What is the purpose of punishment?

Having offenders be less likely to commit another crime after they reenter society helps protect any future victims that same thief might victimize.
Having offenders be less likely to commit another crime after they reenter society helps protect any future victims that same thief might victimize.

Keeping them in prison forever would insure that they never, ever victimized another person.

Does society have the "right" to change who or what a person is? If so, then perhaps we could just "fix" all babies that are born and make them perfect little social automatons. Neat, huh?

Baron Max
Keeping them in prison forever would NOT insure that they never, ever victimized another person.

How could it not???

Does society have the "right" to change who or what a person is? If so, then perhaps we could just "fix" all babies that are born and make them perfect little social automatons. Neat, huh?

Baron Max
Does society have the "right" to change who or what a person is? If so, then perhaps we could just "fix" all babies that are born and make them perfect little social automatons. Neat, huh?

In the real world, how would that be possible?
Well we would lower recidivism rates if we made a few socoiety changes? I do believe in punishment for crimes, but i beieve once you have served your time and made your amends the only time it should be brought against you is if you commit another crime. Of course ceetrain crimes or a predatory nature should not follow in his vein , but by and large most criminals would never commit another crime if they had a fair second chance.

I eman come on, a 17 year old kids makes a mistake and rips off the till of a seven-eleven, You didnlt harm the clerk, in fact you didnlt even threaten them. You are charged as a adult and for the rest of your life branded as a thief. You can't get a job that you can live on. You can't join the army. You're doomed to a life where only additional crimes is going to get you anything. Does that really sound like a system designed to help rehabilitate people.
Well we would lower recidivism rates if we made a few socoiety changes? I do believe in punishment for crimes, but i beieve once you have served your time and made your amends the only time it should be brought against you is if you commit another crime.

So how can you possibly control how the public feels about some criminal just out of prison? And if you can and do, that's definitely what I'd call changes in society!

I mean come on, a 17 year old kids makes a mistake and rips off the till of a seven-eleven, ...

He did it intentionally, he didn't "make a mistake". Or if society sees it that way, then how can you say that any other crime wasn't a "mistake"? A 17-yr old takes machine guns into a mall and kills 423,000 people ...."Oh, geez, he just made a mistake."?

Does that really sound like a system designed to help rehabilitate people.

When did society become a rahab center? Or when did prison become a rehab hospital?

Baron Max

He did it intentionally, he didn't "make a mistake". Or if society sees it that way, then how can you say that any other crime wasn't a "mistake"? A 17-yr old takes machine guns into a mall and kills 423,000 people ...."Oh, geez, he just made a mistake."?

Baron Max

This reminds me of when my older one occasionally gets pissed off with his younger brother and gives him a cuff to the back of the head. When I step in it was always " Just an ACCIDENT" Uhhh huhh.

I don't buy this whole it was a mistake...ohhhh he was to young too know what he was really doing bullshit. It's also funny how a lot of these teenagers who just made a "mistake" get out of jail and end up back there over and over for making more "mistakes" I thought ppl were supposed to learn from their mistakes.

As I said in Canada they are too lenient on the young offenders.
As I said in Canada they are too lenient on the young offenders.

Have you ever noticed that the people who are constantly suggesting that society be more lenient on crime are the ones who live in areas where there is no crime?

Baron Max
The first time someone slapped me for no apparent reason I hit him in the mouth with my fist and broke his jaw! No need to put that asshole away, I think I taught him a lesson that not everyone will just take shit from him, some will strike back. He never bothered me or to my knowledge anyone else ever again in school. ;)
The first time someone slapped me for no apparent reason I hit him in the mouth with my fist and broke his jaw! No need to put that asshole away, I think I taught him a lesson ....

So, ....what is this? Are you suggesting the citizens begin to take the law and punishment into their own hands?

Baron Max
So, ....what is this? Are you suggesting the citizens begin to take the law and punishment into their own hands?

Baron Max

Yeah, to find themselves in jail themselves. You try and protect your family from criminals (let's say a break in) you end up killing the guy and now you are
being hauled into jail.

Here is another thing you just gotta love. Why is it that criminals get appointed free lawyers because they can't afford one, yet I can't get myself a free lawyer
to get myself off the hook for something. There are ppl that have gone into so much debt or lost houses trying to put someone away, yet the one who committed
the crime gets all his/her defense for free. (well not free, the taxpayers are paying it)
Here is another thing you just gotta love. Why is it that criminals get appointed free lawyers because they can't afford one, yet I can't get myself a free lawyer....

Oh, geez, Shorty, you sure as hell know how to push my buttons, don't you!! :D

That's an issue that I have a difficult time dealing with ....without going off on a major rampage!

Baron Max
So, ....what is this? Are you suggesting the citizens begin to take the law and punishment into their own hands?

Baron Max

What I am stating is that if you let assholes or bulies get away with hurting others when they are young without any punishment then you are only inciting them to take advantage of others for the rest of their lives. Since I wasn't familiar with the legal system at 13 years old I did what came naturally to me, I struck back at the one who hit me first.
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Oh, geez, Shorty, you sure as hell know how to push my buttons, don't you!! :D

That's an issue that I have a difficult time dealing with ....without going off on a major rampage!

Baron Max

Yeah it is something that really pisses me off to. How about the free Education they get while in jail. Why can't I get a College/University degree for free?

I also love how they segregate the REALLY BAD criminals from the rest of the population. That animal Karla Homolka who took part in kidnapping teen girls
raping them and then cutting them to pieces and burying them in cement, was set up in a "Special Cell" with all the bells and whistles because they were afraid
that if she was with the other inmates they would beat the shit out of her. Her cell was on the news........it was ridiculous!! Why get special treatment? because
you committed such a horrific crime you are rewarded? Throw them in with everyone else and let them fend for themselves after what they did. That poor family
were ones that went financially bankrupt fighting to put that monster away. Meanwhile Karla is out on the street again with Degree in hand! :mad:

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Most get only a GED not college unless it is online.

Online/Offline I have no idea. I just know while watching the news (some W Five news program) they had a show about the whole prison system one time. Criminals were actually coming out with Degrees...not just High School Dimplomas.
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Online/Offline I have no idea. I just know while watching the news (some W Five news program) they had a show about the whole jail system one time. Criminals were actually coming out with Degrees...not just High School Dimplomas.

Well the on line degrees are the only ones they could get while behind bars. Those are very cheap and if the person who receives the degree actually betters themselves with a good job than they didn't have before, isn't that little bit of money worth the effort to educate those who wouldn't get it otherwise? Being a productive member of society would be better that having them return to jail every other year or whenever they get back back into trouble.
Well the on line degrees are the only ones they could get while behind bars. Those are very cheap and if the person who receives the degree actually betters themselves with a good job than they didn't have before, isn't that little bit of money worth the effort to educate those who wouldn't get it otherwise? Being a productive member of society would be better that having them return to jail every other year or whenever they get back back into trouble.

Do those who get a better education in jail...stay out of jail?
It would be nice to see some statistics on how many of the repeat offenders had some training or education in jail vs those who did not.