What is the point of believing in God if that doesn't make you happy?


until the end of the world
Registered Senior Member
Over and over again, one can read things like:

"God is not in the business of making people feel good"
"Being saved doesn't necessarily mean you are going to be happy"

What is the point of believing in God if that doesn't make you happy?
Over and over again, one can read things like:

"God is not in the business of making people feel good"
"Being saved doesn't necessarily mean you are going to be happy"

What is the point of believing in God if that doesn't make you happy?

Where can we read these things?

Where can we read these things?

For example:

i don't. i live my life according to what i've learned from experience. i spread the word by living, not by preaching. this is a discussion forum, a topic being religion. otherwise i don't talk about it unless someone else asks. i'm not so arrogant as to think that I'M the one who's gonna save somebody's soul. the initiative is on the part of the somebody, and the rest is up to god. and who said that having your soul saved made you happy? happiness is an emotion. having your soul saved may give you a sense of peace, but in a world like the one we live in, if you're happy, then you're either ignorant, or unsympathetic.


i don't care what makes people "feel better". that's a sure sign of a lie right there because god isn't in the business of making people feel better. i don't care what a person's been through, or what kind of excuse they may have. if someone says they believe in god without knowing whether or not he even exists, that is a lie. how can you believe in something that you don't know?

you pretend. and if pretending makes you feel better, then good for you. it never did with me. living in denial doesn't solve anyone's problems you know.

It's something that I have heard from many theists, some of them on this forum.
This isn't about Lori.

It's about statements like:

"God is not in the business of making people feel good"
"Being saved doesn't necessarily mean you are going to be happy"
I am giving her what she wants: I am taking her and her religion seriously.
She is not ready for being taken seriously.

I have no problem leaving her alone and I did leave her alone. But she keeps replying to my posts, keeps patronizing me, keeps manipulating me. I am not going to just sit there and let it happen.
.....But she keeps replying to my posts, keeps patronizing me, keeps manipulating me. I am not going to just sit there and let it happen.

She controls you then?

She may reply to your posts, but she doesn't start threads to insult you. :mad:
I didn't insult her. She did that herself.

She doesn't "control" me. This isn't simply between me and her. It also involves God. I took her religion seriously, like I, at least at first, do with everyone who speaks about God. It turned out that she does not appreciate that.
I am giving her what she wants: I am taking her and her religion seriously.
She is not ready for being taken seriously.

I have no problem leaving her alone and I did leave her alone. But she keeps replying to my posts, keeps patronizing me, keeps manipulating me. I am not going to just sit there and let it happen.

patronizing and manipulating? dude, you're insane. i mean, i'm the last one i ever thought would say that about someone out here but seriously, you need help. this is a discussion forum. if you can't take a different opinion get out of it. i have not disrespected you or flamed at you or insulted you, until now.

you're freakin' out man...
on topic...

why do you propose salvation as a source of happiness? why would god be in the feel good industry? as far as i can tell temporary emotional satisfaction is most often made by lies not the truth. and the truth about this world doesn't paint such a pretty picture sometimes. emotions aren't really important. they're fickle and temporal. god is forever.
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What is the point of believing in God if that doesn't make you happy?

I believe in gravitation. It doesn't make me particulary happy, per se, but I acknowledge it as a fact.

The same could apply to a believer...
This is a TERRIBLE question. You should believe something if it is demonstrably likely to be true, not on the basis of whether or not it makes you happy. To that end, you don't really have a choice what you do and do not believe - you will believe what seems to you to be true. Your only choice is in what you claim to believe.
Over and over again, one can read things like:

"God is not in the business of making people feel good"
"Being saved doesn't necessarily mean you are going to be happy"

What is the point of believing in God if that doesn't make you happy?
