What is the material of our soul?


Registered Senior Member
Just want some opinions. Most probably think it's an energy of some sort. But the only energy we have within ourselves is the energy we convert to heat and minute amounts of electrical energy. And that isn't us. It all comes from the earth. It is expended by us and absorbed from the earth. What happens to it when we die? We no longer have it, the chemicals within us are no longer transformed into energy. So forget that theory. Of course, we all know the body is the same way. It will rot in the earth when we die. I believe it is our DNA. Our source code. Just as a digital signature on a file. Or the code written in a program. It is only numbers at it's heart as DNA is. It is only when a creator (compiler) takes those numbers and executes them that the being/program exists as an end product. Our DNA is the only thing distinguishable between all of us when we die. God, I'm sure, keeps our DNA/name/source code, whatever you want to call it, and looks at the programs/bodies that succeeded in what He was trying to accomplish with His creation as in a program, you delete code which doesn't work and keep code that does. And you soon evolve by the root of the good code and keep your creation alive from what is already good. As code, we probably didn't exist before as we know ourselves now, nor did we know we existed then. We were nothing. Our purpose was perhaps like the paper/background you write a number on or the dead space in between a program . Being nonexistent, it's purpose is to show what exists, it is the anti, which is needed to prove a positive. Just my thoughts. I can go on and on with this. The purpose of learning why we are here is my most important and prioritized thoughts so I'm very opinionated at it.
Opinionate away good fellow!

But, have you thought of using logic to form your opinions? The imagination is good for fantasies, but doesn't bode well for discussions of reality.

Welcome to sciforums.

I think tab was talking about shoes, but the other perspective is definitely more interesting.

There is no such thing as a soul. The origin appears to have come from Greek meaning air or breath. In ancient times it was noted that when someone died they had no breath and it was concluded that their soul was their breath that had left them. More sophisticated philosophers engaged in debates around the concept of duality that persists to this day. But all those ideas came before we had dveloped neuroscience which now shows that thoughts and emotions, once thought to be the domain of a soul, all originate within the brain.

The soul is a fantasy concept developed in more ignorant times and has no relationship with modern reality.
Glad to be here Cris.

So there is nothing within us that lingers through eternity? Or possibly no record of us, or what we have done through history recorded by a higher being? So what is the purpose of life? What's to keep me from reaping all my rewards illegally or immorally at the expense of others and not think there is no means of justice or a record kept so after I go, I will have to answer to it. Granted, a lot of what we do wrong here can come back on us, as in karma, like some believe. Or we live with guilty conscienses which I couldn't stand to live with. And we are sometimes punished by our own but a lot of the times when we do wrong, we usually get away with it, some more than others. From one (God), comes many unless you believe in magic or us being zapped here by nothing, for nothing, and end as nothing. What a waste we and this universe are then. I believe we have a soul and God is there to judge us for what our we have done. It is not personal, it is just business. It is like the dentist appointment we so dread and once it's through, we realize it wasn't that bad and then we move on. Same as the soul moves on as it is judged and given more chances to correct itself.
usp8riot said:
So there is nothing within us that lingers through eternity? Or possibly no record of us, or what we have done through history recorded by a higher being?

There certainly doesn't appear to be.

usp8riot said:
So what is the purpose of life?

To reproduce.

usp8riot said:
What's to keep me from reaping all my rewards illegally or immorally at the expense of others and not think there is no means of justice or a record kept so after I go, I will have to answer to it.

Law and genetics I would presume. This is really a question for you to answer.

usp8riot said:
From one (God), comes many unless you believe in magic or us being zapped here by nothing, for nothing, and end as nothing. What a waste we and this universe are then.

Much like 'God' and 'Magic', there is no evidence that suggests 'nothing' exists. I don't share the sentiment of 'waste' and maybe a good question to ask would be 'why'?

usp8riot said:
I believe we have a soul and God is there to judge us for what our we have done. It is not personal, it is just business. It is like the dentist appointment we so dread and once it's through, we realize it wasn't that bad and then we move on. Same as the soul moves on as it is judged and given more chances to correct itself.

Just substitute the word 'believe' in that statement with 'accept as true without considering evidence'. It's pretty silly. IMO what's happening here is there are emotional needs that are satisfied with entertaining a fantasy.
There is evidence God exists. Take the number 1 for instance. How does it exist? Is there a creator, one who gave birth to it which it cannot exist without? Yes, it's 0. 0 is the creator of 1 and knows all that comes after it. Existence=1, non-existence=0, to prove 1 exists, you have to have 0, whether you define it as a number or not. Let's say you have a linear plane with a cue ball and a 1 ball. The cue ball is hit which hits the 1 ball, the actions of the 1 ball cannot exist without the cue ball. And in that space and time, 1 cannot be 0 or reverse time unless it knows the exact actions and properties involved. If it did, it would be the 1 ball. Shoot, it's all complicated. I could go on and on but I've written a thesis of it before and it was something like that. Anyhow, there has to be an initial thump to get things started and something has to create it, and that is the God of that action. It's common logic to me.
usp8riot said:
There is evidence God exists. Shoot, it's all complicated. I could go on and on but I've written a thesis of it before and it was something like that. Anyhow, there has to be an initial thump to get things started and something has to create it, and that is the God of that action. It's common logic to me.

Funny, its utter nonsense to me.

But then, I choose to start my day eating a bullfrog and knowing nothing worse could possibly happen to me the rest of the day.
lol, I can't say I blame you for not understanding.

As Einstein said, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. To sum it up, that's what I am saying. Who/what is the father/God of that reaction? I'm saying, there has to be something.
usp8riot said:
lol, I can't say I blame you for not understanding.

I can.

As Einstein said, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. To sum it up, that's what I am saying. Who/what is the father/God of that reaction? I'm saying, there has to be something.

That's Newtons third law. And there may have to be something, but gods ain't it.
Well, Newton. It's been about 10 years since I took a high school science so I'm rusty. Yeah, that something I call God. Heck, why not give "it" a name, the starter of the reaction. What will it hurt? Do people just have something against the name "God", is there politically correct people on the forum? What should I call it? Is the name offensive? I don't care if it was a dust particle that started from all this. We wouldn't be without it. I would call it God if it is the initial stimulus of the reaction.
lest us remember, there is no evidence supporting the idea that a sould exists. On the contrary, there is no apparent evidence saying a soul does not exist. The idea of a soul (and yes, its supposed origins is from Greek, the word for breath was commonly used but then, over the thousands of years that greek was spoken, it miorphed into a more spiritual meaning than a physical one and then the word was rarely used for breath but for sould) is an idea that, like God, extends to the spiritual world. It is not limited in the physical sense. It is, again, an idea. Like heaven. Ideas can, or cannot, be proven. That is what makes them ideas. Many different ideas surround the meaning or the existence of a 'soul.' But to say it does, without a doubt, exist or not exist, is ignorant. It cannot be proven nor disproven. It can only be discussed, as in here. Now lets get back on track and talk about our opinions if what a soul is. If you dont think a sould exists, then you cannot explain what you see a sould as, for you do not acknowledge it to be there in the first place (thus you dont see it.)
usp8riot said:
There is evidence God exists. Take the number 1 for instance. How does it exist?

As a quantity.

usp8riot said:
Is there a creator, one who gave birth to it which it cannot exist without? Yes, it's 0. 0 is the creator of 1 and knows all that comes after it.

0 doesn't 'know' anything. It's an empty quantity and it doesn't give 'birth' to anything.

usp8riot said:
Existence=1, non-existence=0, to prove 1 exists, you have to have 0, whether you define it as a number or not.

I don't agree. To prove 1 exists, evidence must be present.

usp8riot said:
Let's say you have a linear plane with a cue ball and a 1 ball. The cue ball is hit which hits the 1 ball, the actions of the 1 ball cannot exist without the cue ball. And in that space and time, 1 cannot be 0 or reverse time unless it knows the exact actions and properties involved. If it did, it would be the 1 ball. Shoot, it's all complicated. I could go on and on but I've written a thesis of it before and it was something like that.

It sounds like a philosophical way to describe cause an effect of force.

usp8riot said:
Anyhow, there has to be an initial thump to get things started and something has to create it, and that is the God of that action. It's common logic to me.

The initial thump in the ball anaology is chemical energy from a human being translated into kinetic energy to the cue ball which is translated into kinetic energy to the 1 ball. Nothing is created nor destroyed. Energy is transferred.

Similarly, getting 'things' started with a perverbial 'thump' is a concept that doesn't apply to everything. Reality has lots of good ol' wholesome rules built into it... it's all self enforcing process.

Regardless, none of this is evidence if an supreme life form that any religion claims. It's evidence for kinetic energy and possibly numbers. That's about it.
c7ityi_ said:
What is the purpose of surviving?

I don't know. Reality seems to have processes built in that promote survival which results in points of conciouness (take any mammal for example). For all I know the purpose of survival could be conciousness and then the question could be what is the purpose of conciousness? Don't know... and the question may not make any sense at that level as it concerns the rules of reality which may be 'as is'.

A void in knowledge isn't a gap to thrown in the ol' substitute 'God did it'. It's an opportunity to figure things out and learn.

So there is nothing within us that lingers through eternity?
There is a common rumor that people die and their remains rot away. Can you point to anything that lingers?

Or possibly no record of us, or what we have done through history recorded by a higher being?
Apparently not.

So what is the purpose of life?
Why must there be a purpose?

What's to keep me from reaping all my rewards illegally or immorally at the expense of others and not think there is no means of justice or a record kept so after I go, I will have to answer to it.
Your short term survival. If you act that way we’d likely to put you in jail or have you executed before your time is up. Why should there be some form of eternal justice? There is nothing that indicates that life must be fair or just. That's just wishful thinking.

What a waste we and this universe are then.
Could be. So why worry about it? Enjoy it while it lasts.

I believe we have a soul and God is there to judge us for what our we have done.
Yup I saw that coming. It’s your fantasy with absolutely nothing to indicate it is true, was true, cold be true, or will ever be true.

It is not personal, it is just business.
More precisely it is irrational.

Same as the soul moves on as it is judged and given more chances to correct itself.
Nice fantasy. Pity it isn’t true. So, sorry, you’ll have to face the reality of life that there is no justice and you are very likely going to die and permanently cease to exist in the not too distant future.