What is the material of our soul?

Aye - and this has been scientifically proven... where exactly? Links, please?
Please define this God.
Please then provide evidence of its existence.
Then please provide proof/evidence that this is the way God works.

Evidence, evidence, evidence......
Didn't your teachers ever give you any homework.
Your required to find this evidence for yourself.....(no links given)
Because whats evidence to you, may not be for someone else.
Some people will remain skeptical, even if one raised from the dead and told them.
There is a scripture for that.
There is a purpose God has hid some things, from some and reveals them to others.
He is dealing with two groups mixed together here today...(the wheat and the tares)
If you want to ask questions of the soul realm, there is a supernatural element to the answer my friend.
Can you deal with that or not...?
That is your question.
If so, you may be shown the answer...
TheVisitor said:
Evidence, evidence, evidence......
Didn't your teachers ever give you any homework.
Your required to find this evidence for yourself.....(no links given)
Because whats evidence to you, may not be for someone else.
Some people will remain skeptical, even if one raised from the dead and told them.
There is a scripture for that.
There is a purpose God has hid some things, from some and reveals them to others.
He is dealing with two groups mixed together here today...(the wheat and the tares)
If you want to ask questions of the soul realm, there is a supernatural element to the answer my friend.
Can you deal with that or not...?
That is your question.
If so, you may be shown the answer...

"God will show you the way if you let him guide you...." blah blah blah.

Why does your answer not surprise.
I'm happy that your irrationality helps you, as I'm assuming it does.

Please provide evidence of the "supernatural" existing?
Oh - that's right - you can't.

Brick wall - meet head.
:cool: irrationality...........nah, just from a limited point of veiw maybe.
Your the one asking the questions ...remember?
TheVisitor said:
Evidence, evidence, evidence......
Didn't your teachers ever give you any homework.
Your required to find this evidence for yourself.....(no links given)
Because whats evidence to you, may not be for someone else.
Some people will remain skeptical, even if one raised from the dead and told them.
There is a scripture for that.
There is a purpose God has hid some things, from some and reveals them to others.
He is dealing with two groups mixed together here today...(the wheat and the tares)
If you want to ask questions of the soul realm, there is a supernatural element to the answer my friend.
Can you deal with that or not...?
That is your question.
If so, you may be shown the answer...

For what it's worth, it's remarkably easy to "find evidence of God" and have things "revealed by God". It is easy as I used to believe it thanks to my horrible faith based education. It is not surprising that belief in God via organised religion is most common in children or uneducated adults.

You simply can not say 'you must find evidence for yourself', because the human mind always preffers the supernatural, mystical and unknown. Why do you think so many tourists come to vists Loch Ness near me in hope of seeing the monster? Why do you think most humans are religious (The many different God's and religions don't give good odds of yours being the 'true' religion by the way)...

Your post then means I can say there is a diamond the exact size and shape as my penis burried under my garden and can simply say to people it is there without having to give evidence for it.
KennyJC said:
Your post then means I can say there is a diamond the exact size and shape as my penis burried under my garden and can simply say to people it is there without having to give evidence for it.

Talk about being left wide open for a good cut down......!
I'm refraining myself on talking about the size of that diamond my friend.
God can have a sense of humor right..? He made you. :)
Why don't you read my post on the perils of organized religions in "the flood has really taken place" area..
I don't want to repost it here but I think it applies to your dilema.
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Sarkus said:
I find the experiment in 1907 to be quite funny and unfortunately in no way connectable to the main ideas of "soul".
The experiment merely concludes that there is a loss of weight at the moment of death, a loss of weight that, in the scientist's opinion, could not be accounted for by "normal channels of loss".

Fair enough - but what has this to do with a soul?
There is no evidence at all to suggest that this weight loss IS the soul, or that the weight loss IS anything other than natural - only that it could not be accounted for by a "normal channel of loss".

So where does that leave us? - well, with non-"normal" channels of loss - channels of loss that are only evident at the moment of death - entirely natural channels of loss - merely unexplained as yet. This does not make them in any way unnatural / paranormal / spiritual.

NDEs when supposedly "brain dead" - there needs to be some evidence that the NDE was experienced while in this state and not either prior to actual death or during resuscitation. Unfortunately this is extremely difficult to do - as you will only ever have the subjects own testimony as evidence of the NDE in the first place.

So what does this have to do with the soul?

By themselves, unexplained weight loss at death, "brain dead" NDE, reincarnation recollections, the prevalence of the belief in afterlife, etc. can't really be explained very weel under current scientific thinking. Most people just attribute them to some other conventional known phenomenon however poorly they fit.

The soul concept conveniently explains most of these things and I don't see any other better explanation proposed by the rest of the scientific community. What's your explanation for the weight loss?

Note though that gravity can aslo be conveniently explained as the rapid expansion of all matter (and energy) at the same rate such that they eventually bump into each other. This is just not the most testable of ideas but could be correct for all we know.

What I'm saying is, simply, you shouldn't just discount these things.

I don't think there is anything unnatural, paranormal or religious about this. If something really survived us after death, it would really just be another natural phenomenon, eventually documentable, understandable, and useable.
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Am I correct that almost every body loses weight through expulsion of bodily fluids, ie, urine, after death? Can't that explain the weight loss?
usp8riot said:
Am I correct that almost every body loses weight through expulsion of bodily fluids, ie, urine, after death? Can't that explain the weight loss?

Did you read about the experiment? It was supposedly conducted by medical professionals, incidentally, who are supposed to know what constitutes a sudden and unusual weight loss in a dead body at the point of death under current theory.
Kibbles said:
By themselves, unexplained weight loss at death, "brain dead" NDE, reincarnation recollections, the prevalence of the belief in afterlife, etc. can't really be explained very weel under current scientific thinking.

Assuming these events don't have a complete explanation doesn't automatically leave a gap to substitute with belief. It opens an opportunity to say 'I dont know' and figure things out.

Kibbles said:
Most people just attribute them to some other conventional known phenomenon however poorly they fit.

Maybe where you live... not in the U.S. Take 100 people at random and see what they attribute this too... I am willing to bet the majority jumps right into the metaphysical.

Kibbles said:
The soul concept conveniently explains most of these things and I don't see any other better explanation proposed by the rest of the scientific community. What's your explanation for the weight loss?

This is a problem in thinking seen time and time again. If an answer doesn't exist then hey lets make up some crap... 'souls', 'spirit', 'paranormal', and 'God'. Say it with me... "I DONT KNOW"... one more time "I DONT KNOW".
Kibbles said:
Did you read about the experiment? It was supposedly conducted by medical professionals, incidentally, who are supposed to know what constitutes a sudden and unusual weight loss in a dead body at the point of death under current theory.
Bear in mind that "current theory" was from 1907 - when the experiment was conducted. I'd like to see a more current experiment done, in controlled conditions (e.g. fully closed environment). That might shed some light on the accuracy and/or the possible explanations.
There has been some laugh out loud 'evidence' for the 'soul' on these forums. It reminds me of the time (I foget the specifics) when scientists were training rats on certain tasks, one rat took time to train, and the other didn't need any time to train. I think the rats were years and countries apart, but can you believe this was 'evidence' of a soul? Apparently the soul of the first rat lived on in the second rat which is why it didn't need trained a second time.

Now a loss in weight after death is raising eyebrows too. After I piss, I am 2 or 3 pounds lighter, I know this! :D
KennyJC said:
There has been some laugh out loud 'evidence' for the 'soul' on these forums. It reminds me of the time (I foget the specifics) when scientists were training rats on certain tasks, one rat took time to train, and the other didn't need any time to train. I think the rats were years and countries apart, but can you believe this was 'evidence' of a soul? Apparently the soul of the first rat lived on in the second rat which is why it didn't need trained a second time.

Now a loss in weight after death is raising eyebrows too. After I piss, I am 2 or 3 pounds lighter, I know this! :D
Unfortunately, assuming that we accept the experimentation as accurate - they tested for all "common methods" of weight loss - such as sweat, urine, bowel movements etc, even air being evacuated from the lungs.
But we don't know how they tested for these - as it is clear the system was not closed.