What is the purpose of punishment?


SubQuantum Mechanic
Valued Senior Member
Toddlers, teenagers, criminals, drug addicts, employees, any that 1 thinks has done wrong, etc.
Are the results mostly positive or negative? Are people aware of the actual effects of punishment? Do they care?
How much of a factor is vengeance? Selfish convenience? Protection of oneself, family, society?
Must every wrong be punished?
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The questions are far, far too general to answer with anything but generalities.

The results of punishment may be positive or negative.
People are usually aware of the "effects" of punishment, else it wouldn't be called "punishment".
Vengeance? Some yes, some no.
Should wrong be punished? Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

See what I mean? Too general to provide anything but ...maybe's.

Baron Max
I'd think the reason for punishment it to show everyone that there are consequences for unwanted or unwarranted behavior.
The questions are far, far too general to answer with anything but generalities.

The results of punishment may be positive or negative.
People are usually aware of the "effects" of punishment, else it wouldn't be called "punishment".
Vengeance? Some yes, some no.
Should wrong be punished? Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

See what I mean? Too general to provide anything but ...maybe's.

Baron Max

The questions were meant to be as general as they are for specific purpose.
Obviously, I didn't mean is the person being punished aware. Are most people aware of all the short & long term effects?
Why do you post your mental masturbation?
Quit playing with yourself before you become mentally ill.
I'd think the reason for punishment it to show everyone that there are consequences for unwanted or unwarranted behavior.

To show the 1 being punished or everyone else or both? Assuming the goal is to significantly lessen such behavior, does it work well?
With this purpose & goal, there's no need for vengeance & the punishment isn't just for the sake of punishment but a method to hopefully accomplish the goal?
What is the purpose of punishment? To balance the scales of justice. To ensure that there are consequences to bad actions in line with the degree of the crime.
1.To show the 1 being punished or everyone else or both?

I would think that both would understand what the punishment was for and why it was done. Knowing that others COULD be punished the same way would help deter others from committing such acts themselves. That is how it is supposed to work but alas it always doesn't BUT it will prevent many people from doing something they shouldn't.

2.Assuming the goal is to significantly lessen such behavior, does it work well?

Again I would say overall it does help because many others would be doing things illegal as well if it weren't for the law and punishment.

3.With this purpose & goal, there's no need for vengeance & the punishment isn't just for the sake of punishment but a method to hopefully accomplish the goal?

Well I hope that the punishment is not done for vengeance but for breaking the laws. As long as the punishment is handed out to everyone in the same or close to the same manner, then I don't think vengeance would be a part of the situation. That doesn't mean it can't happen but that is why we have appeals courts as well.
Why must there be consequences?

because in real life there are ALWAYS consequences. If a rabbit makes a mistake and think of the fox as a friend, he gets eaten. If you go out sailing in a storm, you drown. End of story...

By the way, what is the purpose of rewarding good deeds?

For extra credit: What is the purpose of asking stupid questions?
By the way, what is the purpose of rewarding good deeds?

To show that doing good is something others take notice of and reward you for your efforts.

For extra credit: What is the purpose of asking stupid questions?

Because ASSHOLES like to do stupid things.:)
because in real life there are ALWAYS consequences. If a rabbit makes a mistake and think of the fox as a friend, he gets eaten. If you go out sailing in a storm, you drown. End of story...

Not true. Plenty of people have sailed in storms without drowning. Many drown without storms.
Aside from that, natural consequences have little to do with humans punishing humans.
OK, then I will tell you the secret: there is absolutely no purpose in punishment. We just do it to throw you off....
Criminologists list the aims of sentencing for crimes as:

Deterrence (specific and general)

The common element is protection of the community.
Should punishment itself be assumed necessary or should more be done to see if other methods may achieve the goals?
If punishment is necessary, should we try something to have offenders be less likely to commit another crime after they reenter society?
If someone damages your house breaking in & steals your computer & TV, how much does punishment help you when you're left with the home repair bill you can't afford & can't get another TV for a month or another computer for 6 months?
If punishment is necessary, should we try something to have offenders be less likely to commit another crime after they reenter society?

Does society have the "right" to change who or what a person is? If so, then perhaps we could just "fix" all babies that are born and make them perfect little social automatons. Neat, huh?

If someone damages your house breaking in & steals your computer & TV, how much does punishment help you when you're left with the home repair bill you can't afford ...

In those cases, it doesn't help that single victim ....but it DOES help protect any future victims that same thief might victimize.

Baron Max