidence, it is likely a conspiracy theory. Again, Nixon did conspire to break the law, and the evidence is what painted that picture, but the Twin Towers WERE brought down by the attacks with planes(that's what the evidence says), but the Truthers are STILL clinging to their beliefs despite no supporting evidence.
There is a difference.
