What is the point of believing in God if that doesn't make you happy?

Greenberg is losing the plot. His questions become sillier and sillier.

Ps I believe in cancer
I believe in the children with cancer are our future. Let them lead the way. Let them show us all the beauty they possess inside.
Over and over again, one can read things like:

"God is not in the business of making people feel good"
"Being saved doesn't necessarily mean you are going to be happy"

What is the point of believing in God if that doesn't make you happy?

there are two types of happiness - long term and short term.
I would argue that the context of the statements you refer to has more to do with god has a specific interest in our long term happiness, as opposed to our short term happiness
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Over and over again, one can read things like:

"God is not in the business of making people feel good"
"Being saved doesn't necessarily mean you are going to be happy"

What is the point of believing in God if that doesn't make you happy?

It's more if you consider it truth or not.

For example: I'm getting older. I believe this solidly. It's undeniably true, whether I'm in my police box or not. Yet, it doesn't make me happy. :shrug:
i don't believe in long-term happiness. not in this life. i'll believe it when i see it though.
Hands up all those who can define happiness.! I'm not interested in whatever Wiki has to say.
Happiness is...

following someone who dares to break the speed limit. :)
My attempt :)

Happiness is being satisfied, content with your life not wishing or hoping for more.
Being able to go through everyday, no matter how rough and still appreciate all the good things in your life.
My attempt :)

Happiness is being satisfied, content with your life not wishing or hoping for more.
Being able to go through everyday, no matter how rough and still appreciate all the good things in your life.

That is close to my view. People talk about happiness all the time and take it for granted that it means the same to everyone. I believe that there is a general definition allied to a personal component. A close answer, in my view. would be personal fulfillment, whatever that means to a particular individual.
In essence, I take it to mean being satisfied with where we are, what we are and what we've got.
Insert biochemical reaction here: ___________

This is the most reduced answer that I can imagine. How do you relate it to the question?

I didn't ask for a reductionist answer. Is that the best you can think of ?
I didn't ask for a reductionist answer. Is that the best you can think of ?

Don't be insulting, as I'm not taking that tack with you. Happiness is happiness. If you have an alternate perception of the emotion, then please feel free to give it. I have given the only biologically significant value, and the only one that I ultimately respect as a naturalist.
Don't be insulting, as I'm not taking that tack with you. Happiness is happiness. If you have an alternate perception of the emotion, then please feel free to give it. I have given the only biologically significant value, and the only one that I ultimately respect as a naturalist.

So, as a natutralist, your only understanding of human emotions boils down to some chemical formula. If you feel insulted that is your problem because all I sais w3as that you had not given the type of answer you were seeking.

Does one have to be a naturalist to say that happiness is happiness ? That's what I call a fine answer.