What is the nature of God/Good

geeser said:
yes, most definitely, biblical speaking.
if you believe the bible then you must also believe god made evil.
however I dont and as a god does not exist, then it could not of made evil.
the answer is yes if you believe in god and no if you dont believe, ok..
SO SciFi, is that what you mean?
geeser said:
The world of living things and the forces and processes that produce and effects all the wonders of the material world.
{What a wonderful world[sic].} What a wonderful science fiction!
geeser said:
the sun, the moon, and comets, however it's not control, just an effect.
whats your point.
Big bang science fiction.
geeser said:
if you believe the bible then you must also believe god made evil.

yes, but he had no choice. he's like nature. he just does what is best. evil must exist so that the balance of good and evil is maintained. if evil didn't exist, no one could learn anything, people wouldn't understand what evil is, so they would do evil and the world would go to hell, though the world couldn't even exist.
Yorda_7 said:
yes, but he had no choice. he's like nature. he just does what is best. evil must exist so that the balance of good and evil is maintained. if evil didn't exist, no one could learn anything, people wouldn't understand what evil is, so they would do evil and the world would go to hell, though the world couldn't even exist.
You`re reply is a product of mythological thought.

Yorda_7 said:
if evil didn't exist, no one could learn anything, people wouldn't understand what evil is, so they would do evil and the world would go to hell, though the world couldn't even exist.

You really are not biblical the way you`re answering the thread. In the paradisical time in the Bible, Evil did not exist. The God who planted a garden in Eden put in the middle part the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life. What trees did God put in the middle of the garden of Eden, biblically speaking?

God forbade Adam to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge. But he did eat willfully. So, what fruit had the first man tasted willfully?
Maybe you've gone over this, but why in the hell would god put such a tree in the middle of eden and then tell them not to touch it? And then he lets the friggin' snake in to boot! Just look at the mess! God had to send his son to on a shitty mission, and it accomplished nothing. We still suck. Worse than before. The planet's a mess. Atheists running around loose all over the place. All because of the goddamned tree. Can someone please explain that tree to me?
superluminal said:
Maybe you've gone over this, but why in the hell would god put such a tree in the middle of eden and then tell them not to touch it? And then he lets the friggin' snake in to boot! Just look at the mess! God had to send his son to on a shitty mission, and it accomplished nothing. We still suck. Worse than before. The planet's a mess. Atheists running around loose all over the place. All because of the goddamned tree. Can someone please explain that tree to me?
Your "why" is the objective proof that you have nothing to say whether there is God or none and whether (our) God is evil or good.

I being just a member of God`s household has nothing to explain outside the Bible. I returned here for a reason: to let you know that we have religious programs via The Old Path Channel aired by Globecast. Again, reiteratingly, open this link: www.theoldway.tk

I've seen your site. If I could send a high energy electrical pulse back through the satellite system to your equipment, thus frying it, I would do it.
superluminal said:

I've seen your site. If I could send a high energy electrical pulse back through the satellite system to your equipment, thus frying it, I would do it.
Do as you wish.

A god that tempts is an evil god. The story though fictional is one of temptation, they were tempted to have knowledge, therefore god knew beforehand that they would eat of the fruit. And evil did exist, Satan was cast out of heaven supposedly before men were created, thus evil existed before men. And furthermore the whole story is just mumbo jumbo rhetorical crap. Not fact, but fiction.

enton said:
You`re reply is a product of mythological thought.

You sound like it's something bad. Though I have not read this in myths, they're my own thoughts.

You really are not biblical the way you`re answering the thread.

So you have seen it.

In the paradisical time in the Bible, Evil did not exist.

Of course not. The paradisical time was when we had no consciousness of body. Good and evil are created by our minds, and they exist there alone.
enton said:
Your "why" is the objective proof that you have nothing to say whether there is God or none and whether (our) God is evil or good.

I being just a member of God`s household has nothing to explain outside the Bible. I returned here for a reason: to let you know that we have religious programs via The Old Path Channel aired by Globecast. Again, reiteratingly, open this link: www.theoldway.tk
M*W: Again, if you want to live theoldway, buy a museum.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Again, if you want to live theoldway, buy a museum.
We (excluding you) had a museum already. And I was very much amused about it.